Social Networking.
- Gorilla Mux (Hail Harambe...!!!)
- Plain old handler
- [Cayley Graph] ( (currently running on memory graph - so there won't be persisted data out of testing data)
- socialnetwork better to be implemented using graph structure.
execute following command on terminal
docker-compose up
open this file on Postman App
You need to get installed on Terminal execute :
go get -u
then do :
cd $GOPATH/src/
go dep
this program following these rules :
- Registered user can connect to other registered user
- connected user become update receiver until/unless he do block person who publishing update
- User cannot connect to other user who blocks him
- User can subscribe to other user's update
- this subscribing user will receive update from people who he/she subscribe to even if not connected as friend
- User can block other user
- When a user doing update, following users will be the recipient of the update
- this user friends
- users who subscribe
- registered user who mentioned at text update and following user won't become the recipient
- friend who block him
- registered user who are not friend
- unregistered email address mentioned on his / her update.
You can check at app/app.go
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
Tested on Golang ver.1.10.3, Docker image on ver.1.10.4