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[rational] weak bisim of streams
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Sean-Watters committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent c2dcac8 commit 8088bc4
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 33 deletions.
148 changes: 115 additions & 33 deletions agda/Rational/Stream.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open import Data.Maybe hiding (map)
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.Any using (just)
-- open import Data.Vec as V using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List as L using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Vec.Snoc as V> using (Cev; []; _-,_)
open import Data.Vec as V< using (Vec; []) renaming (_∷_ to _,-_; _++_ to _<<<_)
open import Data.Vec.Util as V<
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,50 +142,88 @@ next-unique (there ¬px pxs n1) (there .¬px .pxs n2) = next-unique n1 n2

-- Part 2!
-- The proof P x is also unique.
next-unique-proof : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {pxs : Eventually P xs} {x : X} {px px' : P x}
Next pxs px Next pxs px' px ≡ px'
next-unique-proof (here p) (here q) = refl
next-unique-proof (there ¬px pxs n1) (there .¬px .pxs n2) = next-unique-proof n1 n2
next-unique-proof : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {pxs : Eventually P xs} {x y : X} {px : P x} {py : P y}
(eq : x ≡ y)
Next pxs px Next pxs py
subst P eq px ≡ py
next-unique-proof refl (here p) (here q) = refl
next-unique-proof refl (there ¬px pxs n1) (there .¬px .pxs n2) = next-unique-proof refl n1 n2

-- Part 3!
-- Next itself is propositional.
-- NB: If I ever need to *use* this, it'll probably need to be changed to not insist on definitional equality of x and px.
Next-propositional : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {pxs : Eventually P xs} {x : X} {px : P x}
(n1 n2 : Next pxs px) n1 ≡ n2
(n1 n2 : Next pxs px) n1 ≡ n2
Next-propositional (here p) (here q) = refl
Next-propositional (there ¬px pxs n1) (there .¬px .pxs n2) = cong (there ¬px pxs) (Next-propositional n1 n2)

-- The cube contracts
subst-lemma : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {x y nx ny : X}
{px : P x} {py : P y} {pnx : P nx} {pny : P ny}
(x≡y : x ≡ y) (nx≡x : nx ≡ x) (y≡ny : y ≡ ny)
(px≡py : subst P x≡y px ≡ py) (pnx≡px : subst P nx≡x pnx ≡ px) (py≡pny : subst P y≡ny py ≡ pny)
subst P y≡ny (subst P x≡y (subst P nx≡x pnx)) ≡ pny
subst-lemma refl refl refl refl refl refl = refl

-- What does it mean for two streams to have the same next element?
record EqNexts {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs ys : Stream X} (pxs : Eventually P xs) (pys : Eventually P ys) : Set where
constructor [_,_,_]
constructor [_,_,_,_]
{x y} : X
{px} : P x
{py} : P y
nx : Next pxs px -- x is the next P in xs...
ny : Next pys py -- y is the next P in ys...
eq : x ≡ y -- and x=y...
eq' : subst P eq px ≡ py -- and px=py.
x≡y : x ≡ y -- and x=y...
px≡py : subst P x≡y px ≡ py -- and px=py.

nextx≡x : next pxs ≡ x
nextx≡x = sym $ next-unique nx (next-Next pxs)

y≡nexty : y ≡ next pys
y≡nexty = next-unique ny (next-Next pys)

eq-next-elem : next pxs ≡ next pys
eq-next-elem = trans (sym $ next-unique nx (next-Next pxs)) (trans eq (next-unique ny (next-Next pys)))
eq-next-elem = trans nextx≡x (trans x≡y y≡nexty)

eq-next-proof : subst P eq-next-elem (next-IsP pxs) ≡ next-IsP pys
eq-next-proof = {!!}
eq-next-proof' : subst P y≡nexty (subst P x≡y (subst P nextx≡x (next-IsP pxs)))
≡ next-IsP pys
eq-next-proof' = subst-lemma x≡y nextx≡x y≡nexty px≡py (next-unique-proof nextx≡x (next-Next pxs) nx) (next-unique-proof y≡nexty ny (next-Next pys))

eq-next-proof : subst P eq-next-elem (next-IsP pxs) ≡ next-IsP pys
eq-next-proof =
subst P eq-next-elem
(next-IsP pxs)
≡⟨ sym $ subst-subst nextx≡x ⟩
subst P (trans x≡y y≡nexty)
(subst P nextx≡x (next-IsP pxs))
≡⟨ (sym $ subst-subst x≡y) ⟩
subst P y≡nexty
(subst P x≡y
(subst P nextx≡x (next-IsP pxs)))
≡⟨ eq-next-proof' ⟩
next-IsP pys
where open ≡-Reasoning

-- After just a little subst hell, we get that the data in this record is indeed sufficient to prove equality between the
-- pairs that filter gives us below.
eq-next : _≡_ {A = Σ[ x ∈ X ] P x} (next pxs , next-IsP pxs) (next pys , next-IsP pys)
eq-next = dcong₂ _,_ eq-next-elem eq-next-proof

-- If we know that there are infinitely many P's, we can filter them out into a new stream.
filter' : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} (pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs) Stream (Σ[ x ∈ X ] (P x))
head (filter' pxs) = next (now pxs) , next-IsP (now pxs)
tail (filter' pxs) = filter' (forever pxs)
filter : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} (pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs) Stream (Σ[ x ∈ X ] (P x))
head (filter pxs) = next (now pxs) , next-IsP (now pxs)
tail (filter pxs) = filter (forever pxs)

map : {X Y : Set} (X Y) Stream X Stream Y
head (map f xs) = f (head xs)
tail (map f xs) = map f (tail xs)

-- filter : {X : Set} {P : X → Set} → {xs : Stream X} → Always (Eventually P) xs → Stream X
-- filter = map proj₁ ∘ filter'
-- filter = map proj₁ ∘ filter

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,12 +255,18 @@ open PointwiseAlways
WBisimilar : {X} {xs ys : Stream X} (P : X Set) Always (Eventually P) xs Always (Eventually P) ys Set
WBisimilar P = PointwiseAlways EqNexts

-- -- Bisimilarity of rational streams is bisimilarity of their unfoldings
-- BisimilarR' : ∀ {X i j} → Ctx X i → RStream X i → Ctx X j → RStream X j → Set
-- BisimilarR' Γ xs Δ ys = Bisimilar (unfold Γ xs) (unfold Δ ys)
-- Weak bisimilarity is still too strong for some proofs, particularly proving bisimilarity of filters.
-- The problem is that EqNext is not preserved by moving through both streams in lockstep.
-- Instead, lets define what it means for a stream of maybes to be an "thinning" of another stream.
-- (terminology inspired by McBride's work, though this is a butchery of the original meaning)
record Thinω {X : Set} (P : X Set) (xs : Stream X) (θxs : Stream (Maybe X)) : Set where
head : (P (head xs) -> Σ[ x ∈ X ] (just x ≡ head θxs) × (P x)) -- if the head is p, then it must be related to a just which also P
× (¬ (P (head xs)) nothing ≡ head θxs) -- if not, then it must be related to a dummy
tail : Thinω P (tail xs) (tail θxs)
open Thinω

-- BisimilarR : ∀ {X} → RStream X 0 → RStream X 0 → Set
-- BisimilarR xs ys = BisimilarR' [] xs [] ys

-- Equality implies bisimilarity. But not vice versa (in MLTT)!
≡→~ : {X} {xs ys : Stream X} xs ≡ ys xs ~ ys
Expand All @@ -244,7 +289,7 @@ tabulate-lookup : ∀ {X} → (xs : Stream X) → (tabulate (lookup-stream xs))
head (tabulate-lookup xs) = refl
tail (tabulate-lookup xs) = tabulate-lookup (tail xs)

-- We need funext to ro
-- We need funext, we can prove the other direction,
module WithFunext (funext : {a b} Extensionality a b) where

lookup-tabulate : {X} (f : X) f ≡ lookup-stream (tabulate f)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,29 +326,63 @@ map-bisim : ∀ {X Y} {xs ys : Stream X} → {f : X → Y} → xs ~ ys → (map
head (map-bisim {f = f} Z) = cong f (head Z)
tail (map-bisim Z) = map-bisim (tail Z)

-- If 2 streams are bisimilar, next finds the same thing in both
next-eq : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs ys : Stream X} (pxs : Eventually P xs) (pys : Eventually P ys)
xs ~ ys
next pxs ≡ next pys
next-eq (here px) (here py) Z = head Z
next-eq {P = P} (here px) (there ¬py pys) Z = ⊥-elim (¬py (subst P (head Z) px))
next-eq {P = P} (there ¬px pxs) (here py) Z = ⊥-elim (¬px (subst P (sym $ head Z) py))
next-eq (there ¬px pxs) (there ¬py pys) Z = next-eq pxs pys (tail Z)
-- -- If 2 streams are bisimilar, next finds the same thing in both
-- next-eq : {X : Set} {P : X → Set} {xs ys : Stream X} → (pxs : Eventually P xs) (pys : Eventually P ys)
-- → xs ~ ys
-- → next pxs ≡ next pys
-- next-eq (here px) (here py) Z = head Z
-- next-eq {P = P} (here px) (there ¬py pys) Z = ⊥-elim (¬py (subst P (head Z) px))
-- next-eq {P = P} (there ¬px pxs) (here py) Z = ⊥-elim (¬px (subst P (sym $ head Z) py))
-- next-eq (there ¬px pxs) (there ¬py pys) Z = next-eq pxs pys (tail Z)

-- -- This version is too strong to be useful that often, since the input streams won't always be bisimilar, even when the outputs are
-- filter-bisim : {X : Set} {P : X → Set} → {xs ys : Stream X} → {pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs} {pys : Always (Eventually P) ys}
-- → xs ~ ys
-- → filter' pxs ~ filter' pys
-- → filter pxs ~ filter pys
-- head (filter-bisim {pxs = pxs} {pys} Z) = dcong₂ _,_ (next-eq (now pxs) (now pys) Z) {!!}
-- tail (filter-bisim {pxs = pxs} {pys} Z) = filter-bisim (tail Z)

-- We don't need to insist on xs~ys - instead, we can just ask for weak bisimilarity of the AE proofs
filter-wbisim : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs ys : Stream X} {pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs} {pys : Always (Eventually P) ys}
WBisimilar P pxs pys
filter' pxs ~ filter' pys
filter pxs ~ filter pys
head (filter-wbisim {X} {P} {xs} {ys} {pxs} {pys} Z) = EqNexts.eq-next (now Z)
tail (filter-wbisim {X} {P} {xs} {ys} {pxs} {pys} Z) = filter-wbisim (forever Z)

-- Embedding a predicate on X into Maybe X by leaving it the same on justs, and false on nothings.
data Pad {X : Set} (P : X Set) : Maybe X Set where
embed : {x} P x Pad P (just x)

record EqNextPadded {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {ys : Stream (Maybe X)} (pxs : Eventually P xs) (pys : Eventually (Pad P) ys) : Set where
constructor [_,_,_,_]
{x} : X
{y} : Maybe X
{px} : P x
{py} : Pad P y
nx : Next pxs px -- x is the next P in xs...
ny : Next pys py -- y is the next P in ys...
x≡y : just x ≡ y -- and x=y...
px≡py : subst (Pad P) x≡y (embed px) ≡ py -- and px=py.

pad-eqnext : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {θxs : Stream (Maybe X)}
(pxs : Eventually P xs)
(pθxs : Eventually (Pad P) θxs)
Thinω P xs θxs
EqNextPadded pxs pθxs
pad-eqnext pxs pθxs x with head x
... | ifP , if¬P = {!!}

filter-thinω : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs ys : Stream X}
{pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs} {pys : Always (Eventually P) ys}
{xs' ys' : Stream (Maybe X)}
Thinω P xs xs' Thinω P ys ys'
{pxs' : Always (Eventually (Pad P)) xs'} {pys' : Always (Eventually (Pad P)) ys'}
WBisimilar (Pad P) pxs' pys'
filter pxs ~ filter pys
head (filter-thinω θ σ Z) = {!EqNexts.eq-next (now Z)!}
tail (filter-thinω θ σ Z) = {!filter-thinω!}

-- Unfolding --
Expand All @@ -329,7 +408,7 @@ tail (unfold' Γ (cons x xs)) = unfold' (Γ -, cons x xs) xs
-- As long as we can guarantee that we're always
-- only finitely many steps away from an X, we can remove all the 1's.
remove-dummies : {X} {xs : Stream (Maybe X)} Always (Eventually Is-just) xs Stream X
remove-dummies pxs = map (λ px to-witness (proj₂ px)) (filter' pxs)
remove-dummies pxs = map (λ px to-witness (proj₂ px)) (filter pxs)

unfold-lem : {X n} : Ctx X n) (x : Fin n) Is-just (head (unfold' Γ (lookup Γ x)))
unfold-lem Γ x with lookup Γ x | lookup-IsCons Γ x
Expand All @@ -342,10 +421,13 @@ now (unfold-productive Γ (cons x xs)) = here (just tt)
forever (unfold-productive Γ (loop x)) = unfold-productive _ _
forever (unfold-productive Γ (cons x xs)) = unfold-productive _ _

-- False! We can't move in lockstep.
unfold-wbisim : {X n} (Γ : Ctx X n) (x : Fin n)
WBisimilar Is-just (unfold-productive Γ (loop x)) (unfold-productive Γ (lookup Γ x))
now (unfold-wbisim Γ x) = {!!}
forever (unfold-wbisim Γ x) = {!!}
forever (unfold-wbisim Γ x) = {!unfold-wbisim!}

-- Put the pieces together to get the real unfolding.
-- Except we dont want to reason (or even know) about that roundabout definition, so
Expand Down

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