A tool to annotate the coordinate. It is developed to easily get all gene informaiton from one coordinate.
- -f: the ucsc table formatted reference files (separated by ,)
- -i: the coordinates information (chr:coordinate:strand); the strand can be '*' if you are not sure about it. Multiple coordinates can be seperated by , or in a list file
- ./qgen -r example/20200508_NCBIRef_hg19_test.txt -i chr1:22021559:-
- ./qgen -r example/20200508_NCBIRef_hg19_test.txt -i example/test.txt
- Gene : GeneName
- Chromsome: Chromsome
- Strand: Strand from gene
- Coordinate: Coordinate
- InputStrand: Strand from the input
- Transcripts: all transcripts
- UTR5: if the coordinate is in the UTR5 (following the transcripts orders, separated by ,)
- UTR3: if the coordinate is in the UTR3 (following the transcripts orders, separated by ,)
- Block: the block that the coordinate locates at, intron, exon, or intergenic (following the transcripts orders, separated by ,)
- BlockIndex: the block index that the coordinate locates at (following the transcripts orders, separated by ,)
- Frame: the frame infomation of the block that the coordinate locates at (following the transcripts orders, separated by ,)
- DisToStart: the distance to the block start of the coordinate (following the transcripts orders, separated by ,)
- DisToEnd: the distance to the block end of the coordinate (following the transcripts orders, separated by ,)
- compatible to the gtf format
- infer the frame from two coordinates
- Extract the mRNA or DNA sequece around a coordiante