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Failed attempt at refactoring motion planning
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barci2 committed Jan 6, 2024
1 parent 4556111 commit aa8e016
Showing 1 changed file with 317 additions and 0 deletions.
317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions experiments/
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@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Self, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, TypeVarTuple
from gym.spaces import Box
import numpy as np
from predicators.approaches.bilevel_planning_approach import BilevelPlanningApproach
from predicators.option_model import _OptionModelBase
from predicators.planning import _DiscoveredFailure, _DiscoveredFailureException
from predicators.settings import CFG
from predicators.structs import NSRT, _GroundNSRT, _Option, Action, Dataset, DefaultState, DummyOption, GroundAtom, LowLevelTrajectory, Metrics, ParameterizedOption, Predicate, Segment, State, Task, Type
from predicators.utils import EnvironmentFailure

__all__ = ["SearchPruningApproach"]

class SearchPruningApproach(BilevelPlanningApproach):
def __init__(self, initial_predicates: Set[Predicate],
initial_options: Set[ParameterizedOption], types: Set[Type],
action_space: Box, train_tasks: List[Task]) -> None:
super().__init__(initial_predicates, initial_options, types, action_space, train_tasks)
self._nsrts: Set[NSRT] = set()

def get_name(cls) -> str:
return "search_prunning"

def is_learning_based(self) -> bool:
return True

def _get_current_nsrts(self) -> Set[NSRT]:
return self._nsrts

def learn_from_offline_dataset(self, dataset: Dataset) -> None:

def pseudocode():
tasks = get_tasks()
oracle_nsrts = get_oracle_nsrts()
base_dataset = [run_planning(task, oracle_nsrts) for task in tasks]
learned_nsrts = learn_base_nsrt_samplers(base_dataset)
all_feasibility_datasets = []
for suffix_length in range(1, max(len(traj) for traj in base_dataset) + 1):
feasibility_dataset = [
run_planning(Task(traj[-suffix_length].state, traj.task.goal), learned_nsrts)
for traj in base_dataset if len(traj) >= suffix_length
all_feasibility_datasets += feasibility_dataset
update_feasibility_classifier(learned_nsrts, base_dataset, all_feasibility_datasets)

_NOT_CAUSES_FAILURE = "NotCausesFailure"

class BacktrackingTree:
_state: State
_successful_try: Optional[Tuple[_Option, Self]] = None
_failed_tries: List[Tuple[_Option, Optional[Self]]] = field(default_factory=list)
_longest_failure: Optional[Tuple[_Option, Self]] = None
_longest_failure_length: int = 0

def __post_init__(self):
self._frozen = False

def num_failed_children(self) -> int:
return len(self._failed_tries)

def state(self) -> State:
return self._state

def append_failed_search(self, option: _Option, tree: Optional[Self]) -> None:
""" Adds a failed backtracking branch. Takes the ownership of the tree.
assert not self._frozen
tree._frozen = True
self._failed_tries.append((option, tree))
if tree._longest_failure_length + 1 > self._longest_failure_length:
self._longest_failure_length = tree._longest_failure_length + 1
self._longest_failure = (option, tree)

def set_successful_try(self, option: _Option, tree: Self) -> None:
assert self._successful_try is None and not self._frozen
tree._frozen = True
self._successful_try = (option, tree)

def sample_failed_segments(self, rng: np.random.Generator) -> Tuple[List[State], List[_Option]]:
return self._visit(lambda tree: None if not tree._failed_tries else rng.choice(tree._failed_tries))

def successful_trajectory(self) -> Tuple[List[State], List[_Option]]:
return self._visit(lambda tree: tree._successful_try)

def longest_failuire(self) -> Tuple[List[State], List[_Option]]:
traj = self._visit(lambda tree: tree._longest_failure)
assert len(traj.actions) == self._longest_failure_length
return traj

def _visit(tree: Self, f: Callable[[Self], Optional[Tuple[_Option, Self]]]) -> Tuple[List[State], List[_Option]]:
states: List[State] = []
options: List[_Option] = []
while True:
next_action_tree = f(tree)
if next_action_tree is None:
return states
option, tree = next_action_tree

class Backtracking:
def __init__(self, state: State) -> Self:
self._search_nodes: List[BacktrackingTree] = [BacktrackingTree(state)]
self._search_options: List[_Option] = []

def num_tries(self) -> int:
return self._search_nodes[-1].num_failed_children

def current_state(self) -> State:
return self._search_nodes[-1].state

def current_depth(self) -> State:
return len(self._search_options)

def append(self, option: _Option, state: State) -> None:

def collapse_single_failure(self) -> None:
assert self._search_options
option = self._search_options.pop()
tree = self._search_nodes.pop()
self._search_nodes[-1].append_failed_search(option, tree)

def collapse_failure(self) -> BacktrackingTree:
for parent, option, child in zip(self._search_nodes[-1::-1], self._search_options[::-1], self._search_nodes[::-1]):
parent.append_failed_search(option, child)
root = self._search_nodes[0]
self._search_nodes, self._search_options = [root], []
return root

def collapse_success(self) -> BacktrackingTree: # This class should not be used after this point
for parent, option, child in zip(self._search_nodes[-1::-1], self._search_options[::-1], self._search_nodes[::-1]):
parent.set_successful_try(option, child)
root = self._search_nodes[0]
self._search_nodes, self._search_options = [root], []
return root

def run_motion_tree_search(
task: Task,
option_model: _OptionModelBase,
skeleton: List[_GroundNSRT],
atoms_sequence: List[Set[GroundAtom]],
seed: int,
timeout: float,
metrics: Metrics,
max_horizon: int,
refinement_time: List[float] = []
) -> Tuple[BacktrackingTree, bool]:
"""Backtracking search over continuous values.
Returns a sequence of options and a boolean. If the boolean is True,
the option sequence is a complete low-level plan refining the given
skeleton. Otherwise, the option sequence is the longest partial
failed refinement, where the last step did not satisfy the skeleton,
but all previous steps did. Note that there are multiple low-level
plans in general; we return the first one found (arbitrarily).
start_time = time.perf_counter()
rng_sampler = np.random.default_rng(seed)
assert CFG.sesame_propagate_failures in \
{"after_exhaust", "immediately", "never"}
backtracking = Backtracking(task.init)
# Optimization: if the params_space for the NSRT option is empty, only
# sample it once, because all samples are just empty (so equivalent).
max_tries = [
if nsrt.option.params_space.shape[0] > 0 else 1 for nsrt in skeleton
# Record the refinement time distributed across each step of the skeleton
assert len(refinement_time) == 0
refinement_time.extend([0] * len(skeleton))
# The number of actions taken by each option in the plan. This is to
# make sure that we do not exceed the task horizon.
num_actions_per_option = [0 for _ in skeleton]
# We'll use a maximum of one discovered failure per step, since
# resampling can render old discovered failures obsolete.
discovered_failures: List[Optional[_DiscoveredFailure]] = [
None for _ in skeleton
plan_found = False
while len(backtracking) < len(skeleton):
if time.perf_counter() - start_time > timeout:
return backtracking.collapse_failure(), False
assert backtracking.front.num_tries < max_tries[backtracking.current_depth]

try_start_time = time.perf_counter()
state = backtracking.current_state
nsrt = skeleton[backtracking.current_depth]
# Ground the NSRT's ParameterizedOption into an _Option.
# This invokes the NSRT's sampler.
option = nsrt.sample_option(state, task.goal, rng_sampler)
metrics["num_samples"] += 1
# Increment cur_idx. It will be decremented later on if we get stuck.
cur_idx += 1
if option.initiable(state):
next_state, num_actions = \
option_model.get_next_state_and_num_actions(state, option)
except EnvironmentFailure as e:
can_continue_on = False
# Remember only the most recent failure.
discovered_failures[backtracking.current_depth] = _DiscoveredFailure(e, nsrt)
else: # an EnvironmentFailure was not raised
discovered_failures[backtracking.current_depth] = None
num_actions_per_option[backtracking.current_depth] = num_actions
traj[cur_idx] = next_state
# Check if objects that were outside the scope had a change
# in state.
static_obj_changed = False
if CFG.sesame_check_static_object_changes:
static_objs = set(state) - set(nsrt.objects)
for obj in sorted(static_objs):
if not np.allclose(
traj[cur_idx - 1][obj],
static_obj_changed = True
if static_obj_changed:
can_continue_on = False
# Check if we have exceeded the horizon.
elif np.sum(num_actions_per_option[:cur_idx]) > max_horizon:
can_continue_on = False
# Check if the option was effectively a noop.
elif num_actions == 0:
can_continue_on = False
elif CFG.sesame_check_expected_atoms:
# Check atoms against expected atoms_sequence constraint.
assert len(traj) == len(atoms_sequence)
# The expected atoms are ones that we definitely expect to
# be true at this point in the plan. They are not *all* the
# atoms that could be true.
expected_atoms = {
for atom in atoms_sequence[cur_idx]
# This "if all" statement is equivalent to, but faster
# than, checking whether expected_atoms is a subset of
# utils.abstract(traj[cur_idx], predicates).
if all(a.holds(traj[cur_idx]) for a in expected_atoms):
can_continue_on = True
if cur_idx == len(skeleton):
plan_found = True
can_continue_on = False
# If we're not checking expected_atoms, we need to
# explicitly check the goal on the final timestep.
can_continue_on = True
if cur_idx == len(skeleton):
if task.goal_holds(traj[cur_idx]):
plan_found = True
can_continue_on = False
# The option is not initiable.
can_continue_on = False
try_end_time = time.perf_counter()
refinement_time[backtracking.current_depth] += try_end_time - try_start_time

if plan_found:
return backtracking.collapse_success(), True # success!

if not can_continue_on: # we got stuck, time to resample / backtrack!
# If we're immediately propagating failures, and we got a failure,
# raise it now. We don't do this right after catching the
# EnvironmentFailure because we want to make sure to update
# the longest_failed_refinement first.
possible_failure = discovered_failures[backtracking.current_depth]
if possible_failure is not None and \
CFG.sesame_propagate_failures == "immediately":
raise _DiscoveredFailureException(
"Discovered a failure", possible_failure,
{"longest_failed_refinement": backtracking.collapse_failure().longest_failuire})
# Decrement cur_idx to re-do the step we just did. If num_tries
# is exhausted, backtrack.
while backtracking.num_tries == max_tries[backtracking.current_depth]:
num_actions_per_option[backtracking.current_depth] = 0
if backtracking.current_depth == 0:
# Backtracking exhausted. If we're only propagating failures
# after exhaustion, and if there are any failures,
# propagate up the EARLIEST one so that high-level search
# restarts. Otherwise, return a partial refinement so that
# high-level search continues.
failure_tree = backtracking.collapse_failure()
for possible_failure in discovered_failures:
if possible_failure is not None and \
CFG.sesame_propagate_failures == "after_exhaust":
raise _DiscoveredFailureException(
"Discovered a failure", possible_failure, {
return failure_tree, False
# Should only get here if the skeleton was empty.
assert not skeleton
return backtracking.collapse_success(), True

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