Fixed Point Addition of Matrix A (Size: FM_COL * FM_ROW) and Matrix B (Size: FM_COL * FM_ROW). Implemented With the DDR4 Naive Interface and Simple Dual-Port BRAMs.
- Highly Parameterized.
- Already Tested Under Several Scenarios, Including (FM_COL, FM_ROW) = (8, 4) / (16, 4) / (16, 8) / (64, 4) /(64, 8) /(128, 4), and various fixed point number configurations. In the uploaded code, the author utilizes signed 64-bit fixed point number with 15 bits of fraction part. Other configurations are welcome! Btw, You can also change real_setting in Vivado wave window and set the binary points variable to 15 to verify the results yourself.
- Self-Check Results. I have implemented self-check logics in the code to verify the correctness of addition results automatically. You can refer to the error_num signal to check whether error arises.
- Generate FM_COL * FM_ROW * 2 fixed point data and write them to DDR
- Read the first FM_COL * FM_ROW data from DDR to BRAM0, the rest FM_COL * FM_ROW data to BRAM1
- Read from BRAM0 and BRAM1 simultaneously, perform fixed point addition, write FM_COL * FM_ROW results to BRAM0
- Read FM_COL * FM_ROW results from BRAM0 and write them to DDR
- Read FM_COL * FM_ROW results from DDR and check correctness
- Data tested are generated by $random, NO real matrix data are tested.
- The fixed point adder engine haven't consider overflow and underflow conditions. In the uploaded version, the author copes with this problem by carefully generating in-the-range random numbers.
- The uploaded version only has been tested under behavioral simulation. No guarantees in synthesis and post-synthesis simulation.
- Data size larger than (128, 4) haven't been tested.
E1_top: top module & sim top module
---- E1_gen_fixed_point: Fixed point generation for A and B
---- E1_ddr_to_out: Write generated numbers to DDR & Read results from DDR
---- E1_catch_fixed_point: Catch results from DDR and write them to a buffer, waiting for comparsion
---- E1_validate_vadd: Self-check module
---- E1_bram_wr_rd: BRAM top module, including two brams
--------- E1_BRAM: BRAM logic
---- E1_ddr_to_bram: DDR vs. BRAM interface controller
--------- E1_p2s: Parellel to sequential conversion. Used in BRAM --> DDR
--------- E1_s2p: Sequential to parellel conversion. Used in DDR --> BRAM
---- E1_bram_to_op: BRAM vs. QADD interface controller
---- E1_qadd_g: QADD group
--------- E1_qadd: Fixed point adder
---- E1_ddr_wrapper_top: DDR4 top instantiation
--------- E1_ddr_wrapper: Interface between MIG ip and ddr4_model
--------- ddr4_model: Simulation model of DDR4
**ddr4_0.xci: ** DDR4 MIG IP file
E1_qadd_tb: Testbench of E1_qadd module
For more details, please refer to [].
Please feel free to contact if you have any problems ~😉