Log stream errors #137
Log stream errors #137
Garnix CI / check basic-postgres-local [x86_64-linux]
May 28, 2024 in 6m 38s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
2>&1, in 0.05 seconds)
(finished: subtest: Check that we cannot push without required permissions, in 0.10 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that we can make the cache public�[0m
client: �[1m�[32mmust fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/nix-cache-info�[0m
(finished: must fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/nix-cache-info, in 0.03 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo�[0m
(finished: must fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo, in 0.03 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: attic cache configure test --public�[0m
�[2mclient # ✅ Configured "test" on "root"�[0m
(finished: must succeed: attic cache configure test --public, in 0.05 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/nix-cache-info�[0m
(finished: must succeed: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/nix-cache-info, in 0.03 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo�[0m
(finished: must succeed: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo, in 0.03 seconds)
(finished: subtest: Check that we can make the cache public, in 0.15 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that we can trigger garbage collection�[0m
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo�[0m
(finished: must succeed: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo, in 0.03 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: attic cache configure test --retention-period 1s�[0m
�[2mclient # ✅ Configured "test" on "root"�[0m
(finished: must succeed: attic cache configure test --retention-period 1s, in 0.05 seconds)
server: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: . /etc/atticd.env && export ATTIC_SERVER_TOKEN_HS256_SECRET_BASE64 && atticd -f /nix/store/0j4v1harfkmy4jwf147i95pspwk7my4y-server.toml --mode garbage-collector-once�[0m
�[2mserver # Attic Server 0.1.0 (release)�[0m
(finished: must succeed: . /etc/atticd.env && export ATTIC_SERVER_TOKEN_HS256_SECRET_BASE64 && atticd -f /nix/store/0j4v1harfkmy4jwf147i95pspwk7my4y-server.toml --mode garbage-collector-once, in 0.03 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo�[0m
(finished: must fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/5xhswk059zawdmpm65r5ddyxrias0wkz.narinfo, in 0.03 seconds)
(finished: subtest: Check that we can trigger garbage collection, in 2.13 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that all chunks are actually deleted after GC�[0m
server: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: find /var/lib/atticd/storage -type f ! -name 'VERSION'�[0m
(finished: must succeed: find /var/lib/atticd/storage -type f ! -name 'VERSION', in 0.02 seconds)
Remaining files:
(finished: subtest: Check that all chunks are actually deleted after GC, in 0.02 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that we can include the upload info in the payload�[0m
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: /nix/store/9ika8glsag2pjlh7z8bvw02b7gm7j1i8-make-drv test2.nix�[0m
(finished: must succeed: /nix/store/9ika8glsag2pjlh7z8bvw02b7gm7j1i8-make-drv test2.nix, in 0.03 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: nix-build --no-out-link test2.nix�[0m
�[2mclient # this derivation will be built:�[0m
�[2mclient # /nix/store/bni4wmsh2j35j134w8p3fa74r4dnk1wr-test2.nix.drv�[0m
�[2mclient # building '/nix/store/bni4wmsh2j35j134w8p3fa74r4dnk1wr-test2.nix.drv'...�[0m
(finished: must succeed: nix-build --no-out-link test2.nix, in 0.07 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: attic push --force-preamble test /nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix
�[2mclient # ⚙️ Pushing 1 paths to "test" on "root" (0 already cached, 0 in upstream)...�[0m
�[2mclient # 🕐 test2.nix ███ 8 B (16.00 EiB/s)�[1A�[2K�[1B�[2K�[1A🕑 test2.nix ████████ 21 B (20.51 KiB/s)�[1A�[2K�[1B�[2K�[1A🕒 test2.nix █████████ 24 B (11.72 KiB/s)�[1A�[2K�[1B�[2K�[1A🕓 test2.nix ███████████ 32 B (10.42 KiB/s)�[1A�[2K�[1B�[2K�[1A🕔 test2.nix ████████████ 33 B (8.06 KiB/s)�[1A�[2K�[1B�[2K�[1A🕕 test2.nix ██████████████ 40 B (6.51 KiB/s)�[1A�[2K�[…
(finished: must succeed: attic push --force-preamble test /nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix
, in 0.10 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: nix-store --delete /nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix
�[2mclient # 🕗 test2.nix ████████████████████████████████████████ 120 B (4.34 KiB/s)�[1A�[2K�[1B�[2K�[1Afinding garbage collector roots...�[0m
�[2mclient # removing stale link from '/nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto/5kfi2jb3isw3ix39lbg84z9lh2xkynaq' to '/tmp/nix-build-1000-0/result'�[0m
�[2mclient # deleting '/nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix'�[0m
�[2mclient # deleting unused links...�[0m
�[2mclient # note: currently hard linking saves 0.00 MiB�[0m
(finished: must succeed: nix-store --delete /nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix
, in 0.07 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: nix-store -r /nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix
�[2mclient # warning: error: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 257 ms�[0m
�[2mclient # warning: error: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 557 ms�[0m
�[2mclient # warning: error: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 1223 ms�[0m
�[2mclient # warning: error: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 2271 ms�[0m
�[2mclient # warning: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info': Couldn't resolve host name (6)�[0m
�[2mclient # this path will be fetched (0.00 MiB download, 0.00 MiB unpacked):�[0m
�[2mclient # /nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix�[0m
�[2mclient # copying path '/nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix' from 'http://server:8080/test'...�[0m
�[2mclient # warning: you did not specify '--add-root'; the result might be removed by the garbage collector�[0m
(finished: must succeed: nix-store -r /nix/store/dp399szhjs3n13y41h7xgnwg8rwlj99z-test2.nix
, in 4.39 seconds)
(finished: subtest: Check that we can include the upload info in the payload, in 4.67 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that we can destroy the cache�[0m
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: attic cache info test�[0m
�[2mclient # Public: true�[0m
�[2mclient # Public Key: test:7TEzNpFoSFCZECA/xUe0ZX2t2nyr0/aZWr5T6eT8c8k=�[0m
�[2mclient # Binary Cache Endpoint: http://server:8080/test�[0m
�[2mclient # API Endpoint: http://server:8080/�[0m
�[2mclient # Store Directory: /nix/store�[0m
�[2mclient # Priority: 41�[0m
�[2mclient # Upstream Cache Keys: ["cache.nixos.org-1"]�[0m
�[2mclient # Retention Period: 1�[0m
(finished: must succeed: attic cache info test, in 0.05 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: attic cache destroy --no-confirm test�[0m
�[2mclient # 🗑️ The cache was destroyed.�[0m
(finished: must succeed: attic cache destroy --no-confirm test, in 0.05 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust fail: attic cache info test�[0m
�[2mclient # Error: NoSuchCache: The requested cache does not exist.�[0m
(finished: must fail: attic cache info test, in 0.05 seconds)
client: �[1m�[32mmust fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/nix-cache-info�[0m
(finished: must fail: curl -sL --fail-with-body http://server:8080/test/nix-cache-info, in 0.03 seconds)
(finished: subtest: Check that we can destroy the cache, in 0.17 seconds)
server: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: pg_dump --schema-only attic�[0m
(finished: must succeed: pg_dump --schema-only attic, in 0.05 seconds)
(finished: run the VM test script, in 21.62 seconds)
test script finished in 21.67s
kill machine (pid 7)
qemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 4 (/nix/store/7wz6hm9i8wljz0hgwz1wqmn2zlbgavrq-python3-3.11.8/bin/python3.11)
kill machine (pid 28)
qemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 4 (/nix/store/7wz6hm9i8wljz0hgwz1wqmn2zlbgavrq-python3-3.11.8/bin/python3.11)
(finished: cleanup, in 0.02 seconds)
kill vlan (pid 5)