Turtle graphics in QtRuby and Hackety Hack style, with the help of KidsRuby, Turtle Wax and Hackety Hack code.
Could it be a replacement for turtle wax in KidsRuby?
For testing:
ruby interactive_turtle.rb
You can edit:
InteractiveTurtle.start do
# ...
with the steps you want, and the scene might be used directly also:
require 'Qt4'
require './turtle_scene'
app = Qt::Application.new(ARGV)
TurtleScene.start do
background lavender
pensize 2
pencolor red
36.times do
36.times do
pencolor random_color
forward 10
turnright 10
turnright 10
- QtRuby
gem install qtbindings
- It can change pen color while drawing.
- Start, stop and resume controls.
- Different drawing speeds.
- It uses QTimer (less interval, more cpu load?).
- Limited speed with large drawing.
- It's a try (not yet completed).
- Others!