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Releases: SourcePointUSA/ios-cmp-app


27 Jul 08:11
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7.2.2 (Jul, 26, 2023)


19 Jul 09:10
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7.2.1 (Jul, 18, 2023)

  • DIA-2370 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to show a wrong state for the "Do not sell" button on CCPA messages. #454
  • DIA-2229 Fixed an issue causing the tvOS message to show a Sourcepoint logo briefly before loading the real image. #460
  • DIA-2430 Fixed an issue causing the description text on some tvOS screens to be unreacheable and unscrollable. #457
  • DIA-2429 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to throw a runtime exception when scrolling through vendors rapidly on tvOS. #458
  • Minor tvOS layout adjustments
  • Fixed / improved on testing.


26 Jun 09:28
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7.2.0 (June, 23, 2023)

  • DIA-2311 Fixed an issue causing the SDK to return default consent values for returning users before onConsentReady was invoked. #451
  • DIA-2271 SPPublisherData is now of type [String: AnyEncodable]. Passing "pubData" as [String: String] continues to work, but you should update your code to use SPPublisherData instead. #450
  • DIA-2308 Fixed an issue preventing tvOS home screen description text from being scrollable. #449
  • DIA-1888 Updated tvOS GDPR to display disclosure only vendors and purposes. #447


12 Jun 13:46
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7.1.1 (June, 12, 2023)

  • DIA-2193 Fixed an issue that would cause the consent string for CCPA to be incorrect if the user moves to an area where CCPA does not apply. #448
  • DIA-2061 Re-introduce support to group PMs. #444
  • DIA-2137 Update error codes (used internally). #442
  • DIA-2136 Fixed an issue that could cause the user to be stuck in the webview where the message was loaded. #441


09 May 18:22
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7.1.0 (May, 09, 2023)

  • DIA-2080 Fixed an issue preventing the GDPR Message from showing on iOS 14.2, due to a bug on iOS itself. #439
  • DIA-2049 Fixed a bug causing the SDK to use targeting params from GDPR campaign instead of CCPA. #426
  • DIA-2065 Fixed an issue affecting the correct behavior of authenticated consent on CCPA. #430
  • DIA-2120 Fixed an issue that could cause reporting data on no-action users to be incorrect. #430
  • DIA-1805 Implemented a new way of sharing consent from native SDK to webviews. The legacy way (via setConsentFor(authId: String)) is now DEPRECATED. For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to this section of the README file. #430
  • DIA-2101 Improved error logging data #431
  • DIA-1840 | DIA-1831 | DIA-2056 Corrected several layout issues on tvOS. #432 | #435 | #438
  • DIA-1837 Introduced beta support to tvOS #436
  • DIA-1678 Implemented translation logic for tvOS messages. #436


24 Mar 10:03
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7.0.3 (Mar, 23, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue leading to abnormal "page views" reporting on Sourcepoint's dashboard. DIA-1964
  • Fixed an issue causing scenarios that included "Show Message Once" to not work. #420 DIA-1915


24 Feb 18:16
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7.0.2 (Feb, 24, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue with our linting config preventing our CI from pointing out force unwrapping
  • Removed all forced unwraps from the SDK's code
  • Fixed an issue that would in some cases cause the app to crash #416 DIA-1842

⚠️ Deployment target 10 is no longer supported by XCode and global usage of iOS 10 and below is very low. We are strongly considering bumping the iOS deployment target from 10 to 11 in the next minor release.


08 Feb 10:26
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7.0.1 (Feb, 08, 2023)

  • DIA-1770 Fixed an issue preventing the SDK from overwriting the language setting of the 1st layer message. #414
  • DIA-1694 Fixed an issue that would cause some users of a CCPA campaign to have their data reset after taking a consent action. #413
  • DIA-1789 Fixed an issue that would cause CCPA campaigns without message to result in empty consent object. #415


26 Jan 16:27
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6.7.4 (Jan, 26, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue causing the ccpa applies flag to erroneously switch to true after interacting with the privacy manager.
  • Fixed an issue causing the SDK to call the error callback for certain CCPA users if their consent status was unknown.
  • Improved and expanded unit tests


20 Jan 14:24
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7.0.0 (Jan, 20, 2023)

We have rewritten the network layer of the SDK almost in its entirety.
Version 7 of the SDK uses new, "CDNed", heavily cached endpoints and, as a result, it is now faster and less affected by service outages.
On top of that, we expanded our suit of tests as well as re-rewritten the majority of our UI specs to run faster and be less prone to "test flakiness".

Migrating from version 6.x.y

We worked hard to keep the public API as close as possible to the previous version in order to keep your migration effort to a minimum.

    accountId: 123,
+   propertyId: 123
    propertyName: try! SPPropertyName("myPropertyName"),
-   campaignsEnv: .Public, // optional - Public by default
    campaigns: SPCampaigns(
        gdpr: SPCampaign(),   // optional
        ccpa: SPCampaign(),   // optional
        ios14: SPCampaign(),  // optional
+       environment: .Public  // optional - .Public by default
    delegate: self

And that's it!

Notice: the internal data structure kept by the SDK in the UserDefaults has changed. If your app relied on data that was not publicly available through the SPDelegate protocol, you might face some issues. That does not impact the data described by the TCF spec (ie. data keyed and prefixed by IABTCF_).

⚠️ We are currently working on supporting TvOS in the next patch release. In other words, if you use our TvOS product, you should not upgrade to version 7.0.0 just yet.