Home > sip.js > SessionDescriptionHandler
A base class implementing a WebRTC session description handler for sip.js.
export declare class SessionDescriptionHandler implements SessionDescriptionHandlerDefinition
It is expected/intended to be extended by specific WebRTC based applications.
Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
(constructor)(logger, mediaStreamFactory, sessionDescriptionHandlerConfiguration) | Constructor |
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
_dataChannel | RTCDataChannel | undefined |
The data channel. Undefined before created. | |
_localMediaStream | MediaStream |
The local media stream. | |
_peerConnection | RTCPeerConnection | undefined |
The peer connection. Undefined after SessionDescriptionHandler.close(). | |
_peerConnectionDelegate | PeerConnectionDelegate | undefined |
The peer connection delegate. | |
_remoteMediaStream | MediaStream |
The remote media stream. | |
dataChannel | RTCDataChannel | undefined |
The data channel. Undefined before it is created. | |
localMediaStream | MediaStream |
The local media stream currently being sent. | |
logger | Logger |
Logger. | |
mediaStreamFactory | MediaStreamFactory |
Media stream factory. | |
peerConnection | RTCPeerConnection | undefined |
The peer connection. Undefined if peer connection has closed. | |
peerConnectionDelegate | PeerConnectionDelegate | undefined |
A delegate which provides access to the peer connection event handlers. | |
remoteMediaStream | MediaStream |
The remote media stream currently being received. | |
sessionDescriptionHandlerConfiguration | SessionDescriptionHandlerConfiguration |
Configuration options. |
Method | Modifiers | Description |
applyModifiers(sdp, modifiers) | Applies modifiers to SDP prior to setting the local or remote description. | |
close() | Stop tracks and close peer connection. | |
createDataChannel(options) | Create a data channel. | |
createLocalOfferOrAnswer(options) | Depending on current signaling state, create a local offer or answer. | |
getDescription(options, modifiers) | Creates an offer or answer. | |
getLocalMediaStream(options) | Get a media stream from the media stream factory and set the local media stream. | |
getLocalSessionDescription() | Gets the peer connection's local session description. | |
hasDescription(contentType) | Returns true if the SessionDescriptionHandler can handle the Content-Type described by a SIP message. | |
iceGatheringComplete() | Called when ICE gathering completes and resolves any waiting promise. | |
sendDtmf(tones, options) | Send DTMF via RTP (RFC 4733). Returns true if DTMF send is successful, false otherwise. | |
setDescription(sdp, options, modifiers) | Sets an offer or answer. | |
setLocalMediaStream(stream) | Sets the peer connection's sender tracks and local media stream tracks. | |
setLocalSessionDescription(sessionDescription) | Sets the peer connection's local session description. | |
setRemoteSessionDescription(sessionDescription) | Sets the peer connection's remote session description. | |
setRemoteTrack(track) | Sets a remote media stream track. | |
waitForIceGatheringComplete(restart, timeout) | Wait for ICE gathering to complete. |