This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.
$ yarn
$ yarn start -p 3005
(Port 3005 is to avoid conflicts with the RG Client also running locally)
This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
- Names of markdown files and images are kebab-case
- Names of markdown files should match either their
or top-level title - Images should be given descriptive filenames that reflect what they're being used to demonstrate
- Markdown partials begin with an underscore (ex.
- Markdown files are organized in a way that mimics their layout in the site's sidebar. This makes it easier to locate a file or link from one page to another.
- Ex. If the "Client Dashboard" page appears under "Session Insights" in the sidebar, then its path should be
- Ex. If the "Client Dashboard" page appears under "Session Insights" in the sidebar, then its path should be
- An image is always located within an
directory at a reasonable depth in relation to the md that requires that image. The idea here is to make it easy to locate and link to images, so keep them close-by.- Rule of thumb -> either same level as the md, or at its parent's level (
- Rule of thumb -> either same level as the md, or at its parent's level (
- If an
dir contains many images or is shared by many pages, organize images into subdirectories that match the names of the markdown files they belong to.- Ex. images belonging to
should be located underdocs/tutorials/img/building-your-first-bot/
- Ex. images belonging to
- DO NOT include important headers in partials - Docusaurus won't include these in the table-of-contents for any pages they are used in.