Last Update: Aug, 2024
Rocoto workflow and job scripts to run SCM simulations over an array of columns for extended periods of time. The scripts are developed based on the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) SCM. The workflow includes seven jobs, pertaining to pre-processing, SCM simulations, and post-processing:
- combine_ic - combine initial condition (IC) data files temporally
- split_ic - split 4-D IC dataset generatede from combine_ic to single columns
- scm_auto - conduct SCM runs over all columns.
- concate_inst - Concatenate the SCM instantanous variables spatially
- concate_accum - Concatenate the SCM accumulative variables spatially
- concate_time - Concatenate all SCM results temporarily
- tar_scm - tar scm files to reduce number of files
- Rocoto Workflow Management System
- Python
- GNU Parallel
rocotorun -d scm_auto.db -w scm_auto.xml
More information on how to use Rocoto are available in the Rocoto documentation.