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zf-apigility-admin 1.5.0

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@weierophinney weierophinney released this 09 Aug 21:59
· 178 commits to master since this release

This release provides a ton of new features, including the ability to use Apigility with v3 releases of Zend Framework components. While particular attention has been paid to the basic upgrading experience to ensure the Admin works with v2 releases, we also have provided documentation and tooling to get you upgraded to v3 releases. Please familiarize yourself with the upgrade notes.


  • #348 updates the component to be forwards compatible with Zend Framework component v3 releases, while retaining support for v2 releases. This includes supporting both v2 and v3 versions of factory invocation, and triggering event listeners using syntax that works on both v2 and v3 releases of zend-eventmanager, amonst other changes.

  • #348 adds a script to assist users in updating existing Apigility applications to use Zend Framework component v3 releases:

    $ ./vendor/bin/apigility-upgrade-to-1.5 -h

    In most cases, you can call it without arguments. Running the script updates your composer.json to remove several entries, update others, and add some; it then updates your list of modules, and then installs dependencies for you.

    If you need to update manually for any reason, you will need to follow the steps in the README.

  • #321 adds a patchList() stub to the REST resource class template, so that it's present by default.

  • #327 adds support for working with modules that are in PSR-4 directory format. While the admin still does not create PSR-4 modules, it will now correctly interact with those that you manually convert to PSR-4.

  • #348 extracts listeners previously defined in the Module class into their own classes. These include:

    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\DisableHttpCacheListener, which listens on the MvcEvent::EVENT_FINISH event at high priority in order to return cache busting headers in the returned response.
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\EnableHalRenderCollectionsListener, which listens on the MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE event at low priority in order to set the "render collections" flag on zf-hal's Hal plugin if a controller from the module is matched.
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\InjectModuleResourceLinksListener, which listens on the MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER event at high priority in order to attach listeners to events on the zf-hal Hal plugin. These listeners were also previously defined in the Module class, and are now part of this new listener, as it aggregates some state used by each.
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\NormalizeMatchedControllerServiceNameListener, which listens on the MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE at low priority in order to normalize the controller service name provided via the URI to a FQCN.
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\NormalizeMatchedInputFilterNameListener, which listens on the MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE at low priority in order to normalize the input filter name provided via the URI to a FQCN.
  • #348 extracts service factories previously defined in the Module class into their own classes. These include:

    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\AuthenticationModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\AuthorizationModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ContentNegotiationModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ContentNegotiationResourceFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\DbAdapterModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\DbAdapterResourceFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\DbAutodiscoveryModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\DoctrineAdapterModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\DoctrineAdapterResourceFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\DocumentationModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\FiltersModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\InputFilterModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ModuleModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ModulePathSpecFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ModuleResourceFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ModuleVersioningModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ModuleVersioningModelFactoryFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\RestServiceModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\RestServiceModelFactoryFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\RestServiceResourceFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\RpcServiceModelFactoryFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\RpcServiceResourceFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ValidatorMetadataModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\ValidatorsModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\VersioningModelFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\VersioningModelFactoryFactory
  • #348 extracts controller factories previously defined in the Module class into their own classes, and updates several factories that already existed. Factories that existed were updated to follow both the zend-servicemanager v2 and v3 signatures, to allow compatibility with both versions; as such, if you were extending these previously, you may potentially experience breakage due to signatures. The new classes include:

    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\AuthenticationControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\AuthenticationTypeControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\AuthorizationControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\ConfigControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\DashboardControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\DbAutodiscoveryControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\DocumentationControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\FiltersControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\HydratorsControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\InputFilterControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\ModuleConfigControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\ModuleCreationControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\SourceControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\StrategyControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\ValidatorsControllerFactory
    • ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\VersioningControllerFactory
  • #348 exposes the module to zend-component-installer.


  • ZF\Apigility\Model\VersioningModel; please use ZF\Apigility\Model\ModuleVersioningModel instead.
  • ZF\Apigility\Model\VersioningModelFactory; please use ZF\Apigility\Model\ModuleVersioningModelFactory instead.
  • ZF\Apigility\Model\VersioningModelFactoryFactory; please use ZF\Apigility\Model\ModuleVersioningModelFactoryFactory instead.


  • #348 removes support for PHP 5.5.
  • #348 removes the dependency on rwoverdijk/assetmanager, allowing usage of any tool that understands the same configuration (and, specifically, the asset_manager.resolver_configs.paths configuration directive). However, this means that for those upgrading via simple composer update, you will also need to execute composer require rwoverdijk/assetmanager immediately for your application to continue to work.


  • #348 updates ZF\Apigility\Admin\Controller\StrategyController to accept a ContainerInterface to its constructor, instead of relying on auto-injection of a zend-servicemanager instance via an initializer; this change removes deprecation notices from its usage of getServiceLocator() (it no longer calls that method), and documents the dependency explicitly. If you were extending this class previously, you may need to update your factory.
  • #348 updates ZF\Apigility\Admin\Model\DoctrineAdapterResource's contructor to make the second argument, $loadedModules, optional. If you were extending the class previously, you may need to update your signature.