Simulation to Real Implementation on Kinova Arm
Install OpenCV and cv_bridge using the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-your-distro-vision-opencv $ sudo apt-get install ros-your-distro-cv-bridge
Create a package in your workspace with the required dependencies by running the following command:
$ catkin_create_pkg package-name rospy roscpp opencv2 cv_bridge std_msgs sensor_msgs
Put and in the src folder
Change line 24 in to the directory you have saved your camera caliberation images. (Note: Make sure to take atleast 30 images)
Run to generate the required camera matrices. They will be saved as camera_mtx.npy and dist_mtx.npy in the same directory
Run roscore and your camera image publisher node
Change line 24 in to subscribe to your camera topic
Change line 38 and 39 in to the directory where camera_mtx.npy and dist_mtx.npy is saved in order to import them
Object pose is published on the topic /object_pose as Float32
Marker pose is published on the topic /marker_id as String