Backup EFI for my MAC
Mac OS version: 10.14.6
Clover version: r5098
- Model: ASUS FX50JX
- CPU: i7-4720HQ
- Dynamic CPU frequency
- Screen Brightness Adjustment, using F5/F6 Keybinding
- Sleep and wakeup, using sleep mode 25
- HD4600 Integrated Graphic Card, memory 2048MB
- Battery Info
- USB3.0/USB2.0
- Camera
- HDMI output
- wifi, changed to a natively working wifi card
- Sound, using AppleALC, able to switch speaker and microphone automatically
- HiDPI, using QuickRes
- In BIOS, enable Launch CSM and turn off Secure Boot
- In Clover, use Clover
- Modify Macbook model number, choose the one with the nearest CPU frequency as your laptop
- Generate serial number
- Change memory ram size
- Generate ssdt-alpf.aml using CPU-S, replace what's in ACPI/patched/, it's for dynamic CPU frequency