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Updated Plot3DGraph to take a vector of colors for the color scale. A…
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…dded option to color bipartite graphs by node type.
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ludvigla committed Jan 24, 2024
1 parent c7b57f1 commit 28e5654
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 153 deletions.
244 changes: 106 additions & 138 deletions R/graph_layout_visualization.R
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Expand Up @@ -490,34 +490,32 @@ Plot2DGraphM <- function (
#' Plot 3D graph layouts
#' Plot a 3D component graph layout computed with \code{\link{ComputeLayout}} and
#' color nodes by a marker.
#' color nodes by a marker.
#' @param object A \code{Seurat} object
#' @param cell_id ID of component to visualize
#' @param marker Name of marker to color the nodes by
#' @param assay Name of assay to pull data from
#' @param layout_method Select appropriate layout previously computed with
#' \code{\link{ComputeLayout}}
#' @param project Project the nodes onto a sphere. Default FALSE
#' @param aspectmode Set aspect ratio to one of "data" or "cube".
#' If "cube", this scene's axes are drawn as a cube, regardless of the axes' ranges.
#' If "data", this scene's axes are drawn in proportion with the axes' ranges.
#' @param aspectmode Set aspect ratio to one of "data" or "cube".
#' If "cube", this scene's axes are drawn as a cube, regardless of the axes' ranges.
#' If "data", this scene's axes are drawn in proportion with the axes' ranges.
#' Default "data"
#' @param colors Color the nodes expressing a marker. Must be a character vector with two colornames. A continuous scale
#' will be created from the first color (low abundance) to the second color (high abundance).
#' @param use_palette Choose a color palette. This will override the color selection in \code{colors}. One of Greys, YlGnBu, Greens, YlOrRd, Bluered, RdBu, Reds, Blues, Picnic, Rainbow, Portland, Jet, Hot, Blackbody, Earth, Electric, Viridis, Cividis.
#' @param reversescale Reverse the color scale. Default FALSE
#' @param colors Color the nodes expressing a marker. Must be a character vector
#' with at least two color names.
#' @param log_scale Convert node counts to log-scale with \code{logp}
#' @param node_size Size of nodes
#' @param show_Bnodes Should B nodes be included in the visualization?
#' This option is only applicable to bipartite graphs.
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @param showgrid Show the grid lines. Default TRUE
#' @rdname Plot3DGraph
#' @return A interactive 3D plot of a component graph layout as a \code{plotly} object
Expand All @@ -528,65 +526,63 @@ Plot2DGraphM <- function (
#' package = "pixelatorR")
#' seur <- ReadMPX_Seurat(pxl_file, overwrite = TRUE)
#' seur <- LoadCellGraphs(seur, load_as = "Anode", cells = colnames(seur)[1:10])
#' seur <- LoadCellGraphs(seur, cells = colnames(seur)[1:10])
#' seur[["mpxCells"]] <- KeepLargestComponent(seur[["mpxCells"]])
#' seur <- ComputeLayout(seur, layout_method = "pmds", dim = 3)
#' Plot3DGraph(seur, cell_id = colnames(seur)[1], marker = "HLA-ABC")
#' @export
Plot3DGraph <- function (
marker = NULL,
assay = NULL,
layout_method = c("pmds", "wpmds", "fr", "kk", "drl"),
project = FALSE,
aspectmode = c("data", "cube"),
colors = c("lightgrey", "darkred"),
use_palette = NULL,
reversescale = FALSE,
showgrid = TRUE,
log_scale = TRUE,
node_size = 2,
show_Bnodes = FALSE,
marker = NULL,
assay = NULL,
layout_method = c("pmds", "wpmds", "fr", "kk", "drl"),
project = FALSE,
aspectmode = c("data", "cube"),
colors = c("lightgrey", "mistyrose", "red", "darkred"),
showgrid = TRUE,
log_scale = TRUE,
node_size = 2,
show_Bnodes = FALSE,
) {

# Validate input parameters
"'object' must be a Seurat object" =
inherits(object, what = "Seurat"),
"'colors' must be a character vector with 2 color names" =
"'colors' must be a character vector with at least 2 color names" =
is.character(colors) &&
(length(colors) == 2),
(length(colors) >= 2),
"'cell_id' must be a non-empty character vector with a single cell ID" =
is.character(cell_id) &&
(length(cell_id) == 1),
"'cell_id' must be present in the object" =
cell_id %in% colnames(object)

if (!is.null(marker)) {
"'marker' must be a character of length 1" =
is.character(marker) &&
(length(marker) == 1)

# Check and select a layout method
layout_method <- match.arg(layout_method)
layout_method <- match.arg(layout_method, c("pmds", "wpmds", "fr", "kk", "drl"))
layout_method_ext <- switch (layout_method,
"fr" = "Fruchterman Reingold (fr)",
"kk" = "Kamada Kawai (kk)",
"drl" = "DrL graph layout generator (drl)",
"pmds" = "pivot MDS (pmds)"

# Check and select an aspectmode
aspectmode <- match.arg(aspectmode)
aspectmode <- match.arg(aspectmode, choices = c("data", "cube"))

# Use default assay if assay = NULL
if (!is.null(assay)) {
Expand All @@ -597,20 +593,20 @@ Plot3DGraph <- function (
} else {
assay <- DefaultAssay(object)

# Validate assay
cg_assay <- object[[assay]]
if (!inherits(cg_assay, what = "CellGraphAssay")) {
abort(glue("Invalid assay type '{class(cg_assay)}'. Expected a 'CellGraphAssay'"))

# Fetch component graph
component_graph <- CellGraphs(cg_assay)[[cell_id]]
if (is.null(component_graph)) abort(glue("Missing cellgraph for component '{cell_id}'"))

# unpack values
graph <- component_graph@cellgraph

# Validate marker
if (!is.null(marker)) {
if (marker == "node_type") {
Expand All @@ -623,113 +619,85 @@ Plot3DGraph <- function (
abort(glue("'{marker}' is missing from node count matrix ",
"for component {cell_id}"))


if (!layout_method %in% names(component_graph@layout))
abort(glue("Missing layout '{layout_method}' for component '{cell_id}'"))
layout <- component_graph@layout[[layout_method]]

if (length(graph) == 0)
abort(glue("Missing cellgraph for component '{cell_id}'"))
if (length(layout) < 3)
abort(glue("Too few dimensions for a 3D visualization of layout '{layout_method}' for component '{cell_id}'"))

# Add node marker counts if needed
if (!is.null(marker)) {
if (marker != "node_type") {
graph <- graph %N>%
mutate(marker = component_graph@counts[, marker]) %>%
if (log_scale) {
mutate(., marker = log1p(marker))
} else {

# Add node marker counts if needed
if (!is.null(marker)) {
if (marker != "node_type") {
layout <- layout %>%
mutate(marker = component_graph@counts[, marker]) %>%
if (log_scale) {
mutate(., marker = log1p(marker))
} else {

# Remove B nodes if show_Bnodes=FALSE
if ((attr(graph, "type") == "bipartite") && !show_Bnodes) {
inds_keep <- (graph %>% pull(node_type)) == "A"
graph <- graph %>%

# Remove B nodes if show_Bnodes=FALSE
if ((attr(graph, "type") == "bipartite")) {
layout$node_type <- graph %>% pull(node_type)
if (!show_Bnodes) {
layout <- layout %>%
filter(node_type == "A")
layout <- layout[inds_keep, ]

# Rearrange by marker
if (!is.null(marker)) {
if (marker != "node_type") {
# Rearrange layout
order <- order(graph %>% pull(marker))
layout <- data.frame(layout, row.names = graph %>% pull(name))
graph <- graph %>%
layout <- layout[order, ] %>% as_tibble()

# Create colorscale, using a palette overrides the manually selected colors
colorscale <- use_palette
} else {
colorscale <- list(c(0, colors[1]), c(1, colors[2]))

# Create plot
plot_data <- layout %>% mutate(marker = graph %>% pull(marker))
# Plot 3D graph using plotly
fig <- plotly::plot_ly(plot_data,
x = ~x,
y = ~y,
z = ~z,
marker = list(color = ~marker,
colorscale = colorscale,
reversescale = reversescale,
showscale = TRUE,
size = node_size))
fig <- fig %>% plotly::add_markers() %>% plotly::layout(scene = list(aspectmode=aspectmode,
xaxis = list(visible = showgrid),
yaxis = list(visible = showgrid),
zaxis = list(visible = showgrid)),
annotations = list(x = 1,
y = 0.98,
text = marker,
showarrow = FALSE))

# Project data to sphere if project=TRUE
if (project) {
# Normalize 3D coordinates to a sphere
layout <- layout %>%
mutate(norm_factor = select(., x, y, z) %>%
apply(MARGIN = 1, function(x) {
as.matrix(x) %>%
norm(type = "F")
x = x / norm_factor,
y = y / norm_factor,
z = z / norm_factor)

# Plot 3D graph using plotly
fig <- plotly::plot_ly(layout,
x = ~x,
y = ~y,
z = ~z,
marker = list(size = node_size),
mode = "scatter3d")
if (!is.null(marker)) {
if (marker == "node_type") {
fig <- fig %>%
plotly::add_markers(color = ~node_type, colors = c("blue", "orange"))
} else {
plot_data <-
plot_data %>%

# Normalize 3D coordinates to a sphere
mutate(norm_factor =
select(., x, y, z) %>%
apply(MARGIN = 1, function(x) {
as.matrix(x) %>%
norm(type = "F")
x_norm = x / norm_factor,
y_norm = y / norm_factor,
z_norm = z / norm_factor)
fig <- plotly::plot_ly(plot_data,
x = ~x_norm,
y = ~y_norm,
z = ~z_norm,
marker = list(color = ~marker,
colorscale = colorscale,
reversescale = reversescale,
showscale = TRUE,
size = node_size))
fig <- fig %>% plotly::add_markers() %>% plotly::layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(visible = showgrid),
yaxis = list(visible = showgrid),
zaxis = list(visible = showgrid)),
annotations = list(x = 1,
y = 0.98,
text = marker,
showarrow = FALSE))
#warning("Projection to a sphere overrides the aspect ratio setting", call. = FALSE)
fig <- fig %>%
plotly::add_markers(color = ~marker, colors = colors)
} else {
fig <- fig %>%

fig <- fig %>%
plotly::layout(scene = list(aspectmode = aspectmode,
xaxis = list(visible = showgrid),
yaxis = list(visible = showgrid),
zaxis = list(visible = showgrid)),
annotations = list(x = 1,
y = 0.98,
text = ifelse(!is.null(marker), marker, ""),
showarrow = FALSE))
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions man/Plot3DGraph.Rd

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