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Alon Zakai edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 10 revisions

This feature is experimental, and not recommended. See the Emterpreter for a more recent option with similar functionality, that is currently supported.

ASYNCIFY allows you to use some asynchronous function in C, through several transformation of LLVM IR.


If you call sleep() in C/C++, what kind of JavaScript code would you expect emscripten to produce?

// test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
  int i = 100;
  printf("World %d!\n");
  return 0;

Note that we cannot implement sleep like this:

function sleep(ms) {
  var t = + ms;
  while( < t) ;

because this would block the JavaScript engine, such that pending events cannot be processed.

A hand written counterpart in JavaScript would be

function main() {
  var i = 100;
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log('World ' + i + '!');
    async_return_value = 0;
  }, 1000);

Specifically, a number of aspects should be taken into consideration:

  • Split the function when an async function is called, and the second function should be registered as the callback for the async function
  • Any function that calls an async function also becomes an async function.
  • Keep all local variables available to the callback
  • Closure cannot be used in order to make asm.js validated code.
  • Take care of loops and branches
  • Make the return value available to the callee
  • Some functions could be both sync or async, depending on the input.

And the ASYNCIFY option does all above automatically, through a number of transformations on LLVM IR.


Call emscripten_sleep() whenever you need to pause the program, and add -s ASYNCIFY=1 to emscripten.

Sometimes it's a good replacement of emscripten_set_main_loop, you may replace all sleep-alike functions with emscripten_sleep, instead of refactoring the whole main loop.

Also emscripten_sleep(1) can be used to 'interrupt' your code, such that the JavaScript engine can do the rendering and process events.


It is possible to implement more new async functions that appears to be sync in C.

  • Implement the function normally in a JavaScript library, suppose the function name is func.
  • Add func into ASYNCIFY_FUNCTIONS
  • When func is called and finished, the program will NOT continue, instead it just save the context and exit.
  • Call _emscripten_async_resume when you want to resume the program, usually in the callback functions of some async calls.

Please read src/library_async.js for details.


Code size increase should be expected, depending on the specific input. -Os (or -Oz for linking) is recommended when ASYNCIFY is turned on. E.g. usually the following loop is expanded to speed up:

for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
  // do something
  // do something else

However by expanding the loop, two more async calls are introduced, such that more callback functions will be produced during the asyncify transformation.

Asyncify can make performance much slower, if it ends up splitting a function which you need to be fast.

setjmp/longjmp and C++ exception are not working well when there are async function calls in the scope, but they still work when there's no async calls. E.g.

try {
  // do something
  if(error) throw 0; // works
  // do something else
  if(error) throw 0; // does not work

Currently all function pointer calls are considered as aync, and some functions might be recognized as async incorrectly. This can be corrected by manually setting the ASYNCIFY_WHITELIST option.

Other possible implementations

  • Closures (breaking asm.js)
  • Generators (too slow currently)
  • Blocking message (in workers)