Installation | Usage | Notes | Contact | Credits | Documentation | Tutorials
pixelatorR provides the infrastructure to process, analyze and visualize MPX data for R users.
Visit our package website for more details about installation. Here, you can also access the function documentation and tutorials for advanced users.
pixelatorR can be installed from GitHub by running the following code from R:
You can also install pixelatorR from source by cloning the repository.
git clone
Then, in an R session, run:
install.packages("<path to pixelatorR directory>", repos = NULL, type = "source")
Visit our tutorials for a step-by step guide on MPX data analysis with pixelatorR. For advanced users, we also provide additional tutorials on our package website, which are more directed towards users who are interested in the details of how pixelatorR stores and handles MPX data in R.
pixelatorR is designed to work with objects types from the SeuratObject R package. For many analytical tasks you will need to have Seurat v5 installed:
For feature requests or bug reports, please use the GitHub issues.
You can also email the development team at [email protected].
pixelatorR is developed and maintained by the developers at Pixelgen Technologies.
When using pixelatorR in your research, please cite the following publication:
Karlsson, F., Kallas, T., Thiagarajan, D. et al. Molecular pixelation: spatial proteomics of single cells by sequencing. Nat Methods (2024).
Main developers:
- Ludvig Larsson (@ludvigla)
- Max Karlsson (@maxkarlsson)
- Vincent van Hoef (@vincent-van-hoef)
- Alvaro Martinez Barrio (@ambarrio)
- Johan Dahlberg (@johandahlberg)
A huge thank you to all code contributors!