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John Pettenger edited this page Oct 14, 2015 · 14 revisions
  1. Take photos for a meal entry.
  2. Write notes for a meal entry.
  3. Add a new meal entry and save it to local storage.
    • Entries should save to the android device's local storage.
  4. Manage local data storage.
    • Local data storage could be managed by using SQLite databases along with existing APIs for Android's framework related to local storage.
  5. Display previous entries in a scrollable list.
  6. Backup application data with android backup service.
    • Although users will be able to use Google Drive (see requirement 7) to share their meal data with a dietitian, a background backup service is still desirable. Pushing to Google Drive will not be automatic, whereas a backup service will be. If a user switches devices, he or she will want to easily restore the app’s data.
  7. Push a range of meal entries to a shared Google Drive folder for review by a dietitian.
    • This can be accomplished by using Google Play Services and Google APIs that allow use of popular Google services, including Google Drive.
    • There are existing apps that already perform this task such as FolderSync and GDriveSync, so those can be used as a helpful guide.
  8. Present meals to the dietitian in a meaningful way (i.e., not requiring the dietitian to browse through a raw directory structure to view the pictures and notes).
    • Perhaps the app could generate HTML files (a sort of local website) that allow the dietitian to navigate and view the user's meals in a web browser.
  9. Develop other activities in menu bar (DrawerLayout) such as My Account, Reminders, and Useful Dietary Info.
    • Information that would need to be saved for future use such as that used in "My Account" or "Reminders" could be saved in an SQLite database and retrieved when needed.
  10. Add logic to determine dimensions/contents of food in a given photo.
    • Once a method of determining a correct and consistent scale for foods in photos is created, we could use information of known foods in order to provide accurate results of food’s physical dimensions/properties. This information could be based on the scale of the food in relation to the photo and what scale it “should” be.
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