Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem due to a lack of nutritional intake over a long period of time resulting in the disruption of growth in children. Based on the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey Indonesia (SSGI) 2022, babies who are in the womb and babies who are 6 - 23 months old are very susceptible to stunting. Stunting is still a major nutritional problem facing Indonesia.
The percentage of stunting in Indonesia in 2022 is 21.6% or more than 4.5 million children suffering from stunting. This figure is still high compared to the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) target of 14% by 2024. Stunting has the highest prevalence compared to other nutritional problems such as undernutrition, wasting, and obesity.
What applications should be developed for the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the nutrients contained in each type of food that will be consumed daily in an effective and efficient way?