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changed the collision checker to pqp and added other 2 evaluation cri…
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ChunyangSun committed Feb 17, 2014
1 parent 19af10a commit 1f516ab
Showing 1 changed file with 263 additions and 0 deletions.
263 changes: 263 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python


# Standard Python Imports
import os
import copy
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy

# OpenRAVE
import openravepy
#openravepy.RaveInitialize(True, openravepy.DebugLevel.Debug)

curr_path = os.getcwd()
relative_ordata = '/models'
ordata_path_thispack = curr_path + relative_ordata

#this sets up the OPENRAVE_DATA environment variable to include the files we're using
openrave_data_path = os.getenv('OPENRAVE_DATA', '')
openrave_data_paths = openrave_data_path.split(':')
if ordata_path_thispack not in openrave_data_paths:
if openrave_data_path == '':
os.environ['OPENRAVE_DATA'] = ordata_path_thispack
datastr = str('%s:%s'%(ordata_path_thispack, openrave_data_path))
os.environ['OPENRAVE_DATA'] = datastr

#set database file to be in this folder only
relative_ordatabase = '/database'
ordatabase_path_thispack = curr_path + relative_ordatabase
os.environ['OPENRAVE_DATABASE'] = ordatabase_path_thispack # set path: environment variable

#get rid of warnings
openravepy.RaveInitialize(True, openravepy.DebugLevel.Fatal)

class RoboHandler:
def __init__(self):
print "Initializing..."
print "Openrave..."
print "Problem..."

#order grasps based on your own scoring metric
print "Ordering grasps..."

#order grasps with noise
print "Ordering with noise..."

# the usual initialization for openrave
def openrave_init(self):
self.env = openravepy.Environment()
self.env.GetViewer().SetName('HW1 Viewer')
self.env.Load('models/%s.env.xml' %PACKAGE_NAME)
cc = openravepy.RaveCreateCollisionChecker(self.env, "pqp")

# time.sleep(3) # wait for viewer to initialize. May be helpful to uncomment
self.robot = self.env.GetRobots()[0]
self.manip = self.robot.GetActiveManipulator()
self.end_effector = self.manip.GetEndEffector()

# problem specific initialization - load target and grasp module
def problem_init(self):
self.target_kinbody = self.env.ReadKinBodyURI('models/objects/champagne.iv')
#self.target_kinbody = self.env.ReadKinBodyURI('models/objects/winegoblet.iv')
#self.target_kinbody = self.env.ReadKinBodyURI('models/objects/black_plastic_mug.iv')

#change the location so it's not under the robot
T = self.target_kinbody.GetTransform()
T[0:3,3] += np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

# create a grasping module
self.gmodel = openravepy.databases.grasping.GraspingModel(self.robot, self.target_kinbody)

# if you want to set options, e.g. friction
options = openravepy.options
options.friction = 0.1
if not self.gmodel.load():

self.graspindices = self.gmodel.graspindices
self.grasps = self.gmodel.grasps

# order the grasps - call eval grasp on each, set the 'performance' index, and sort
def order_grasps(self):
self.grasps_ordered = self.grasps.copy() #you should change the order of self.grasps_ordered
for grasp in self.grasps_ordered:
grasp[self.graspindices.get('performance')] = self.eval_grasp(grasp)

# sort!
order = np.argsort(self.grasps_ordered[:,self.graspindices.get('performance')[0]])
order = order[::-1]
self.grasps_ordered = self.grasps_ordered[order]

# order the grasps - but instead of evaluating the grasp, evaluate random perturbations of the grasp
def order_grasps_noisy(self):
self.grasps_ordered_noisy = self.grasps_ordered.copy() #you should change the order of self.grasps_ordered_noisy
#TODO set the score with your evaluation function (over random samples) and sort
num_noisy_samples = 5

for grasp in self.grasps_ordered_noisy:
noisy_samples = []
for i in range(num_noisy_samples):
noisy_grasp = self.sample_random_grasp(grasp)
score = self.eval_grasp(noisy_grasp)

grasp[self.graspindices.get('performance')] = sum(noisy_samples) / num_noisy_samples

# sort!
order = np.argsort(self.grasps_ordered_noisy[:,self.graspindices.get('performance')[0]])
order = order[::-1]
self.grasps_ordered_noisy = self.grasps_ordered_noisy[order]

# function to evaluate grasps
# returns a score, which is some metric of the grasp
# higher score should be a better grasp
def eval_grasp(self, grasp):
with self.robot:
#contacts is a 2d array, where contacts[i,0-2] are the positions of contact i and contacts[i,3-5] is the direction
contacts,finalconfig,mindist,volume = self.gmodel.testGrasp(grasp=grasp,translate=True,forceclosure=False)

obj_position =[0:3,3]
# for each contact
G = np.zeros(shape=(6, len(contacts))) #the wrench matrix
wrench = np.zeros(shape=(6,1))
for i, c in enumerate(contacts):
pos = c[0:3] - obj_position
dir = -c[3:] #this is already a unit vector

# fill G
torque = np.cross(pos, dir)
wrench = np.concatenate([dir, torque])

G[:, i] = wrench

# Use SVD to compute minimum score
k1 = 1
k2 = 1
k3 = 1

U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(G)
sigmaMin = abs(S[-1])
sigmaMax = abs(S[0])
volumeG = np.linalg.det((G * np.transpose(G))) ** 0.5
isotropy = abs(float(sigmaMin) / sigmaMax)
print sigmaMin, volumeG, isotropy
score = k1 * sigmaMin + k2 * volumeG + k3 * isotropy

return score

except openravepy.planning_error,e:
#you get here if there is a failure in planning
#example: if the hand is already intersecting the object at the initial position/orientation
return 0.00 # TODO you may want to change this

#heres an interface in case you want to manipulate things more specifically
#NOTE for this assignment, your solutions cannot make use of graspingnoise
# self.robot.SetTransform(np.eye(4)) # have to reset transform in order to remove randomness
# self.robot.SetDOFValues(grasp[self.graspindices.get('igrasppreshape')], self.manip.GetGripperIndices())
# self.robot.SetActiveDOFs(self.manip.GetGripperIndices(), self.robot.DOFAffine.X + self.robot.DOFAffine.Y + self.robot.DOFAffine.Z)
# self.gmodel.grasper = openravepy.interfaces.Grasper(self.robot, friction=self.gmodel.grasper.friction, avoidlinks=[], plannername=None)
# contacts, finalconfig, mindist, volume = self.gmodel.grasper.Grasp( \
# direction = grasp[self.graspindices.get('igraspdir')], \
# roll = grasp[self.graspindices.get('igrasproll')], \
# position = grasp[self.graspindices.get('igrasppos')], \
# standoff = grasp[self.graspindices.get('igraspstandoff')], \
# manipulatordirection = grasp[self.graspindices.get('imanipulatordirection')], \
# target = self.target_kinbody, \
# graspingnoise = 0.0, \
# forceclosure = True, \
# execute = False, \
# outputfinal = True, \
# translationstepmult = None, \
# finestep = None )

# given grasp_in, create a new grasp which is altered randomly
# you can see the current position and direction of the grasp by:
# grasp[self.graspindices.get('igrasppos')]
# grasp[self.graspindices.get('igraspdir')]
def sample_random_grasp(self, grasp_in):
grasp = grasp_in.copy()

#sample random position
RAND_DIST_SIGMA = 0.01 #TODO you may want to change this
pos_orig = grasp[self.graspindices['igrasppos']]

pos_noise = pos_orig + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=RAND_DIST_SIGMA)

#TODO set a random position -- DONE
grasp[self.graspindices['igrasppos']] = pos_noise

#sample random orientation
RAND_ANGLE_SIGMA = np.pi/24 #TODO you may want to change this
dir_orig = grasp[self.graspindices['igraspdir']]
roll_orig = grasp[self.graspindices['igrasproll']]

#TODO set the direction and roll to be random -- DONE
dir_noise = dir_orig + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=RAND_ANGLE_SIGMA)
roll_noise = roll_orig + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=RAND_ANGLE_SIGMA)

grasp[self.graspindices['igraspdir']] = dir_noise
grasp[self.graspindices['igrasproll']] = roll_noise

return grasp

#displays the grasp
def show_grasp(self, grasp, delay=1.5):
with openravepy.RobotStateSaver(self.gmodel.robot):
with self.gmodel.GripperVisibility(self.gmodel.manip):
time.sleep(0.1) # let viewer update?
with self.env:
contacts,finalconfig,mindist,volume = self.gmodel.testGrasp(grasp=grasp,translate=True,forceclosure=True)
#if mindist == 0:
# print 'grasp is not in force closure!'
contactgraph = self.gmodel.drawContacts(contacts) if len(contacts) > 0 else None
except openravepy.planning_error,e:
print 'bad grasp!',e

if __name__ == '__main__':
robo = RoboHandler()

# delay = 20
# for i in range(5):
# #print 'Showing grasp ', i
# #robo.show_grasp(robo.grasps_ordered[i], delay=delay)
# print 'Showing noisy grasp ', i
# robo.show_grasp(robo.grasps_ordered_noisy[i], delay=delay)

#import IPython
#print "Showing grasps..."
#for grasp in robo.grasps_ordered:
# robo.show_grasp(grasp)
#time.sleep(10000) #to keep the openrave window open

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