# conda
conda create -n yolov5 python=3.9
conda activate yolov5
# pip
pip install -r requirments-01.txt
# download dataset
cd ../{project}
mkdir -p datasets/coco128
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ya6SAFGp6du5RahaU1BlkA?pwd=jufh
提取码: jufh
├── coco128
│ ├── images
│ │ └── train2017
│ ├── labels
│ │ └── train2017
│ └── README.txt
# download pre-trained weights
cd {project}
wget -O yolov5s-v5.0.pt https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/releases/download/v5.0/yolov5s.pt
wget -O yolov5s-v6.0.pt https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/releases/download/v6.0/yolov5s.pt
# YOLOv5s
python train.py --data data/coco128.yaml --imgsz 640 --weights yolov5s.pt --cfg models/yolov5s.yaml --epochs 100 --device 0,1 --sync-bn
# [Optional] YOLOv5l-PP-LCNet
python train.py --data data/coco128.yaml --imgsz 640 --weights yolov5lPP-LC.pt --cfg models/lightModels/yolov5lPP-LC.yaml --epochs 60 --device 0,1 --sync-bn
I. Slim (BN-L1)
# sparse train
python train.py --data data/coco128.yaml --imgsz 640 --weights runs/train/exp/weights/best-coco128-mAP05-02293.pt --cfg models/prunModels/yolov5s-pruning.yaml --epochs 100 --device 0,1 --sparse
# prune
python pruneSlim.py --data data/coco128.yaml --weights runs/2_sparse-coco128-mAP05-035504.pt --cfg models/prunModels/yolov5s-pruning.yaml --path yolov5s-pruned.yaml --global_percent 0.5 --device 0,1
# finetune
python train.py --data data/coco128.yaml --imgsz 640 --weights runs/3_sparse-coco128-mAP05-035504-Slimpruned.pt --cfg yolov5s-pruned.yaml --epochs 100 --device 0,1
II. EagleEye (un-test)
# search best sub-net
python pruneEagleEye.py --data data/coco128.yaml --weights runs/1_base-coco128-mAP05-02293.pt --cfg models/prunModels/yolov5s-pruning.yaml --path yolov5s-pruned-eagleeye.yaml --max_iter 100 --remain_ratio 0.5 --delta 0.02
# finetune
python train.py --data data/coco128.yaml --imgsz 640 --weights runs/3_base-coco128-mAP05-02293-EagleEyepruned.pt --cfg yolov5s-pruned-eagleeye.yaml --epochs 100 --device 0,1
cd yolov5_quant_sample
cp *.pt weights/SlimPrune
cp *.pt weights/EagleEye
5.1 export onnx
python models/export.py --weights weights/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.pt --img 640 --batch 1 --device 0,1
5.2 Build a int8 engine using TensorRT's native PTQ
rm trt/yolov5s_calibration.cache
python trt/onnx_to_trt.py --model weights/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.onnx --dtype int8 --batch-size 4 --num-calib-batch 16 --calib-img-dir ../datasets/coco128/images/train2017
5.3 Evaluate the accurary of TensorRT inference result.
# datasets eval (coco128 json label Unfinished)
??? python trt/eval_yolo_trt.py --model ./weights/xxx.trt -l
# image test
python trt/trt_test.py --model weights/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5-int8-4-16-minmax.trt
python trt/trt_test.py --model weights/EagleEye/Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned-int8-4-16-minmax.trt
# QAT-finetuning
python yolo_quant_flow.py --data data/coco128.yaml --cfg models/yolov5s.yaml --ckpt-path weights/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.pt --hyp data//hyp.qat.yaml --skip-layers
python yolo_quant_flow.py --data data/coco128.yaml --cfg models/yolov5s.yaml --ckpt-path weights/EagleEye/Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned.pt --hyp data//hyp.qat.yaml --skip-layers
# Build TensorRT engine
python trt/onnx_to_trt.py --model weights/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5_skip4.onnx --dtype int8 --qat
python trt/onnx_to_trt.py --model weights/EagleEye/Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned_skip4.onnx --dtype int8 --qat
# Evaluate the accuray of TensorRT engine
python trt/trt_test.py --model weights/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5_skip4.trt
python trt/trt_test.py --model weights/EagleEye/Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned_skip4.trt
# SlimPrune
python deploy/export_onnx_trt.py --weights runs/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.pt --device 0,1 --half --simplify
# EagleEye
python deploy/export_onnx_trt.py --weights runs/EagleEye/Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned.pt --device 0,1 --half --simplify
- model size
Base-coco128-mAP05_0.2293.pt 14.8M
# SlimPrune
Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.pt 4.6M
Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.engine 6.7M
Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5_skip4.trt 10.1M
# EagleEye
Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned.pt 6.0M
Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned.engine 8.5M
Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned_skip4.trt 10.1M
- detect test
# Test: original.pt
python detect.py --weights runs/Base-coco128-mAP05_0.2293.pt
Speed: 0.3ms pre-process, 6.0ms inference, 0.4ms NMS per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)
# Test: pruned.pt
python detect.py --weights runs/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.pt
python detect.py --weights runs/EagleEye/Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned.pt
Speed: 0.3ms pre-process, 6.3ms inference, 0.4ms NMS per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)
Speed: 0.3ms pre-process, 6.5ms inference, 0.4ms NMS per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)
# Test: pruned+FP16.engine
python deploy/detect_trt.py --weights runs/SlimPrune/Finetune-coco128-mAP05_0.0810-Slimpruned_0.5.engine --device 0,1 --half
python deploy/detect_trt.py --weights runs/EagleEye/Finetune_coco128-mAP05_0.0860-EagleEyepruned.engine --device 0,1 --half
Speed: 0.3ms pre-process, 1.3ms inference, 0.9ms NMS per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)
Speed: 0.3ms pre-process, 1.5ms inference, 0.7ms NMS per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)
Model | File Size | Inference per img |
Base.pt | 14.8M | 6.0ms |
SlimPrune.pt | 4.6M | 6.3ms |
SlimPrune_fp16.engine | 6.7M | 1.3ms |
SlimPrune_int8_PTQ.trt | 4.9M | 3.5ms |
SlimPrune_int8_QAT.trt | 10.1M | 4.1ms |
EagleEye.pt | 6.0M | 6.5ms |
EagleEye_fp16.engine | 8.5M | 1.5ms |
EagleEye_int8_PTQ.trt | 5.7M | 3.5ms |
EagleEye_int8_QTA.trt | 10.1M | 3.9ms |
- Base-train
- Prune(SlimPrune、EagleEye)
- Finetune
- FP16 Quantization
- Change Backbone(mobilev2/...)
- Distillation