Let multiple agents move smoothly. swa_ecbs_2 is assigning weight in the range [(1+w)/2, w] swa_ecbs_3 is ensuring that the average conflicted agent is assigned (1+w)/2 weight See the project page.
Multi-agent Path Finding
Multi-agent Pickup and Delivery (sushi-mode)
The visualization relies on openFrameworks.
You need to install openFrameworks beforehand and export OF_ROOT
of your environment.
export OF_ROOT={your openFrameworks directory}
The latest implementation relies on boost.
At first, you must prepare param file. To confirm details, see a sample file. Then you can execute the simulator as following.
- implementation with openFrameworks
make of
make ofrun param=sample-param.txt
- without visualization (for experiment)
mkdir log
mkdir swa_ecbs_log
mkdir swa_ecbs_2_log
mkdir swa_ecbs_3_log
mkdir dwa_ecbs_log
mkdir dwa_ecbs_2_log
mkdir dwa_ecbs_3_log
make c
make crun param=sample-param.txt
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.