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Releases: SourcePointUSA/ios-cmp-app


16 Dec 16:10
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6.7.3 (Dec, 16, 2022)

  • Fixed layout issues in the CCPA Native PM for TvOS when the message had less buttons than expected in the default UI. #401, #397
  • Fixed an issue preventing the "Do not sell information" button in the CCPA Native PM - from working as expected #400
  • Improved documentation and UI testing on TvOS
  • 🎄


27 Oct 12:24
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6.7.2 (Oct, 26, 2022)

  • Added support to custom actions coming from the privacy manager. #391


14 Jul 09:26
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6.7.0 (14, 07, 2022)

  • Implemented deleteCustomConsentTo method. Now you're able to remove consent to custom vendors, purposes and legitimate interest purposes using that method. It works similarly to the customConsentTo method. For more info, please refer to this section of the README.
  • Added support to privacy manager from property groups. You can now pass a property pm id to SPCampaign constructor. For more info check this section of the README.
  • Several testing and QA improvements.


06 May 14:53
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6.6.0 (May, 06, 2022)

  • Improved support to property groups and privacy manager belonging to property groups. For an example on how to use a privacy manager belonging to a a property group, please refer to the README.


07 Apr 11:14
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6.5.1 (Apr, 07, 2022)

We have received a lot of valuable feedback from you and we listened. This release is all about fixing and improving our TvOS UI and layout including:

  • removing Sourcepoint's placeholder logo
  • fixing an issue that made the header button difficult to see
  • removing unnecessary texts
  • improving on the 1st screen description when the text was too long to fit its container
  • drastically improving the buttons aesthetics

Screenshot 2022-04-07 at 13 07 01Screenshot 2022-04-07 at 13 05 08


21 Feb 13:42
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6.5.0 (Feb, 21, 2022)

  • Added pubData to loadMessage method. #362
  • Implemented type alias for publisher data SPPublisherData = [String: String]
  • Fixed an issue preventing the pubData payload from being sent on a consent request. #363
  • Fixed AppleTV layout issues. #364, #361
  • Improved AppleTV UI tests. #355


01 Feb 15:55
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6.4.1 (Feb, 01, 2022)

  • Fixed an issue (#359) preventing the SDK from being used with SPM. #360


31 Jan 11:57
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6.4.0 (Jan, 31, 2022)

  • Added a brand new delegate method onSPFinished. As the name suggests, this method is invoked when the SDK is done displaying messages, sending/receiving consent to our APIs. At this point, the UserDefaults is garanteed to have all consent data up to date. #350
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Native Message for AppleTV from showing the correct client logo. #358
  • Fixed an issue with the SPPropertyName not behaving correctly when the property name contained [http|https]://. #357
  • Fixed other issues regarding the Native AppleTV message. #352 #353
  • Improved and extended unit as well as UI tests. #356


17 Nov 08:20
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6.3.1 (Nov, 17, 2021)

  • Added a new action type, Custom. You can be notified when an action is taken by the user via the onAction callback, the Custom action can be used to trigger any custom flow you have on your app, eg. subscribing, paywall, etc.
  • Added a section on the SPDelegate methods to our README.
  • Better document (XCode comments) the SPUserData and SPGDPRConsent classes.
  • Added a comment to make it more transparent the fact that SPSDK#userData accesses UserDefaults every time.


27 Oct 11:21
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6.3.0 (Oct, 26, 2021)