Open Service Broker API Implementation using helm & kubectl
# start minikube
minikube start
# init helm and install tiller (needed once)
helm init
# build helmi
go get -d
cd ${GOPATH:-~/go}/src/
go build
# run helmi
# create serviceaccount, clusterrolebinding, deployment, service and an optional secret for basic authorization
kubectl create -f docs/kubernetes/kube-helmi-rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f docs/kube-helmi-secret.yaml
kubectl create -f docs/kubernetes/kube-helmi.yaml
# curl to catalog with basic auth
curl --user {username}:{password} http://$(kubernetes ip):30000/v2/catalog
# curl to catalog with basic auth
curl --user {username}:{password} http://$(kubernetes ip):30000/v2/catalog
Register Helmi Service Broker
cf create-service-broker helmi {username} {password} http://{IP}:5000
List and allow service access
cf service-access
cf enable-service-access {service}
List marketplace and create service instance
cf marketplace
cf create-service {service} {plan} {name}
Bind service to application
cf bind-service {app} {name}
run tests
go test ./pkg/* -v
Helmi can use environment variables to define a dns name for connection strings and a username/password for basic authentication.
To use basic authentication set USERNAME
environment variables. In the k8s deployment they are read from a secret, see kube-helmi-secret.yaml
To replace the connection string IPs set an environment variable DOMAIN