A Dart package providing a versatile implementation of lazy initialization, allowing deferred creation of objects with optional expiry and custom initialization and destruction callbacks.
- Lazy Initialization: Delay the creation of an object until it's actually needed.
- Automatic Expiry: Optionally set an expiry duration after which the object will be re-initialized upon next access.
- Custom Expiry Conditions: Define custom conditions to trigger object re-initialization.
- Initialization and Destruction Callbacks: Specify actions to be taken right after object creation and just before its destruction.
- Reset Capability: Manually reset the lazy instance, forcing re-initialization upon next access.
To use zef_helpers_lazy
in your Dart project, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
zef_helpers_lazy: <latest_version>
Replace <latest_version> with the latest version of zef_helpers_lazy.
Import zef_helpers_lazy
into your Dart file:
import 'package:zef_helpers_lazy/zef_helpers_lazy.dart';
Create a lazy-initialized object:
Lazy<Config> lazyConfig = Lazy<Config>(
factory: () => Config("Initial data loaded"),
onCreate: (config) => print("Config created with data: ${config.data}"),
onDestroy: (config) => print("Config with data '${config.data}' is being destroyed"),
expiryDuration: Duration(seconds: 10),
Access the lazy-initialized object:
Config config = await lazyConfig.value; // The Config object is created at this point if not already initialized.
Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines and code of conduct before submitting pull requests or issues. Also every annotation or idea to improve is warmly appreciated.