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How CmisSync handles conflicts

Nicolas Raoul edited this page Mar 27, 2014 · 12 revisions


  1. Both UserA and UserB synchronize the file logo.jpg.
  2. Both UserA and UserB go offline, and edit logo.jpg while offline.
  3. UserA goes back online. CmisSync uploads UserA's version of logo.jpg to the server.
  4. UserB goes back online. CmisSync tries to uploads UserA's version of logo.jpg to the server, but realizes that the file has been updated by UserA already.
  5. On UserB's computer, CmisSync renames UserB's logo.jpg to logo.jpg_my-version and downloads UserA's logo.jpg.
  6. UserB now has the two versions, and must merge or decide which one to keep.

CmisSync handles file creation conflicts in a similar way.


  • In most companies, conflicts do not happen often. The probability of conflicts can be decreased considerably by setting up a low sync interval. Aegif can provide you a customized CmisSync installer with out-of-the-box settings adapted to your company.