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Process JSON spec

David Megginson edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 1 revision

The Process JSON spec API endpoint at /api/from-json.<EXT> accepts a JSON processing spec—either directly, or via URL reference—and runs the processing chain defined in it, returning the output data. The allowed values for are ".csv", ".json", or ".objects.json". The endpoint supports only GET requests.


Either spec-url or spec-json is required (but not both).

Property Type Description
spec-url URL The URL of an external [[processing spec
spec-json JSON The actual content of a processing spec to apply.
format "csv"|"json"|"objects.json" The output format (overriding the extension in the API call).
verify_ssl boolean If false, do not verify the SSL certificate if downloading the processing spec from a URL (useful for self-signed certs).
filename string If specified, use this for the output filename with the HTTP Content-Disposition header.
force "on" If specified, do not cache the input processing spec.

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