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[rational] de-slime Next
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Sean-Watters committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent 8bb7bc3 commit c2dcac8
Showing 1 changed file with 74 additions and 16 deletions.
90 changes: 74 additions & 16 deletions agda/Rational/Stream.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ record Always {X : Set} (P : Stream X → Set) (xs : Stream X) : Set where
forever : Always P (tail xs)
open Always

-- If we know something is Eventually true, we can look ahead to the next witness.
next : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} Eventually P xs X
next {xs = xs} (here px) = head xs
Expand All @@ -116,6 +117,63 @@ next-IsP : {X : Set} {P : X → Set} {xs : Stream X} (pxs : Eventually P xs) →
next-IsP (here px) = px
next-IsP (there ¬px pxs) = next-IsP pxs

-- Evidence that a particular X is the next witness to an Eventually.
-- This is, by no coincidece, the graph of `next`. It's useful for avoiding green slime.
data Next {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} : Eventually P xs {x : X} P x Set where
here : (px : P (head xs)) Next (here px) px
there : {x : X} {nx : P x} (¬px : ¬ (P (head xs))) (pxs : Eventually P (tail xs)) Next pxs nx Next (there ¬px pxs) nx

-- `next` really does give the Next. This is basically true by definition.
next-Next : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} (pxs : Eventually P xs) Next pxs (next-IsP pxs)
next-Next (here px) = here px
next-Next (there ¬px pxs) = there ¬px pxs (next-Next pxs)

-- Next is computable, obviously via the above `next` function
next-computable : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} (pxs : Eventually P xs) Σ[ x ∈ X ] Σ[ px ∈ P x ] Next pxs px
next-computable pxs = next pxs , next-IsP pxs , next-Next pxs

-- Part 1
-- If we have a Next, then it points to the *unique* next element.
next-unique : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {pxs : Eventually P xs} {x x' : X} {px : P x} {px' : P x'}
Next pxs px Next pxs px' x ≡ x'
next-unique (here p) (here q) = refl
next-unique (there ¬px pxs n1) (there .¬px .pxs n2) = next-unique n1 n2

-- Part 2!
-- The proof P x is also unique.
next-unique-proof : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {pxs : Eventually P xs} {x : X} {px px' : P x}
Next pxs px Next pxs px' px ≡ px'
next-unique-proof (here p) (here q) = refl
next-unique-proof (there ¬px pxs n1) (there .¬px .pxs n2) = next-unique-proof n1 n2

-- Part 3!
-- Next itself is propositional.
Next-propositional : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} {pxs : Eventually P xs} {x : X} {px : P x}
(n1 n2 : Next pxs px) n1 ≡ n2
Next-propositional (here p) (here q) = refl
Next-propositional (there ¬px pxs n1) (there .¬px .pxs n2) = cong (there ¬px pxs) (Next-propositional n1 n2)

-- What does it mean for two streams to have the same next element?
record EqNexts {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs ys : Stream X} (pxs : Eventually P xs) (pys : Eventually P ys) : Set where
constructor [_,_,_]
{x y} : X
{px} : P x
{py} : P y
nx : Next pxs px -- x is the next P in xs...
ny : Next pys py -- y is the next P in ys...
eq : x ≡ y -- and x=y...
eq' : subst P eq px ≡ py -- and px=py.

eq-next-elem : next pxs ≡ next pys
eq-next-elem = trans (sym $ next-unique nx (next-Next pxs)) (trans eq (next-unique ny (next-Next pys)))

eq-next-proof : subst P eq-next-elem (next-IsP pxs) ≡ next-IsP pys
eq-next-proof = {!!}

eq-next : _≡_ {A = Σ[ x ∈ X ] P x} (next pxs , next-IsP pxs) (next pys , next-IsP pys)
eq-next = dcong₂ _,_ eq-next-elem eq-next-proof

-- If we know that there are infinitely many P's, we can filter them out into a new stream.
filter' : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} (pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs) Stream (Σ[ x ∈ X ] (P x))
head (filter' pxs) = next (now pxs) , next-IsP (now pxs)
Expand All @@ -125,8 +183,8 @@ map : {X Y : Set} → (X → Y) → Stream X → Stream Y
head (map f xs) = f (head xs)
tail (map f xs) = map f (tail xs)

filter : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs : Stream X} Always (Eventually P) xs Stream X
filter = map proj₁ ∘ filter'
-- filter : {X : Set} {P : X → Set} → {xs : Stream X} → Always (Eventually P) xs → Stream X
-- filter = map proj₁ ∘ filter'

Expand All @@ -153,10 +211,10 @@ record PointwiseAlways {X : Set} {P : Stream X → Set} (_~_ : ∀ {xs ys} → P
forever : PointwiseAlways _~_ (forever pxs) (forever pys)
open PointwiseAlways

-- as long as we accept some ugly (but hopefully easily dischargable) substs, we can say what it means for always proofs on possibly different streams to be bisimilar
WBisimilar : {X} {xs ys : Stream X} (P : Stream X Set) Always P xs Always P ys Set
WBisimilar P pxs pys = PointwiseAlways (λ {xs} {ys} pxs pys Σ[ eqL ∈ xs ≡ ys ] (subst P eqL pxs) ≡ pys) pxs pys
-- At every step, the two streams must b equal on their next P's.
-- Ezra says this is weak bisimilarity.
WBisimilar : {X} {xs ys : Stream X} (P : X Set) Always (Eventually P) xs Always (Eventually P) ys Set
WBisimilar P = PointwiseAlways EqNexts

-- -- Bisimilarity of rational streams is bisimilarity of their unfoldings
-- BisimilarR' : ∀ {X i j} → Ctx X i → RStream X i → Ctx X j → RStream X j → Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,13 +297,12 @@ next-eq (there ¬px pxs) (there ¬py pys) Z = next-eq pxs pys (tail Z)
-- head (filter-bisim {pxs = pxs} {pys} Z) = dcong₂ _,_ (next-eq (now pxs) (now pys) Z) {!!}
-- tail (filter-bisim {pxs = pxs} {pys} Z) = filter-bisim (tail Z)

-- We don't need to insist on xs~ys - instead, we can just ask for "bisimilarity" of the AE proofs
filter-bisim : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs ys : Stream X} {pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs} {pys : Always (Eventually P) ys}
WBisimilar (Eventually P) pxs pys
-- We don't need to insist on xs~ys - instead, we can just ask for weak bisimilarity of the AE proofs
filter-wbisim : {X : Set} {P : X Set} {xs ys : Stream X} {pxs : Always (Eventually P) xs} {pys : Always (Eventually P) ys}
WBisimilar P pxs pys
filter' pxs ~ filter' pys
head (filter-bisim {X} {P} {xs} {ys} {pxs} {pys} Z) with now pys | now Z
... | ._ | refl , refl = refl
tail (filter-bisim Z) = filter-bisim (forever Z)
head (filter-wbisim {X} {P} {xs} {ys} {pxs} {pys} Z) = EqNexts.eq-next (now Z)
tail (filter-wbisim {X} {P} {xs} {ys} {pxs} {pys} Z) = filter-wbisim (forever Z)

-- Unfolding --
Expand All @@ -254,6 +311,7 @@ tail (filter-bisim Z) = filter-bisim (forever Z)
-- It'd be great to define unfolding like so, except the termination checker
-- rejects it for lack of guardedness:
private module _ where
-- Inside a private submodule so we don't accidentally try to use it
{-# TERMINATING #-} -- uncomment if ye dare
unfold-i-wish : {X n} : Ctx X n) RStream X n Stream X
unfold-i-wish Γ (loop x) = unfold-i-wish Γ (lookup Γ x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,8 +343,8 @@ forever (unfold-productive Γ (loop x)) = unfold-productive _ _
forever (unfold-productive Γ (cons x xs)) = unfold-productive _ _

unfold-wbisim : {X n} (Γ : Ctx X n) (x : Fin n)
WBisimilar (Eventually Is-just) (unfold-productive Γ (loop x)) (unfold-productive Γ (lookup Γ x))
now (unfold-wbisim Γ x) = {!false :(!} , {!!}
WBisimilar Is-just (unfold-productive Γ (loop x)) (unfold-productive Γ (lookup Γ x))
now (unfold-wbisim Γ x) = {!!}
forever (unfold-wbisim Γ x) = {!!}

-- Put the pieces together to get the real unfolding.
Expand All @@ -297,10 +355,10 @@ opaque
unfold Γ xs = remove-dummies (unfold-productive Γ xs)

unfold-loop' : {X n} : Ctx X n) (x : Fin n) (unfold Γ (loop x)) ~ (unfold Γ (lookup Γ x))
unfold-loop' Γ x = map-bisim (filter-bisim (unfold-wbisim Γ x))
unfold-loop' Γ x = map-bisim (filter-wbisim (unfold-wbisim Γ x))

unfold-loop : {X n} : Ctx X n) (x : Fin n) unfold Γ (loop x) ≡ unfold Γ (lookup Γ x)
unfold-loop = {!!}
unfold-loop = {!!} -- via bisim extensionality

unfold-cons : {X n} : Ctx X n) (x : X) (xs : RStream X (suc n)) unfold Γ (cons x xs) ≡ x ∷ (unfold (Γ -, cons x xs) xs)
unfold-cons = {!!}
Expand Down

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