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Fill data filter

David Megginson edited this page May 30, 2017 · 2 revisions
Fill data filter form

The Fill data filter fills empty cells with the closest previous non-blank value in the same column. By default, the filter fills all columns, but you can restrict it to a specific column, and provide a query to apply it only to certain rows.


Tag pattern for filling: a tag pattern for the column to fill. If omitted, the filter will fill empty cells in all columns.

Fill only in rows matching this query: a row query matching the rows that should be filled. If specified, empty cells in non-matching columns will be ignored.


Filling for #org:


#org #sector #adm1 #date
UNICEF WASH Coast 2016-11-15
Health Coast 2016-11-12
Health Coast 2016-12-01
TdH WASH 2016-11-15


#org #sector #adm1 #date
UNICEF WASH Coast 2016-11-15
UNICEF Health Coast 2016-11-12
UNICEF Health Coast 2016-12-01
TdH WASH 2016-11-15

Use cases

This filter is especially useful for working with spreadsheets which fill in only the first value of a repeated sequence (often displaying merged across multiple rows), as in the above example.

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