This repo is an abbreviated version of the STISuite_V3.0 in Python. For example usage, read
Matlab suite:
Steven Cao, Hongjiang Wei, PhD, Wei Li, PhD, Chunlei Liu, PhD
University of California, Berkeley
- 1.0 08/29/2013
- 1.1 12/01/2013, minor correction to V_SHARP_v1.m; 12/11/2013, corrected image loading buttons "mat" for magnitude, phase and mask.
- 1.4 01/22/2014, Major update. Corrected code for GUIs, allow zooming, and removed errnonous depedencies; User Manual updated.
- 2.0 03/17/2014, Major update. Wei Li. Better Brain Extraction, HARPERELLA without change of mask and others; User Manual updated.
- 2.01 6/15/2014, Major update. Wei Li. Better methods for HARPERELLA, QSM, Upgraded QSM_GUI. Working version name: STI Vista.
- 3.0 1/05/2017, Major update. Hongjiang Wei. Better methods STAR for QSM, Upgraded QSM_GUI. 2D phase processing for QSM based on 2D EPI data. Working version name: STISuite_V3.0.
The algorithms are free for academic use only. For commerical or industrial use, please email
Please cite the following publications:
[1] Wei H, Dibb R, Zhou Y, Sun Y, Xu J, Wang N, Liu C. Streaking artifact
reduction for quantitative susceptibility mapping of sources with large
dynamic range. NMR Biomed, 2015;28;1294-303
[2] Wei H, Xie L, Dibb R, Li W, Decker K, Zhang Y, Johnson A, Liu C.
Streaking artifact reduction for quantitative susceptibility mapping of
sources with large dynamic range. NMR Biomed, 2015;28;1294-303
[3] Wei H, Dibb R, Decker K, Wang Nian, Zhang Y, Zong X, Nissman D, Liu C.
Investigating Magnetic Susceptibility of Human Knee Joint at 7 Tesla, MRM.
Laplacian-based phase processing (phase unwrapping, V-SHARP)
[5] Li W, Wu B, Liu C. Quantitative susceptibility mapping of human
brain reflects spatial variation in tissue composition, NeuroImage. 2011;
15; 55:1645.
[6] Wu B, Li W, Liu C. Whole brain susceptibility mapping using
compressed sensing. Mag. Res. Med. 2012;67(1):137. (BW and WL contributed