Hello Everyone, this repository is used to store any file that related to this project. Presentation Slide : https://www.canva.com/design/DAF1Vjq3mb4/ylvdozoFoDqcAO3K-8Yb2w/edit?utm_content=DAF1Vjq3mb4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
- Programming Language : Python (3.9 - 3.11)
- Library : TensorFlow, imageiov2, keras-efficientnet-v2, numpy, matplotlib, plotly, gdown, os, io, pillow, IPython, urllib, pydot, graphviz
- You can use google collab for other option
Name | Linkedln |
Miranda Rafa Yunizar | Linkedln |
Nafis Almajid | Linkedln |
Nazriyah Deny Tsaniyah | Linkedln |
- To use the notebook for modeling, you can simply download or clone it and make sure to install the dependencies. Once you have done that, ensure that you have all the required data and enter the path folder where your data is stored. or if you use a google collab you can import the notebook then run it, and make sure you enter the filepath where your data is stored
- To use the notebook for image repair, make sure you already have the data and enter the path folder where your data is stored.
- Why we decided to use EfficientNetV2 Pretrained model, Available Models
- EfficientNetV2 performance, EfficientNetV2: Smaller Models and Faster Training
- Keras EfficientNetV2 Pretrained Model by leondgarse
- Data Augmentation, OfficialTutorials
- Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning, OfficialTutorials
- BatchNormalization Here