POSO is a generic ontology positioning system ontology. Other than many geospatial ontologies, POSO focuses on the semantics needed to express a positioning system, their techiques and the location data along with other information it can output.
: POSO 1.1 ontology and related modules/1.1/docs/
: Documentation related files for the wiki/1.1/docs/images/
: POSO ontology documentation images
: POSO core ontolog/1.1/common/poso-common.ttl
: POSO-common ontology with individuals for algorithms, techniques and existing systems/1.0/m3lite/poso-m3lite.ttl
: POSO-m3lite alignment
: [Deprecated] POSO 1.0 ontology and related modules/website/
: Website and build scripts for deployment
Ontology documentation is provided using WIDOCO [1] and generated in the ./website
directory upon building the website.
POSO Ontology (en): https://openhps.github.io/POSO/1.1/en/
POSO-common module (en): https://openhps.github.io/POSO/1.1/common/en/
The POSO ontology has been designed with the common data requirements of various positioning system technologies, datasets and frame- works in mind to cover all types of systems without overcomplicating the modelling of the data. An initial validation has further been conducted based on the OpenHPS framework using the @openhps/rdf module.
POSO is licensed under the MIT license and maintained by the Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
This list of references is only used within this README document. For more references on design choices in the POSO ontology, please refer to the paper and its references.
- Garijo, D. (2017, October). WIDOCO: a wizard for documenting ontologies. In International Semantic Web Conference (pp. 94-102). Springer, Cham.