**+ Updated All Configs (.config list or open SideGUI)
- New SideGUI ColorThemeClient
- New SideGUI FileManager
- Improved Rotations code
- Added New Event System
- Save Color Theme config
- Added Reset option for all modules.
- Added FireFlies
- Added HitBubbles module.
- Added JumpCircles module.
- Added Notifies module.
- Added MaxRetrievalWaitingTime
- Added Keystrokes HUD element.
- Added OnlyWhenEnemyGoesBack option to SuperKnockback.
- Added Backtrack with Min/Max delays.
- Added Visual effects for missed hits in KillAura.
- Added Int/Float range options for modules.
- Added Dome visuals to TNTESP module.
- Added Breadcrumbs with line height support.
- Added RenderSelf option to Nametags.
- Added CombatVisuals new Mark(Circle).
- Added Eagle: onlyOnGround option to Scaffold.
- Added Legitimize Rotation option for rotation modules.
- Added ReverseYaw rotation support for Scaffold.
- Added InventoryMove motion improvements.
- Added Fireball Indicator option.
- Added Position Interpolation for Projectiles Module.
- Added Improved rotation speed curve with more realistic zigzag patterns for RandomizeRotations.
- Added ClickRecorder Module.
- Added OldGrim Noweb and Nofluid options.
- Added support for Intave14 Lowhop and InitialBoost.
- added NoFall MLG (supports block edges, proper placements/retrievals).
- Fixed ClickGUI cloud configs not working
- Fixed FakeLag packet order issues, achieving near-perfect accuracy.
- Fixed Backtrack breaking KillAura's new entity-finding method.
- Fixed KillAura not swinging when any client GUI is active.
- Fixed Smooth-Hotbar using incorrect speed calculations.
- Fixed NameTags blocks visibility issue.
- Fixed Breadcrumbs rendering issues with player hand effects.
- Fixed SilentHotbar not detecting scroll-switched slots.
- Fixed AutoTool preventing manual slot switching.
- Fixed Designer Screen using incorrect font height.
- Fixed Integer/Float values not loading from config.
- Fixed Scaffold failing to rotate at small differences using StartFirstRotationSlow.
- Fixed Custom Visuals not being displayed properly on-screen.
- Fixed Tracers Lines drawing incorrectly to enemy positions.
- Fixed FreeCam rendering and input detection issues.
- Fixed AutoClicker NPE when the player's hand is empty.
- Fixed KillAura Sprint handling and targeting issues.
- Fixed Scaffold Down Option incorrectly hidden.ance in ClickGUI.
~ Refactored FontRenderer for optimized performance in ClickGUI.
~ Refactored Event System with stateless singleton events.
~ Cleaned up PointerESP with team-based coloring improvements.
~ Simplified Rotation Logic for better performance and customization.
~ Improved KillAura Switch Mode logic and performance.
~ Moved utilities into their respective categories.
~ Updated SilentHotbar for better slot reset behavior.
~ Optimized BlockESP to use coroutines.
~ Removed unnecessary code checks across modules.
~ Converted files from Java to Kotlin for improved readability and functionality.
~ Cleaned up YZY GUI animations
- and more...**
Full Changelog: b9...B10