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Mario Borna Mjertan edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 1 revision

The .config.json file stores basic configuration.

You can find a sample of it in docs/samples/config.json. You should copy that file into the vmss root as .config.json.

For guidance, here's how a config file might look like:

		"type": "mysql",
		"host": "localhost",
		"user": "superdev",
		"password": "123456",
		"database": "vmss",
		"charset": "utf8"
	"env": "dev",
	"hash": "3",
	"privateKeyAlgorithm": "argon2id",
	"randomStringLength": 16,
	"uploadFolder": "uploads/",
	"autoExpireNoncesAfter": -1,
	"urlbase": "http://vmss.local",
	"queueKey": "6U3cy8dHLzLiEM",
	"allowedTypes": ["webm", "mkv", "avi", "wmv", "mov", "mp4", "m4v", "mpg", "mp2", "mpeg", "mpv", "m2v", "m4v"],
	"showWelcome": true,
	"convertActions": ["convert/mp4/1080p", "convert/mp4/720p", "convert/mp4/480p", "convert/mp4/360p", "convert/webm/1080p", "convert/webm/720p", "convert/webm/480p", "convert/webm/360p"]


vmss parses .config.json with json_decode.

Configuration options


The database object stores info about what MySQL database vmss should connect to.


Availability: 0.1+

Type: string

Recommended values: mysql

Description: PDO driver name

Availability: 0.1+

Type: string

Recommended values: (any)

Description: Database host (for MySQL databases), used to construct the DSN string


Availability: 0.1+

Type: string

Recommended values: (any)

Description: Database user (for MySQL databases)


Availability: 0.1+

Type: string

Recommended values: (any)

Description: Database user password (for MySQL databases)


Availability: 0.1+

Type: string

Recommended values: (any)

Description: Database name (for MySQL databases)


Availability: 0.1+

Type: string

Recommended values: utf8

Description: Database charset (for MySQL databases)


Availability: 0.1+

Type: string

Recommended values: dev, production

Description: The environment vmss is running in. If set to dev, vmss will respond with significantly more data about errors.


Availability: 0.1-0.3

Type: int

Recommended values: 3

Description: The algorithm to use with password_hash. Deprecated in favour of privateKeyAlgorithm to be more descriptive.


Availability: 0.1-0.3

Type: string (int on older PHP versions)

Recommended values: argon2id, 3

Description: The algorithm to use with password_hash when saving the private key.

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