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Releases: SourcePointUSA/ios-cmp-app


21 Aug 13:43
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  • improved the error handling code of our WebMessageViewController. #229 (thank you @ivanlisovyi)


11 Aug 12:00
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  • fixed an issue that'd, in some cases, prevent authenticated consent from being stored #224
  • disabled "back and forward" gestures in the WebView, to prevent users from skipping the consent message when no dismiss button is present. #221
  • we are now getting the privacy manager id from the consent message when the user taps on Show PM instead of using the one provided to the SDK via constructor. #201
  • fixed an issue that'd prevent GDPRMessageJson from having all its fields encoded #218 (thank you @ivanlisovyi)
  • considerably increase UI test coverage for both Native and Web messages.


03 Jul 09:04
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  • fixed an issue that'd prevent the consent message from showing up on iOS 10


25 Jun 14:56
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  • fixed an issue preventing the vendorGrants from being filled in when calling customConsentTo.
  • cache the user's consent in the UserDefaults
  • we now make sure the onConsentReady is always called (except when returning from the PM to the consent message).
  • increase test and code coverage


09 Jun 10:17
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Fixed an issue that'd prevent the user from interacting with the app when the PMId passed to the SDK was wrong. We now encapsulate that in a WebViewError and call the onError callback on the ConsentDelegate.


04 Jun 15:42
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  • Add vendorGrants attribute to GDPRUserConsent class. The vendorGrants attribute, simply put, is an dictionary representing the consent state (on a legal basis) of all vendors and its purposes for the current user. For example:
  "vendorId1": VendorGrant(
    vendorGrant: Bool,
    purposeGrants: [
      "purposeId1": Bool,
      "purposeId2": Bool,
      // more purposes here
  // more vendors here

The vendorGrant attribute is derived from purposeGrants and will be true if all purposes are also true.

  • Removed the bounce effect from the MessageWebView to improve on the UX while interacting with the consent message or the Privacy Manager.


27 May 15:14
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5.2.1 (May, 27, 2020)

  • Introduce the configurable timeout. You now can configure a timeout in which either the consent message must be shown or the consent data should be returned to the app (onConsentReady) by setting the attribute .messageTimeoutInSeconds: TimeInterval. Just make sure to set it before calling loadMessage or loadPrivacyManager. #145
  • Fixed an issue that would in some cases show the consent message for logged in users. #144


15 May 08:58
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5.2.0 (May, 15, 2020)

  • Added the method customConsentTo to GDPRConsentViewController. It's now possible to programatically consent the current user to a list of vendors, categories and legitimate interest caregories. The ids passed will be appended to the list of already accepted vendors, categories and leg. int. categories. The method is asynchronous so you must pass a completion handler that will receive back an instance of GDPRUserConsent in case of success or it'll call the delegate method onError in case of failure. It's important to notice, this method is intended to be used for custom vendors and purposes only. For IAB vendors and purposes it's still required to get consent via the consent message or privacy manager. #139
  • Fix an issue preventing consent data from being completely removed when calling clearAllData #141
  • Removed one (and hopfeully the last one) retaining cycle from our SDK #136

5.1.0 (April, 16, 2020)

16 Apr 17:14
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5.1.0 (April, 16, 2020)

This is big one. We're moving more and more towards a stable API, so bare with us.

  • Fixed an issue that'd prevent the user to save consents from the privacy manager with the action Save & Exit #118
  • Added legitimateInterestCategories: [String] to GDPRUserConsent class #121
  • Added specialFeatures: [String] to GDPRUserConsent class #121
  • Updated the AuthExample app to use SDKv5 #116
  • Disabled zooming and pinch zooming actions on the message webview #114
  • Changed the delegate method from onAction(_ action: GDPRAction, consents: PMConsents?) to onAction(_ action: GDPRAction). The consents is now part of GDPRAction and it's encoded into Data. 462e9b6
  • GDPRUserConsent.tcfData has changed types from [String: StringOrInt] to SPGDPRArbitraryJson. It can be used as a dictionary by calling its .dictionaryValue -> [String: Any]? property.


03 Apr 10:08
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5.0.3 (April, 03, 2020)

  • Storing IAB consent data ealier by persisting it at the very first http call #109
  • Added Swiftlint pod and to GitHub workflow #107
  • Fixed a ton of lint issues including one forced unwrap #107
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Example app to crash on iPad 75e5472