The X-Com Files 2.3b
- New weapons: Alien Laser SMG (sprites by Dioxine), Forceblade, Star Pistol, Star Musket, Star Cannon (sprites by author unknown).
- New armor for dogs: Assault Gear (graphics by 8mono).
- New item: Repair Kit (scripting by 8mono).
- New units: Black Lotus Host, Black Lotus War Witch, Black Lotus Stormcloud (sprites by Brain_332), Hybrid Assault, Maid (all graphics by Dioxine), Hybrid Envoy, Osiron Tech Trooper.
- New craft: AH-6 Little Bird (graphics by Perekrylo and Dioxine).
- New UFOs: AH-1 Cobra, MI-24 Hind, UH-1B Huey, CH-47 Chinook, F-4 Phantom, MiG-17, MiG-29, Mirage 5, Angel Fighter (maps by Alex D, graphics by Dioxine).
- New missions: Cult Suppression (1 for each cult), Cult Infiltration (1 for each cult), Cult Street Fighting (1 for each cult), Cult Retaliation (1 for each cult, 1 for Golden Academy and Temple of Dagon each), Cult Assassination (1 for each cult), Cult Manor (1 for each cult, and with 3 tiers; building map by Dioxine), Temple of Dagon (with associated defense missions), Golden Academy Tower (with associated defense missions), Hybrid Embassy (with associated defense missions), Hybrid Recon, Hybrid Sky Patrol.
- Cult Apprehensions grow over time.
- Long-ranged heavy weapons can be mounted on the Humvee (by Dioxine), but it requires 2 drivers.
- Reviewed vehicle detectability.
- Skymarshall is slower.
- Basic Flight Training available earlier.
- Tritanium Foundry has more workspace.
- MiB Outposts aren't generated by alien bases.
- Alien Orbital Station frequency increased.
- Changed Fat to Boomer ratio.
- Disabled the "toxic" shade on Cyberweb Lair.
- New Urban school variant (by Dioxine).
- Modified and improved the Black Lotus HQ terrain.
- Modified parts of the Junkfarm terrain to remove any remaining similarities to URBANNATIVE.
- Hybrid Fighter renamed to Hybrid Aircar, with map changed.
- Hybrid Lander crew overhauled.
- Hybrid ships are tougher.
- Osiron Stakeout gives one Reinforced Osiron Crate.
- Changed radars tech tree.
- Removed AWACS.
- Reviewed craft radar ranges.
- Dog Cybersuit has better bark (sprite by 8mono).
- Hybrid Infiltrators have shields.
- Hybrid Supervisors have a psi attack.
- Hybrid Agents are now Hybrid Soldiers.
- Jarheads are now associated with T'leth.
- Mashinobi are no longer Jarheads, but cyborgs.
- Bio-drone's melee attack toned down.
- MiB have Anti-Camo.
- Rats can "kneel".
- All hybrids are smoke-resistant.
- Hybrids have a 50/50 gender ratio.
- Added Ninja Scrolls to Lotus HQ and manors.
- Alien Gardens are worth 1 point.
- All assault rifles and machine guns have improved armor piercing.
- Assault Suit can be repaired.
- Improved Bulletproof Coat and Toxi-Suit paperdolls (by Brain_322).
- Better Enhanced Dog Bite icon (by 8mono).
- Better Tank Mass Driver ammo graphics (by Brain_322).
- New MiB Enforcer sprites (paperdoll by XOps).
- New mushroom types in Shogg (by Nord).
- Fixed Alien Alloys recovery on downed UFO.
- Fixed bats being allowed on some missions where they shouldn't be.
- Fixed Holo-Grenades production.
- Fixed Taser Cannon range.
- Adjusted Sectopod's fire resistance.
- Fixed some Terror Ship maps.
- Fixed Spacer commendation bonus.
- Minor fixes.