Basic framework for iOS Swift, such as extensions, base classes and utils
- CopyableLabel: A Label subclassed from UILabel allowing long press to copy
- JZAlertController: Custom Alert Controller by providing custom view and actions
- ConfigurationManager: Configuration environment setup
- ApiManager: Wrapper for Alamofire and ObectMapper (Post, Download and Upload)
- FileService: Create path, get mime type and remove files
- ToastUtil: Android-like middle Toast and Top&Bottom toast(Support tap to dismiss & iPhone X)
- PhotoUtil: Fully error handling for getting photos from camera and photoLibrary
- LocationUtil: Open Apple maps and GoogeMaps with location string
- DeviceUtil: Basic device information & Biometric Authentication setup
- ViewControllerUtil: HUD progess view implemented
- NSLayoutConstraintExtensions: Programmtically add constraints for views (Visual Format Language)
- UIViewExtensions: Programmtically add constraints for views (Anchor)
- StringExtensions: Localization helper
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 9.3+
- Swift 4.1+
JZiOSFramework can be added to your project by adding the following line to your Podfile
pod 'JZiOSFramework', '~> 1.0'