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Merge pull request #1777 from BitcoinVeneto/main
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KoalaSat authored Feb 23, 2025
2 parents 951a71d + 668e62a commit 6a182b2
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Showing 2 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ async def send_order_event(self, order):
client = Client(signer)

# Add relays and connect
await client.add_relays(["ws://localhost:7777"])
await client.add_relay("ws://localhost:7777")
await client.connect()

robot_name = await self.get_robot_name(order)
Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions frontend/static/locales/it.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,14 +166,14 @@
"#18": "Phrases in components/Dialogs/About.tsx",
"(GitHub).": "(GitHub).",
"(Telegram)": "(Telegram)",
". RoboSats developers will never contact you. The developers or the coordinators will definitely never ask for your robot token.": ". RoboSats developers will never contact you. The developers or the coordinators will definitely never ask for your robot token.",
". RoboSats developers will never contact you. The developers or the coordinators will definitely never ask for your robot token.": ". Gli sviluppatori di Robosats non ti contatteranno mai. Gli sviluppatori o i coordinatori, non ti chiederranno mai il tuo token.",
"All of them as long as they are fast. You can write down your preferred payment method(s). You will have to match with a peer who also accepts that method. The step to exchange fiat has a expiry time of 24 hours before a dispute is automatically open. We highly recommend using instant fiat payment rails.": "Tutti, purchè siano veloci. Puoi indicare i tuoi metodi di pagamento preferiti. Dovrai trovare un tuo pari che preferisce gli stessi metodi. Il passaggio di trasferimento di fiat ha una scadenza di 24 ore prima che una disputa sia aperta automaticamente. Raccomandiamo caldamente di usare canali di pagamento fiat instantanei.",
"Are there trade limits?": "Ci sono limiti agli scambi?",
"At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, the RoboSats coordinator will help resolving the dispute.": "At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, the RoboSats coordinator will help resolving the dispute.",
"At no point, AnonymousAlice01 and BafflingBob02 have to entrust the bitcoin funds to each other. In case they have a conflict, the RoboSats coordinator will help resolving the dispute.": "In nessun momento AnonymousAlice01 e BafflingBob02 devono affidarsi reciprocamente i fondi bitcoin. In caso di disputa, il coordinatore RoboSats aiuterà a risolvere la controversia.",
"Be aware your fiat payment provider might charge extra fees. In any case, the buyer bears the costs of sending fiat. That includes banking charges, transfer fees and foreign exchange spreads. The seller must receive exactly the amount stated in the order details.": "Tieni presente che il tuo fornitore di pagamenti in fiat potrebbe addebitare costi aggiuntivi. In ogni caso, l'acquirente sostiene i costi dell'invio di valuta fiat. Ciò include le spese bancarie, le commissioni di trasferimento e gli spread di cambio. Il venditore deve ricevere esattamente l'importo indicato nei dettagli dell'ordine.",
"Disclaimer": "Avvertenza",
"During a typical order, your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.": "During a typical order, your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.",
"Each RoboSats coordinator will set a maximum trade size to minimize the hassle of lightning routing failures. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously using the Robot garage. Remember to back up your robot tokens!": "Each RoboSats coordinator will set a maximum trade size to minimize the hassle of lightning routing failures. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously using the Robot garage. Remember to back up your robot tokens!",
"During a typical order, your trading peer is the only one who can potentially guess anything about you. Keep your chat short and concise. Avoid providing non-essential information other than strictly necessary for the fiat payment.": "Durante un ordine tipico, il tuo partner di trading è l'unico che può potenzialmente scoprire qualcosa su di te. Mantieni la tua chat breve e concisa. Evitare di fornire informazioni non essenziali diverse da quelle strettamente necessarie per il pagamento in valuta reale.",
"Each RoboSats coordinator will set a maximum trade size to minimize the hassle of lightning routing failures. There is no limits to the number of trades per day. A robot can only have one order at a time. However, you can use multiple robots simultaneously using the Robot garage. Remember to back up your robot tokens!": "Ciascun coordinatore RoboSats imposterà una dimensione massima degli scambi per ridurre al minimo il fastidio di errori di routing su rete lightning. Non ci sono limiti al numero di operazioni giornaliere. Un robot può avere un solo ordine alla volta. Tuttavia, puoi utilizzare più robot contemporaneamente utilizzando il Garage dei robots. Ricordati di eseguire il backup dei token dei tuoi robots!",
"How does it work?": "Come funziona?",
"How it works": "Come funziona",
"How to use": "Come usarlo",
Expand All @@ -183,26 +183,26 @@
"It is a BTC/FIAT peer-to-peer exchange over lightning.": "E' una borsa di scambio BTC/FIAT peer-to-peer che utilizza lightning.",
"It simplifies matchmaking and minimizes the need of trust. RoboSats focuses in privacy and speed.": "Semplifica il coordinamento tra parti e riduce al minimo la necessità di fiducia. RoboSats si concentra su privacy e velocità.",
"Project source code": "Codice sorgente del progetto",
"RoboSats is a decentralized exchange with multiple, fully redundant, trade coordinators. The coordinator provides the infrastructure for your trade: mantains the intermediary lightning node, does book keeping, and relays your encrypted chat messages. The coordinator is also the judge in case your order enters a dispute. The coordinator is a trusted role, make sure you trust your coordinator by exploring its profile, webpage, social media and the comments from other users online.": "RoboSats is a decentralized exchange with multiple, fully redundant, trade coordinators. The coordinator provides the infrastructure for your trade: mantains the intermediary lightning node, does book keeping, and relays your encrypted chat messages. The coordinator is also the judge in case your order enters a dispute. The coordinator is a trusted role, make sure you trust your coordinator by exploring its profile, webpage, social media and the comments from other users online.",
"RoboSats is a decentralized exchange with multiple, fully redundant, trade coordinators. The coordinator provides the infrastructure for your trade: mantains the intermediary lightning node, does book keeping, and relays your encrypted chat messages. The coordinator is also the judge in case your order enters a dispute. The coordinator is a trusted role, make sure you trust your coordinator by exploring its profile, webpage, social media and the comments from other users online.": "RoboSats è uno scambio decentralizzato con più coordinatori commerciali completamente ridondanti. Il coordinatore fornisce l'infrastruttura per la tua attività: mantiene il nodo Lightning intermediario, tiene la contabilità e inoltra i tuoi messaggi di chat crittografati. Il coordinatore è anche il giudice nel caso in cui il tuo ordine entri in controversia. Il coordinatore è un ruolo che si basa sulla fiducia, assicurati di fidarti del tuo coordinatore esplorando il suo profilo, la pagina web, i social media e i commenti di altri utenti online.",
"RoboSats is an open source project ": "RoboSats è un progetto open-source",
"The RoboSats client, which you run on your local machine or browser, does not collect or share your IP address, location, name, or personal data. The client encrypts your private messages, which can only be decrypted by your trade partner.": "The RoboSats client, which you run on your local machine or browser, does not collect or share your IP address, location, name, or personal data. The client encrypts your private messages, which can only be decrypted by your trade partner.",
"The coordinator you choose will maintain a database of pseudonymous robots and orders for the application to function correctly. You can further enhance your privacy by using proxy nodes or coinjoining.": "The coordinator you choose will maintain a database of pseudonymous robots and orders for the application to function correctly. You can further enhance your privacy by using proxy nodes or coinjoining.",
"The RoboSats client, which you run on your local machine or browser, does not collect or share your IP address, location, name, or personal data. The client encrypts your private messages, which can only be decrypted by your trade partner.": "Il client RoboSats, che esegui sul tuo computer locale o browser, non raccoglie né condivide il tuo indirizzo IP, posizione, nome o dati personali. Il client crittografa i tuoi messaggi privati, che possono essere decrittografati solo dal tuo partner commerciale.",
"The coordinator you choose will maintain a database of pseudonymous robots and orders for the application to function correctly. You can further enhance your privacy by using proxy nodes or coinjoining.": "Il coordinatore scelto manterrà un database di robot pseudonimi e ordini per il corretto funzionamento dell'applicazione. Puoi migliorare ulteriormente la tua privacy utilizzando nodi proxy o coinjoining.",
"The seller faces the same charge-back risk as with any other peer-to-peer service. Paypal or credit cards are not recommended.": "L'offerente è soggetto allo stesso rischio di charge-back di qualsiasi altro servizio peer-to-peer. Paypal o le carte di credito non sono raccomandate.",
"The trade fee is collected by the robosats coordinator as a compensation for their service. You can see the fees of each coordinator by checking out their profile. The trade fee is split to be covered by both: the order maker and the order taker. Typically, the maker fee will be significantly smaller than the taker fee. In case an onchain address is used to received the Sats a variable swap fee applies. The onchain payout fee can also be seen in the profile of the coordinator.": "The trade fee is collected by the robosats coordinator as a compensation for their service. You can see the fees of each coordinator by checking out their profile. The trade fee is split to be covered by both: the order maker and the order taker. Typically, the maker fee will be significantly smaller than the taker fee. In case an onchain address is used to received the Sats a variable swap fee applies. The onchain payout fee can also be seen in the profile of the coordinator.",
"The trade fee is collected by the robosats coordinator as a compensation for their service. You can see the fees of each coordinator by checking out their profile. The trade fee is split to be covered by both: the order maker and the order taker. Typically, the maker fee will be significantly smaller than the taker fee. In case an onchain address is used to received the Sats a variable swap fee applies. The onchain payout fee can also be seen in the profile of the coordinator.": "La commissione commerciale viene riscossa dal coordinatore di robosat come compenso per il proprio servizio. Puoi vedere le tariffe di ciascun coordinatore controllando il loro profilo. La commissione di negoziazione è condivisa da entrambi i peer di una transazione: sia il creatore dell'ordine e l'acquirente dell'ordine. In genere, la commissione del creatore dell'ordine sarà significativamente inferiore alla commissione dell’acquirente. Nel caso in cui venga utilizzato un indirizzo onchain per ricevere i Satoshi, si applica una commissione di swap variabile. La commissione per il pagamento onchain può essere visualizzata anche nel profilo del coordinatore.",
"This is an experimental application, things could go wrong. Trade small amounts!": "Questa è un'applicazione sperimentale, le cose potrebbero andare male. Scambia piccole quantità!",
"This lightning application is provided as is. It is in active development: trade with the utmost caution. There is no private support. Support is only offered via public channels ": "Questa applicazione lightning viene fornita così com'è. È in fase di sviluppo attivo: è opportuno utilizzarla con la massima cautela. Non esiste un supporto privato. Il supporto è offerto solo attraverso i canali pubblici ",
"What are the fees?": "Quali sono le commissioni",
"What are the risks?": "Quali sono i rischi?",
"What happens if my coordinator goes offline forever?": "What happens if my coordinator goes offline forever?",
"What happens if my coordinator goes offline forever?": "Cosa succedere se il mio coordinatore è offline?",
"What is RoboSats?": "Cos'è RoboSats?",
"What is a coordinator?": "What is a coordinator?",
"What is a coordinator?": "Co'sè un coordinatore?",
"What is the trust model?": "Qual è il modello di fiducia?",
"What payment methods are accepted?": "Quali pagamenti sono accettati?",
"You can also check the full guide in ": "Puoi anche consultare la guida completa in ",
"You can build more trust on the RoboSats and coordinator infrastructure by inspecting the source code.": "You can build more trust on the RoboSats and coordinator infrastructure by inspecting the source code.",
"You can build more trust on the RoboSats and coordinator infrastructure by inspecting the source code.": "Puoi creare maggiore fiducia in RoboSats e nell'infrastruttura del coordinatore controllando il codice sorgente.",
"You can find a step-by-step description of the trade pipeline in ": "Una descrizione passo passo della sequenza di scambio è disponibile in ",
"Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if the coordinator goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if the coordinator disappears. This window is usually about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels or directly to your trade coordinator using one of the contact methods listed on their profile.": "Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if the coordinator goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if the coordinator disappears. This window is usually about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels or directly to your trade coordinator using one of the contact methods listed on their profile.",
"Your trade partner will not know the destination of the Lightning payment. The permanence of the data collected by the coordinators depend on their privacy and data policies. If a dispute arises, a coordinator may request additional information. The specifics of this process can vary from coordinator to coordinator.": "Your trade partner will not know the destination of the Lightning payment. The permanence of the data collected by the coordinators depend on their privacy and data policies. If a dispute arises, a coordinator may request additional information. The specifics of this process can vary from coordinator to coordinator.",
"Your sats will return to you. Any hold invoice that is not settled would be automatically returned even if the coordinator goes down forever. This is true for both, locked bonds and trading escrows. However, there is a small window between the seller confirms FIAT RECEIVED and the moment the buyer receives the satoshis when the funds could be permanently lost if the coordinator disappears. This window is usually about 1 second long. Make sure to have enough inbound liquidity to avoid routing failures. If you have any problem, reach out trough the RoboSats public channels or directly to your trade coordinator using one of the contact methods listed on their profile.": "Il tuoi satoshi torneranno nel tuo wallet. Qualsiasi fattura trattenuta(Hold invoice) non saldata verrà automaticamente restituita anche se il coordinatore non dovesse più tornare attivo. Questo vale sia per le obbligazioni vincolate che per i depositi a garanzia di negoziazione. Tuttavia, c'è una piccola finestra tra la conferma da parte del venditore della RICEVUTA FIAT e il momento in cui l'acquirente riceve i satoshi, quando i fondi potrebbero essere persi definitivamente se il coordinatore scompare. Questa finestra dura solitamente circa 1 secondo. Assicurati di avere abbastanza liquidità in entrata per evitare errori di routing. In caso di problemi, contatta i canali pubblici di RoboSats o direttamente il tuo coordinatore commerciale utilizzando uno dei metodi di contatto elencati sul loro profilo.",
"Your trade partner will not know the destination of the Lightning payment. The permanence of the data collected by the coordinators depend on their privacy and data policies. If a dispute arises, a coordinator may request additional information. The specifics of this process can vary from coordinator to coordinator.": "Il tuo partner commerciale non conoscerà la destinazione del pagamento Lightning. La permanenza dei dati raccolti dai coordinatori dipende dalle loro politiche sulla privacy e sui dati. In caso di controversia, un coordinatore può richiedere ulteriori informazioni. Le specifiche di questo processo possono variare da coordinatore a coordinatore.",
"#19": "Phrases in components/Dialogs/AuditPGP.tsx",
"Go back": "Indietro",
"Keys": "Chiavi",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,9 +248,9 @@
"Coordinator": "Coordinatore",
"Coordinator Notice": "Avviso del Coordinatore",
"Coordinator commit hash": "Commit hash del coordinatore",
"Coordinator description": "Coordinator description",
"Coordinator hosted web app": "Coordinator hosted web app",
"Coordinator offline": "Coordinator offline",
"Coordinator description": "Descrizione del coordinatore",
"Coordinator hosted web app": "Indirizzo diretto del coordinatore",
"Coordinator offline": "Coordinatore offline",
"Current onchain payout fee": "Attuale tariffa di pagamento onchain",
"Current onchain payout status": "Current onchain payout status",
"Development fund supporter: donates {{percent}}% to make RoboSats better.": "Development fund supporter: donates {{percent}}% to make RoboSats better.",
Expand Down

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