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Jhu_level3_53 node define
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zclhit committed Oct 9, 2016
1 parent 583ad06 commit 4bc31fb
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Showing 6 changed files with 54 additions and 0 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions BrainNet/JHU_level3_53/JHU53_level3.node
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#jhu 53
29.94 26.39 21.29 6 1 AnteriorWM_L
-27.76 28.04 21.62 7 1 AnteriorWM_R
34.39 -45.59 43.99 2 1 BasalForebrain_L
-34.8 -43.41 44.46 3 1 BasalForebrain_R
47.21 -26.64 -11.35 6 1 BasalGang_L
-46 -22.93 -13.23 7 1 BasalGang_R
11.17 -11.14 17.59 1 1 CentralSul_L
-11.17 -10.62 16.29 1 1 CentralSul_R
23.41 -78.78 10.47 5 1 cerebellum_L
-23.93 -76.64 11.95 5 1 cerebellum_R
35.94 3.58 0.53 1 1 CinguSul_L
-35.33 6.81 1.13 1 1 CinguSul_R
22.2 1.89 3.98 6 1 CorpusCallosum_L
-21.42 3.68 3.32 7 1 CorpusCallosum_R
13.2 -19.81 9.16 6 1 Frontal_L
-12.22 -18.79 8.6 7 1 Frontal_R
15.57 -0.55 -5.84 1 1 FrontSul_L
-14.43 0.25 -6.16 1 1 FrontSul_R
9.76 -21.61 -4.18 1 1 IIIandIV_ventricle
23.07 -20.95 -4.65 6 1 InferiorWM_L
-23.59 -59.81 -4.79 7 1 InferiorWM_R
23.14 -61.39 -15.07 6 1 Insula_L
-23.14 -31.8 -15.97 7 1 Insula_R
7.06 -30.97 -19.29 1 1 LatervalVentricle_L
-7.13 -43.42 -19.33 1 1 LatervalVentricle_R
27.46 15.25 25.52 6 1 Limbic_L
-27.84 15.83 25.13 7 1 Limbic_R
-25.01 17.91 24.83 6 1 LimbicWM_L
26.66 17.18 26.79 7 1 LimbicWM_R
27.24 -12.79 29.13 8 1 Medulla_L
-27.52 -12.99 22.72 8 1 Medulla_R
9.94 -22.08 1.04 4 1 midbrain_L
-9.27 -28.94 -1.1 4 1 midbrain_R
37.67 -24.36 -1.79 6 1 optical_L
-37.01 -25.44 -1.12 7 1 optical_R
12.18 -24.36 19.93 1 1 occiptsul_L
-12.25 -11.37 16.19 1 1 occiptsul_R
15.11 -10.91 15.78 6 1 parietal_L
-15.14 -10.23 15.9 7 1 parietal_R
23.86 29.17 36.16 1 1 parietsul_L
-19.63 29.96 37.18 1 1 parietsul_R
38.26 -22.39 50.75 5 1 Pons_L
-32.66 -20.34 56.4 5 1 Pons_R
47.03 -3.54 1.23 6 1 PosteriorWM_L
-45.51 -3.47 3.43 7 1 PosteriorWM_R
24.69 -49.73 53.74 1 1 SylvianFissureExt_L
-23.22 -49.07 53.84 1 1 SylvianFissureExt_R
4.21 5.54 36.45 6 1 Temporal_L
-4.8 5.6 33.37 7 1 Temporal_R
11.91 -79.51 23.71 1 1 TempSul_L
-15.3 -77.32 26.63 1 1 TempSul_R
50.74 -23.24 -13.57 2 1 Thalamus_L
-54.81 -24.25 -13.01 3 1 Thalamus_R
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