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steven committed Jul 18, 2018
1 parent 37d8a1e commit aa6d855
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Showing 7 changed files with 517 additions and 0 deletions.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions
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import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import measurements as m
from scipy.ndimage import generate_binary_structure, binary_fill_holes
from skimage.measure import regionprops

from functions import imscale, smv_filter

def create_mask(mag, level):
""" Creates mask using thresholding.
level: typically around 0.03 - 0.1
mag = imscale(np.abs(mag))
mask = mag > level
mask = polish_mask(mask)
return mask

def polish_mask(mask):
"""Chooses the largest connected structure and fills holes."""
labels, num_labels = m.label(mask, generate_binary_structure(3,3))
props = regionprops(labels, cache = False)
biggest = np.argmax([r.area for r in props]) + 1
mask = labels == biggest
mask = binary_fill_holes(mask)
return mask

def create_mask_qsm(mag, voxel_size, level = 0.04):
"""Creates mask for qsm using thresholding and spherical-mean-value
filtering. Use on echo closest to 30 ms.
mask = create_mask(mag, level)
mask = smv_filter(mask, 2, voxel_size)
mask = polish_mask(mask > 0.99)
mask = smv_filter(mask, 3, voxel_size)
mask = mask > 0.02
mask = smv_filter(mask, 1, voxel_size)
mask = mask > 0.97
return mask
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import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator as rgi
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate

def ifftnc(arr):
scaling = np.sqrt(arr.size)
return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.fftshift(arr))) * scaling

def fftnc(arr):
scaling = np.sqrt(arr.size)
return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(arr))) / scaling

def interp3(xx, yy, zz, V, points, shape):
interp = rgi((xx, yy, zz), V, bounds_error = False, fill_value = 0)
values = interp(points)
values = values.reshape((int(shape[1]),int(shape[0]),int(shape[2])))
values = rotate(values, -90)
values = np.fliplr(values)
return values

def imscale(image):
max_v = np.max(image)
min_v = np.min(image)
return (image - min_v) / (max_v - min_v)

def ball_3d(radius, voxel_size):
xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-radius, radius + 1),
np.arange(-radius, radius + 1),
np.arange(-radius, radius + 1))
xx = xx*voxel_size[1]
yy = yy*voxel_size[0]
zz = zz*voxel_size[2]
sq_dist = np.square(xx) + np.square(yy) + np.square(zz)
index = np.logical_and(sq_dist <= (radius**2 + radius / 3), sq_dist >= 0.1)
return index

def total_field(shape, radius, voxel_size):
kernel_3d = ball_3d(radius, voxel_size)
kernel_3d = kernel_3d / np.sum(kernel_3d)
f0 = np.zeros(shape)
f0[f0.shape[0]//2 - radius : f0.shape[0]//2 + radius + 1,
f0.shape[1]//2 - radius : f0.shape[1]//2 + radius + 1,
f0.shape[2]//2 - radius : f0.shape[2]//2 + radius + 1] = kernel_3d
f0 = fftnc(f0 * np.sqrt(f0.size))
return f0

def smv_filter(phase, radius, voxel_size):
f0 = total_field(phase.shape, radius, voxel_size)
out_phase = ifftnc(f0 * fftnc(phase))
return np.real(out_phase)

def pad(arr, pad_size):
pad_size = tuple(pad_size)
while len(pad_size) < len(arr.shape):
pad_size = pad_size + (0,)
pad_size = tuple([(size, size) for size in pad_size])
return np.pad(arr, pad_size, 'constant')

def left_pad(arr, axis):
pad_size = tuple([(int(i == axis), 0) for i, a in enumerate(arr.shape)])
return np.pad(arr, pad_size, 'constant')

def unpad(arr, pad_size):
pad_size = tuple(pad_size)
while len(pad_size) < len(arr.shape):
pad_size = pad_size + (0,)
pad_size = tuple([(size, size) for size in pad_size])
slices = []
for p in pad_size:
if p[1] == 0:
slices.append(slice(p[0], None))
slices.append(slice(p[0], -p[1]))
return arr[slices]

def bbox_slice(bbox):
front, back = bbox[:len(bbox)//2], bbox[len(bbox)//2:]
slices = []
for i in range(len(front)):
slices.append(slice(front[i], back[i]))
return slices
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import numpy as np

from functions import ifftnc, fftnc, pad, left_pad, unpad

def laplacian_unwrap(phase, voxel_size, pad_size = (12,12,12)):
Implements Laplacian-based unwrapping
Steven Cao, Hongjiang Wei, Wei Li, Chunlei Liu
University of California, Berkeley
# add 4th singleton dimension if phase is 3d
if len(phase.shape) == 3:
phase = phase[:,:,:,None]
assert len(phase.shape) == 4, 'Phase must be 3d or 4d'
phase = pad(phase, pad_size)

if phase.shape[2] % 2 == 1:
phase = left_pad(phase, 2)

yy, xx, zz = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, phase.shape[1]+1),
np.arange(1, phase.shape[0]+1),
np.arange(1, phase.shape[2]+1))
field_of_view = np.multiply(voxel_size, phase.shape[0:3])
xx, yy, zz = ((xx - phase.shape[0]/2 - 1) / field_of_view[0],
(yy - phase.shape[1]/2 - 1) / field_of_view[1],
(zz - phase.shape[2]/2 - 1) / field_of_view[2])
k2 = np.square(xx) + np.square(yy) + np.square(zz)
xx, yy, zz, field_of_view = None, None, None, None

laplacian = np.zeros(phase.shape, dtype = np.complex)
phi = np.zeros(phase.shape, dtype = np.complex)
for i in range(0, phase.shape[3]):
laplacian[:,:,:,i] = (np.cos(phase[:,:,:,i]) *
ifftnc(k2 * fftnc(np.sin(phase[:,:,:,i]))) -
np.sin(phase[:,:,:,i]) *
ifftnc(k2 * fftnc(np.cos(phase[:,:,:,i]))))
phi[:,:,:,i] = fftnc(laplacian[:,:,:,i]) / k2
phi[phase.shape[0]//2,phase.shape[1]//2,phase.shape[2]//2,i] = 0
phi[:,:,:,i] = ifftnc(phi[:,:,:,i])
laplacian = unpad(laplacian, pad_size)
phi = unpad(phi, pad_size)
phi = np.real(phi)
return phi, laplacian
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import numpy as np
from functions import ifftnc, fftnc, pad, unpad

def qsm_star(phase, mask, voxel_size, TE, pad_size = (8,8,20),
B0 = 3, B0_dir = (0,0,1), tau = 1e-6, d2_thresh = .065):
d2 = calc_d2_matrix(phase.shape, voxel_size, B0_dir)
# sample = np.abs(d2) > d2_thresh
d2 = pad(d2, pad_size)
phase, mask = pad(phase, pad_size), pad(mask, pad_size)
A = lambda x: ifftnc(d2 * fftnc(x * mask))
AT = A
susc = sparsa(phase, np.zeros(phase.shape), A, AT, tau)
susc *= mask
susc = unpad(susc, pad_size)
susc *= scaling_factor(B0, TE)
return np.real(susc)

def scaling_factor(B0, TE_ms):
gamma = 42.575 * 2 * np.pi
TE = TE_ms * 1e-3
return 1 / (gamma * B0 * TE)

def calc_d2_matrix(shape, voxel_size, B0_dir):
shape = np.array(shape)
voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size)
B0_dir = np.array(B0_dir)
field_of_view = shape * voxel_size
ry, rx, rz = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-shape[1]//2, shape[1]//2),
np.arange(-shape[0]//2, shape[0]//2),
np.arange(-shape[2]//2, shape[2]//2))
rx, ry, rz = rx/field_of_view[0], ry/field_of_view[1], rz/field_of_view[2]
sq_dist = rx**2 + ry**2 + rz**2
sq_dist[sq_dist==0] = 1e-6
d2 = ((B0_dir[0]*rx + B0_dir[1]*ry + B0_dir[2]*rz)**2)/sq_dist
d2 = (1/3 - d2)
return d2

def soft(x, tau):
if np.sum(np.abs(tau)) == 0:
return x
y = np.abs(x) - tau
y[y < 0] = 0
y = y / (y + tau) * x
return y

def sparsa(y, x, A, AT, tau, verbose = False, min_iter = 5, alpha = 1):
SpaRSA solver modified from the Matlab version by Mario Figueiredo,
Robert Nowak, and Stephen Wright (
y: 1D vector or 2D array (image) of observations
x: initial guess for the solution x
A: matrix to be applied to x (in function form)
AT: transpose of A (in function form)
tau: regularization parameter (scalar)
Compared to the Matlab code, it uses the following options:
psi = soft
phi = l1 norm
StopCriterion = 0 - algorithm stops when the relative
change in the number of non-zero
components of the estimate falls
below 'tolerance'
debias = 0 (no)
BB_variant = 1 - standard BB choice s'r/s's
monotone = 0 (don't enforce monotonic decrease of f)
safeguard = 0 (don't enforce a "sufficient decrease" over the largest
objective value of the past M iterations.)
continuation = 0 (don't do the continuation procedure)
Steven Cao
University of California, Berkeley
SpaRSA version 2.0, December 31, 2007
This function solves the convex problem
arg min_x = 0.5*|| y - A x ||_2^2 + tau phi(x)
d'*A'*(A x - y) + 0.5*alpha*d'*d
where alpha is obtained from a BB formula. In a monotone variant, alpha is
increased until we see a decreasein the original objective function over
this step.
Copyright (2007): Mario Figueiredo, Robert Nowak, Stephen Wright
tolerance = 0.01 #min amount of changes needed to keep going
max_iter = 100
min_alpha = 1e-30
max_alpha = 1e30

psi_function = soft
phi_function = lambda x: np.sum(np.abs(x)) #phi is l1

nonzero_x = x != 0

resid = A(x) - y
gradient = AT(resid)
alpha = 1
f = (0.5 * np.vdot(resid.flatten(), resid.flatten())
+ tau * phi_function(x))

iterations = 0
while True:
gradient = AT(resid)
prev_x = x
prev_resid = resid

x = psi_function(prev_x - gradient * (1/alpha),
dx = x - prev_x
Adx = A(dx)
resid = prev_resid + Adx
f = (0.5 * np.vdot(resid.flatten(), resid.flatten())
+ tau * phi_function(x))

dd = np.vdot(dx.flatten(), dx.flatten())
dGd = np.vdot(Adx.flatten(), Adx.flatten())
alpha = dGd / (np.finfo(np.double).tiny + dd)
alpha = min(max_alpha, max(min_alpha, alpha))
iterations += 1

# compute the stopping criterion based on the change
# in the number of non-zero components of the estimate
prev_nonzero_x = nonzero_x
nonzero_x = x != 0
changes = np.sum(nonzero_x != prev_nonzero_x) / np.sum(nonzero_x)
if verbose:
'\nObjective f:', f,
'\nAlpha:', alpha,
'\nPercent change in x:', changes,
'\nChange tolerance:', tolerance,
'\nIterations:', iterations)
if (changes <= tolerance and
iterations >= min_iter and
iterations < max_iter):
return x

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