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ChatScript System Functions Manual

© Bruce Wilcox, [email protected]
Revision 7/8/2017 cs7.52

System functions are predefined and can be intermixed with direct output. Generally they are used from the output side of a rule, but in many cases nothing prevents you from invoking them from inside a pattern. When used in a pattern, they do not write out any text output to the user. But their output will be tested the same as it would from an if statement, meaning 0 and false are failures.

You can write them with or without a ^ in front of their name. With is clearer, but you don’t have to. The only time you must is if the first thing you want to do in a gambit is call a function (unlikely).

t: name(xxx) 

This is ambiguous. Is it function call or label and pattern?

The above is treated as a label and pattern. You can force it to be a function call by one of these:

t: ^name(xxx)   # explicilty say it is a function

t: () name(xxx) # explicitly add an empty pattern

Rule Tags

Some functions out or take "rule tags". All rules have an internal label consisting of ~topic.toplevelindex.rejoinderindex. E.g.


stands for the 0th rule in the ~introductions topic, rejoinder #5.

Topic Functions

^addtopic ( topicname )

adds the named topic as a pending topic at the head of the list. Typically you don’t need to do this, because finding a reaction from a topic which is not a system, disabled, or nostay topic will automatically add the topic to the pending list. Never returns a fail code even if the topic name is bad.

^available ( ruletag optionalfail )

Sees if the named rule is available (1) or used up (0). If you supply the optional argument, the function will fail if the rule is not available.


Empty the pending topics list.

^counttopic ( topic what )

For the given topic, return how many rules match what.

What is gambit, available, rules, used.

That is, how many gambits exist, how many available gambits exist (not erased), how many top level rules (gambits + responders) exist, and how many top level rules have been erased.

^gambit ( value value ... )

If value is a topic name, runs the topic in gambit mode to see if any gambits arise. If none arise from the first value, it will try the second, and so on. It does not fail unless a rule forces it to fail or the named topic doesn’t exist or is disabled. You can supply an optional last argument FAIL, in which case it will return FAILRULE_BIT if it didn't fail but it didn't generate any new output either.

The value may be ~, which means use the current topic you are within. It can also be PENDING, which means pick a topic from the pending topics stack (they are all pending being returned to but not including the current topic). Or it can be any other word, which will be a keyword of some topic to pick. E.g.,

^gambit(~ PENDING ~mygeneraltopic FAIL)

^getrule ( what label )

for the given rule label or tag, return some fragment of the rule.

what can be tag, type,label, pattern, output,topic, and usable.

The type will be t, ?, s, a, etc.

If a rule label is involved, optional third argument if given means only find enabled rules with that label. For usable, returns 1 if is can be used or null if it has been erased. The label ~ means the current rule. The label 0 means the top level rule above us (if we are a rejoinder, otherwise it is the same as ~).

^hasgambit ( topic )

fails if topic does not have any gambits left unexecuted.

Even it if does, they may not execute if they have patterns and they don't match. Optional second argument, if any will return normally if topic has any gambits (executed or not) and will failrule if topic has no gambits (a reactor topic).


do not erase this top level rule when it executes its output part (you could declare a topic to be this, although it wouldn't affect gambits).

Doing keep() on a gambit is quite risky since gambits after it may not ever fire.

^lastused ( topic what )

given a topic name, get the volley of the last what, where what is GAMBIT, RESPONDER, REJOINDER, ANY. If it has never happened, the value is 0.

^next ( what {label} )

Given what of GAMBIT or RESPONDER or REJOINDER or RULE and a rule label or tag, find the next rule of that what. Fails if none is found.

REJOINDER will fail if it reaches the next top level rule.

If label is ~, it will use the last call's answer as the starting point, enabling you to walk rules in succession.

There is also ^next(FACT @xxx) – see fact manual.

For ^next(INPUT) the system will read the next sentence and prep the system with it. This means that all patterns and code executing thereafter will be in the context of the next input sentence. That sentence is now used up, and will not be seen next when the current revised sentence finishes.

Sample code might be:

t: Do you have any pets
    a: ( ~yes ) refine()
        b: ( %more ) ^next(input) refine()
            c: ( ~pets ) ... # react to pet
            c: () ^retry(SENTENCE) # return to try input from scratch
        b: () What kind do you have?
            c: ( ~pets ) ... # react to pet

If label is LOOP, the system will stop processing code in the current loop and return to the next iteration of it, e.g. C++/Java continue, except that it will stop all code and return to however high up the loop really is, exiting topics and functions willy nilly if need be.

^poptopic ( topicname )

Removes the named topic as a pending topic. The intent is not to automatically return here in future conversation. If topicname is omitted, removes the current topic AND makes the current topic fail execution at this point.

^refine ( ? )

This is like a switch statement in C language. It executes in order the rejoinders attached to its rule in sequence.

When the pattern of one matches, it executes that output and is done, regardless of whether or not the output fails or generates nothing. It does not "fail", unless you add an optional FAIL argument. You can also provide a rule tag. Normally it uses the rule the refine is executing from, but you can direct it to refine from any rule.

^rejoinder ( {tag/label} )

Without argument, see if the prior input ended with a potential rejoinder rule, and if so test it on the current sentence. If we match and dont fail on a rejoinder, the rejoinder is satisfied. If we fail to match on the 1st input sentence, the rejoinder remains in place for a second sentence. If that doesn't match, it is canceled. It is also canceled if output matching the first sentence sets a rejoinder.

You can give an optional tag or label to pretend the named rule had been the one to set a rejoinder and so therefore execute its rejoinders explicitly.

^respond ( value value ... )

Tests the sentence against the named value topic in responder mode to see if any rule matches (executes the rule when matched). It does not fail (though it may not generate any output), unless a rule forces it to fail or the topic requested does not exist or is disabled.

This rule will not erase but the responding rule might. If the first value fails to generate an answer, it tries the second, and so on. You can supply an optional last argument FAIL, in which case it will return FAILRULE_BIT if it didn't fail but it didn't generate any new output either. You could instead supply an optiona last argument TEST, in which case a topic is executed to see if a rule will match. If so, the tag is returned and no output is made from the topic (and no rule is used up).

If a value designates a labelled or tagged rule (e.g., ~mytopic.mylabel or ~mytopic.1.0) then the system will skip over all rules until it reaches that rule, then begin linear scanning, even if the topic is designated random.

The value may be ~, which means use the current topic you are within.

It can also be PENDING, which means pick a topic from the pending topics stack (they are all pending being returned to but not including the current topic). Or it can be any other word, which will be a keyword of some topic to pick.

^retry ( item )

If item is RULE reexecute the current rule. It will automatically try to match one word later than its first match previously.

If item is TOPIC it will try the topic over again.

If item is SENTENCE it will retry doing the sentence again. To prevent infinite loops, it will not perform more than 5 retries during a volley. SENTENCE is particularly useful with changing the tokenflags to get input processing done differently. If item is INPUT it will retry all input again.

^retry(TOPRULE) will return back to the top level rule (not of the topic but of a rejoinder set) and retry.
It's the same if the current rule was a top level rule, but if the current rule is from ^refine(), then it returns to the outermost rule to restart. If the current rule is not from ^refine(), then TOPRULE means the lexically placed toprule above the current rule and a ^reuse() will be performed to go to it.

^reuse ( rule label optional-enable optional-FAIL )

Uses the output script of another rule. The label can either be a simple rule label within the current topic, or it can be a dotted pair of a topic name and a label within that topic or it can be a rule tag.

^reuse stops at the first correctly labeled rule it can find and issues a RULE fail if it cannot find one. Assuming nothing fails, it will return 0 regardless of whether or not any output was generated.

When it executes the output of the other rule, that rule is credited with matching and is disabled if it is allowed. If not allowed, the calling rule will be disabled if it can be.

t: NAME () My name is Bob.

?: ( << what you name >> ) 

?: ( << what you girlfriend name >> ) 

Normally reuse will use the output of a rule whether or not the rule has been disabled. But, if you supply a 2nd argument (whatever it is), then it will ignore disabled ones and try to find one with the same label that is not disabled. You can also supply a FAIL argument (as either 2nd or 3rd) which indicates the system should issue a RULE FAIL if it doesn't generate any output.

If you want to use a common rule to hold an answer and ONLY fire when reused, perhaps with rejoinders, the most efficient way to do that is with a rule whose pattern can never match. E.g. like this:

s: COMMON (?) some answer
    a: () some rejoinder...

You make ^reuses go to COMMON (or whatever you name it) or even ^setrejoinder on it. The rule itself can never trigger because it only considers its pattern when the input is a statement, but the pattern says the input must be a question. So this rule never matches on its own.

There are also a variety of functions that return facts about a topic, but you have to read the facts manual to learn about them.

^sequence ( ? )

This is like ^refine, except instead of only executing the first rejoinder that matches, it executes all matching rejoinders in order. If one of the rule outputs fails, it stops by failing the calling rule.

Normally ^sequence uses the rejoinders of the rule that it is executing from, but you can direct it to ^sequence the rejoinders of any rule.

^setrejoinder ( {kind} tag )

Force the output rejoinder to be set to the given tag or rule label. It's as though that rule had just executed, so the rules beneath it will be the rejoinders to try.

If kind is input then the input rejoinder is set.

If kind is output or is omitted, then it sets the output rejoinder.

^setrejoinder does not jump anywhere. It establishes the context for ^rejoinder.

When you do:

t: what is your name
    a: ATX(_~propernoun) Hi, '_0

the outputrejoinder is set to ATX. You can change that if you want. When the next volley comes in, the outputrejoinder is now the inputrejoinder and used for ^rejoinder. You can modify that as well. Both can exist simultaneously, you have the input context and you set an output context before having used up the inputrejoinder.

Setting a rejoinder on a rule means starting with the rejoinder immediately after it. If you were trying to copy a rejoinder that had already been established and redo it later, eg.

^setrejoinder(output %inputrejoinder)

this would be problematic, because it would set it to the rule after, which would be wrong. For this use the kind of "copy" which does not have issues with this.

^setrejoinder(copy %inputrejoinder)

If kind is output or copy and no tag is given or the tag is null, the output rejoinder is cleared (analogous to ^disable).

If the kind is input and no tag is given or the tag is null, the input rejoinder is cleared.

^topicflags ( topic )

Given a topic name, return the control bits for that topic. The bits are mapped in dictionary_system.h as TOPIC_*.

^sleep ( milliseconds )

This stalls the engine for that many milliseconds. If this is a server, the server is unavailable until sleep is done. Use with care. A good use is when starting up a server instance and the boot process involves reading from an API. If your machine runs 30 instances of ChatScript launched at once (to use max CPU), then all of them hitting the same API at once may be bad for the API and forcing a randomized sleep based on processid is a good use.

Marking Functions

^mark ( word location )

Marking and unmarking words and concepts is fundamental to the pattern matching mechanism, so the system provides both an automatic marking mechanism and manual override abilities. You can manually mark or unmark something. Automatic system marking marks all concepts implied by chasing up membership in other concepts, as does this call ^mark. word can be any word, which also means you can mark something with a concept name whether or not the concept actually is defined anywhere.

There are two mechanisms supported using ^mark and ^unmark: specific and generic.

With specific, you name words or concepts to mark or unmark, either at a particular point in the sentence or throughout the sentence.

With generic you disable or reenable all existing marks on a word or words in the sentence. In fact, you go beyond that because during patttern matching words you disable are invisble entirely, and matching proceeds as if they do not exist.

Specific: effects are permanent for the volley and cross over to other rules. In documentation below, use of _0 symbolizes use of any match variable.

^mark ( ~meat _0 )

This marks ~meat as though it has been seen at whereever sentence location _0 is bound to (start and end)

^mark ( ~meat n )

Assuming n is within 1 and sentence word limit, this marks meat at nth word location. If n was gotten from ^position of a match variable, it is the range of that match variable.

^mark ( tomboy _0 )

This marks the word tomboy as visible at the location designated, even though this word is not actually in the sentence. While patterns will react to its presence, it will not show up in any memorizations using _.

While usually you mark a concept, you can also mark a word (though you should generally use the canonical form of the word to trigger all its normal concept hierarchy markings as well).

Although ^conceptlist (see Facts manual) normally only reports concepts marked at a word, if you explicitly mark using a word and not a concept, that will also be reported in ^conceptlist.

^mark ( ~meat )

With location omitted, this marks ~meat as though it has been seen at sentence start (location 1).


Clears all global unmarks. restore a global ^unmark(0) exactly as it was before the global unmark.

^unmark ( word _0 )

The inverse of specific ^mark, this takes a matchvariable that was filled at the position in the sentence you want erased and removes the mark on the word or concept set or topic name given. Pattern matching for it in that position will now fail.

^unmark ( * n )

Assuming n is within 1 and sentence word limit, this unmarks all concepts at nth word location. If n was gotten from ^position of a match variable, it is the range of that match variable.

^unmark ( word all )

All references to word (or ~concept if you named one) are removed from anywhere in the sentence.

Generic: effects are transient if done inside a pattern, last the volley if done in output. When you are trying to analyze pieces of a sentence, you may want to have a pattern that finds a kind of word, notes information, then hides that kind of word and reanalyzes the input again looking for another of that ilk.

Being able to temporarily hide marks can be quite useful, and this means typically you use ^unmark of some flavor to hide words, and then ^mark later to reenable access to those hidden words.

^unmark ( * _0 )

Aays turn off ALL matches on this location temporarily. The word becomes invisible. It disables matching at any of the words spanned by the match variable. This unmark will also block subsequent specific marking using ^mark at their locations.

^mark ( * _0 )

To restore all marks to some location.

^unmark ( * )

Turns off matching on all words of the sentence.

^mark ( * )

Restores all marks of the sentence.

Reminder: If you do a generic unmark from within a pattern, it is transient and will be turned off when the pattern match finishes (so you don't ruin later rules), whereas when you do it from output, then the change persists for the rest of the volley. Furthermore it is handy to flip specific collections of generic unmarks on an off.

^mark() memorizes the set of all * unmarks (generic unmarks) and then turns them off so normal matching will occur.

^unmark() will restore the set of generic unmarks that were flipped off using ^mark().

^position ( how matchvariable )

This returns the integer representing where the named match variable is located.

how can be START, END, or BOTH. Both means an encoding of where the start and end of the the match was. See @_n in pattern matching to set a position or the ^setposition function.

^marked ( word )

returns 1 if word is marked, returns FAILRULE_BIT if the given word is not currently marked from the current sentence.

^setposition ( _var start end )

Sets the match location data of a match var to the number values given.

Alternatively you can do ^setposition ( _var _var1 ), which is redundant with just doing _var = _var1.

^setcanon ( wordindex value )

Changes the canonical value for this word.

^settag ( wordindex value )

Changes the pos tag for the word.

^setoriginal ( wordindex value )

Changes the original value for this word.

^setrole ( wordindex value )

Changes the parse role for this word. These are used in conjunction with $cs_externaltag to replace the CS inbuilt English postagger and parser with one from outside. See end of ChatScript PosParser manual.

^savesentence ( label ) / ^restoresentence ( label )

These two functions save and restore the current entire sentence preparation context. That means everything that pattern matching depends upon from the current sentence can be saved, you can go on to a new sentence (either via ^next(INPUT) or ^analyze() or whatever), and then rapidly flip back to some previous sentence analysis. Label is a value used to label the saved analysis. This only works during the current volley.

Cannot be used in document mode. ^savesentence returns the number of 4-byte words the save took.

Input Functions

^analyze ( stream )

The stream generates output (not printed to user) and then prepares the content as though it were current input sentence. This means the current sentence flagging and marking are all replaced by this one's. It does not affect any pending input still to be processed. If the stream is quoted string, the quotes are removed. This would be common, for example, when analyzing output from the chatbot gotten via grabbing facts with "chatoutput" as the verb.

Note that the stream is considered a single sentence. If you want to supply multiple sentences, you need to call ^tokenize and then loop on the facts created.

Note that ^analyze does not call any prepass topic you may have, but you can invoke that topic directly aterwards yourself.

^tokenize ( {WORD SENTENCE} stream )

WORD or SENTENCE are optional parameters (SENTENCE is default).

If SENTENCE, then splits the stream into sentences and creates facts of each like this: (sentence ^tokenize ^tokenize).

If WORD, then splits it entirely into words paying no attention to sentence boundaries.

^capitalized ( n )

Returns 1 if the nth word of the sentences starts with a capital letter in user input, else returns 0.

If n is alphabetic, it returns whether or not it starts with a capital letter. Illegal values of n return failrule.

^input ( … )

The arguments, separated by spaces, are injected back into the input stream as the next input, processed before any pending additional input. Typically this command is then followed by ^fail(SENTENCE) to cancel current processing and move onto the revised input.

Since the sentence is fed in immediately after the current input, if you want to feed in multiple sentences, you must reverse the order so the last sentence to be processed is submitted via input first. You can detect that the current sentence comes from ^input and not from the user by %revisedInput (bool) being true (1).

^original ( _n )

The argument is the name of a match variable. Whatever it has memorized will be used to locate the corresponding series of words in the original raw input from the user that led to this match.

E.g., if the input was: I lick ice crem, the converted input became I lick ice_create and you'd memorized the food onto a match variable, then you could do ^original(_0) and get back ice crem.

Another example:

# get foreign language proper name, without any CS standard processing.
u: what's your first name?
    #! Anna Lisa
    a: ( _* )
   $firstname = ^original ( _0 )
   Nice to meet you, $firstname 

^position ( which _var )

If which is start this returns the starting index of the word matched in the named _var.

If which is end this returns the ending index. E.g.,

if the value of _1 was the fox, it might be that start was 3 and end was 4 in the sentence it was the fox .

^removetokenflags ( value )

Rremoves these flags from the tokenflags returned from the preprocessing stage.

^settokenflags ( value )

Adds these flags to the tokenflags return from the preprocessing stage. Particularly useful for setting the #QUESTIONMARK flag indicating the input was perceived to be a question.

For example, I treat tell me about cars sentences as questions by marking them as such from script (equivalent to what do you know about cars?).

^setwildcardindex ( value )

Tells the system to start at value for future allocations of wildcard slots. This is only useful inside some pattern where you are trying to protect data from some previous match. Eg.

u: (_~animals) refine()
    a: ( ^setwildcardindex(1) _~color)

_0 is set to an animal. Normally the rejoinder would set a color onto _0 and clobber it, but the call to ^setwildcardindex forces it to use _1 instead, so both _0 and _1 have values.

^isnormalword (value)

Fails if value has a character that is not alphabetic, numberic, a hyphen, an underscore, or an apostrophe.

Number Functions

^compute ( number operator number )

Performs arithmetic and puts the result into the output stream.

Numbers can be integer or float and will convert appropriately. There are a range of operators that have synonyms, so you can pass in directly what the user wrote. The answer will be ? if the operation makes no sense and infinity if you divide by 0.

~numberOperator recognizes these operations:

operator symbol description
+ plus add and (addition)
- minus subtract deduct (subtraction)
* x time multiply (multiplication)
/ divide quotient (float division)
% remainder modulo mod (integer only- modulo)
root square_root (square root)
^^ power exponent (exponent )
<< and >> shift (limited to shifting 31 bits or less)
random ( 0 random 7 means 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 - integer only)

Basic operations can be done directly in assignment statements like:

$var = $x + 43 – 28

^timefromseconds ( seconds {offset} )

This converts time in seconds (Unix epoch time) from the given time in whatever timezone, to a string like %time returns. You can compute a difference in times by merely doing a subtraction of the two times. %fulltime will give you the current time that you could plug in here. The optional second argument will displace that time by the hours offset (can be plus or minus).

^timeinfofromseconds ( seconds )

This converts time in seconds (Unix epoch time) into its component bits, spread across 7 match variables. Starting by default at _0, if you assign it like this:

_3 = ^timeinfofromseconds(%fulltime)

it will start at _3. The items you get are: seconds, minutes, hours, date in month, month name, year, day name of week.

^timetoseconds ( seconds minutes hours date-of-month month year )

This converts time data since 1970 (Unix epoch time). Analogous to %fulltime, which returns the current time in seconds. Month can be number 1-12 or name of month or abbreviation of month.

^isnumber ( value )

Fails if value is not an integer, float, or currency,

Output Functions

The following functions cannot be used during postprocessing since output has been finished in theory and you can now analyze it.


Takes any current pending output stream data and sends it out. If the rule later fails, the output has been protected and will still go out (though the rule will not erase itself).

^insertprint ( where stream )

The stream will be put into output, but it will be placed before output number where or before output issued by the topic named by where. The output is safe in that even if the rule later fails, this output will go out. Before the where, you may put in output control flags as either a simple value or a value list in parens.

^keephistory ( who count )

The history of either BOT or USER (values of who) will be cut back to the count give. This affects detecting repeated input on the part of the user or detecting repeating output by the chatbot.

^lastsaid ()

Returns what the bot said last volley.

^print ( stream )

Sends the results of outputing that stream to the user. It is isolated from the normal output stream, and goes to the user whether or not one later generates a failure code from the rule. Before the output you may put in output control flags as either a simple value without a # (e.g., OUTPUT_EVALCODE ) or a value list in parens.

Flags include:

Flag description
OUTPUT_EVALCODE is automatic, so not particularly useful.
Useful ones would control how print decides to space things
OUTPUT_RAW does not attempt to interpret ( or { or [ or "
OUTPUT_RETURNVALUE_ONLY does not go to the user, is merely return as an answer. Print normally stores directly into the response system, meaning failing the rule later has no effect. Print normally does not return a value so you can't store it into a variable. And print has a number of flags that can affect its formatting that dont exist with normal output. This flag converts print into an ordinary function returning a value, reversing all those differences
OUTPUT_NOCOMMANUMBER dont add commas to numbers
OUTPUT_NOQUOTES remove quotes from strings
OUTPUT_NOUNDERSCORE convert underscores to blanks

These flags apply to output as it is sent to the user:

Flag description
RESPONSE_NONE turn off all default response conversions
RESPONSE_UPPERSTART force 1st character of output to be uppercase
RESPONSE_ALTERUNDERSCORES convert underscores to spaces
RESPONSE_REMOVETILDE remove leading ~ on class names
RESPONSE_NOCONVERTSPECIAL don't convert ecaped n, r, and t into ascii direct characters

^preprint ( stream )

The stream will be put into output, but it will be placed before all previously generated outputs instead of after, which is what usually happens. The output is safe in that even if the rule later fails, this output will go out. Before the output you may put in output control flags as either a simple value or a value list in parens.

^repeat ()

Allows this rule to generate output that may repeat what has been said recently by the chatbot.

^reviseOutput ( n value )

Allows you to replace a generated response with the given value.

n is one based and must be within range of given responses. One can use this, for example, alter output to create accents. Using ^response to get an output, you can then use ^substitute to generate a revised one and put it back using this function.

Output Access

These functions allow you to find out what the chatbot has said and why.

^response ( id )

What the chatbot said for this response. Id 1 will be the first output.

^responsequestion ( id )

Boolean 1 if response ended in ?, null otherwise.

^responseruleid ( id )

The rule tag generating this response from which you can get the topic. May be joined pair of rule tags if rule was relayed (reuse) from a different rule). The final rule will be first and the relay second, eg ~keywordless.30.0.~control.3.4.

If the id is -1, then all output generated will be included, analogous to what happens in the log file for why in the entries.

PostProcessing Functions

These functions are only available during postprocessing.

^postprintbefore ( stream )

It prints the stream prepended to the existing output. You will not be able to analyze or retrieve information about this, like you would from a normal print because it generates no facts representing it. This is useful for adding outofband messages [ ] to the front of input for controlling avatars and such. Or for adding transitional phrases or other personality coloring before the main output.

^postprintafter ( stream )

It prints the stream appended to the existing output. You will not be able to analyze or retrieve information about this, like you would from a normal print because it generates no facts representing it. This is useful for adding summarizing data after output, e.g., when running the document reader.

Control Flow Functions

^argument ( n )

Retrieves the nth argument of the calling outputmacro (1-based).

^argument ( n ^fn )

Looks backward in the callstack for the named outputmacro, and if found returns the nth argument passed to it. Failure will be reported for n out of range or ^fn not in the call path.

This is an alterative access to function variable arguments, useful in a loop instead of having to access by variable name.

If n is 0, the system merely tests whether the caller exists and fails if the caller is not in the path of this call.

^callstack ( @n )

Generates a list of transient facts into the named factset. The facts represent the callstack and have as subject the critical value (the verb is callstack and the object is the rule tag responsible for this entry). Items include function calls (^xxxx) and topic calls (~xxxx) and internal calls (no prefix).

^command ( args )

Execute this stream of arguments through the : command processor. You can execute debugging commands through here. E.g.,

^command(:execute ^print("Hello") )

^end ( code )

Takes 1 argument and returns a code which will stop processing. Any data pending in the output stream will be shipped to the user. If ^end is contained within the condition of an if, it merely stops it. An end rule inside a loop merely stops the loop. All other codes propagate past the loop. The codes are:

code description
CALL stops the current outputmacro w/o failing it. See also ^return
RULE stops the current rule. Whether the next rule triggers depends upon whether or not output was generated
LOOP stops the current loop but not the rule containing it. Can pass up through topics to find the loop. If there is no loop, it will fail you all the way to the top
TOPIC stops the current topic
SENTENCE stops the current rule, topic, and sentence
INPUT stops all the way through all sentences of the current input
PLAN succeeds a plan – (only usable within a plan)

^eval ( flags stream )

To evaluate a stream as though it were output (like to assign a variable). Can be used to execute :commands from script as well.

Flags are optional and match the flag capabilities of ^print.

One common flag would be OUTPUT_NOQUOTES if you wanted to string enclosing "" from a value. E.g.,

$$tmp = ^eval(OUTPUT_NOQUOTES ^arg1)

^eval is also particularly used with variables, when you know the value of a variable is itself a variable name and you want its actual value, e.g.

$nox = 1
$$tmp = join($ no x)
$$val = eval($$tmp) # $$val = 1

^fail ( code )

Takes 1 argument and returns a failure code which will stop processing. How extensive that stop is, depends on the code. If ^fail is contained within the condition of an if, it merely stops that and not anything broader. A fail or end rule inside a loop merely stops the loop; other forms propagate past the loop. The failure codes are:

code description
RULE stops the current rule and cancels pending output
LOOP stops a containing loop and fails the rule calling it. If you have no containing loop, this can crawl up through all enclosing topics and make no output
TOPIC stops not only the current rule also the current topic and cancels pending output. Rule processing stops for the topic, but as it exits, it passes up to the caller a downgraded fail(rule), so the caller can just continue executing other rules
SENTENCE stops the current rule, the current topic, and the current sentence and cancels pending output
INPUT stops processing anything more from this user's volley. Does not cancel pending output. It's the same as END(INPUT)

Output that has been recorded via ^print, ^preprint, etc is never canceled. Only pending output.

^load ( name )

Normally CS takes all the data you have compiled as :build 0 and :build whatever as layers 0 and 1, and loads them when CS starts up. They are then permanently resident. However, you can also compile files named filesxxx2.txt which will NOT be loaded automatically.

You can write script that calls ^load, naming the xxx part and they will be dynamically loaded, for that user only, and stay loaded for that user across all volleys until you call ^load again. Calling load again with a different name will load that new name. Calling ^load(null) will merely unload the dynamic layer previously loaded.


It's erroneous (you get whatever happens to you), if you call ^load from within topics you have loaded via ^load.


This clears all match variables to empty.

^match ( what )

This does a pattern match using the contents of what (usually a variable reference). It fails if the match against current input fails. It operates on the current analyzed sentence which is usually the current input, but since you can call ^next(input) or ^analyze() it is whatever the current analysis data is.

if (%more AND ^match(^"(< ![~emocurse ~emothanks] ~interjections >)" ) )


$$newrule = GetRule(pattern $$newtag)
$$newtype = GetRule(type $$newtag)
if ($$newtype == $$type AND match($$newrule)) # we would match this rule

^match can also take a rule tag for what, in which case it uses the pattern of the rule given it. ^match will normally take your pattern and compile it with the script compiler during execution.

If you have discarded the script compiler in your build, it will run your pattern directly and pray. In that case every token should be separated by a space: eg not this:

[my you]

but this

[ my you ]

and relational tests won't work so you can't do _0>5 or _0? or things like that. If you know your pattern in advance, you can put it on a rule and then execute that since it will have been compiled. E.g.

s: TEST (some fancy pattern)

and later


You can also just say ^match(~someconcept) and it will test the current input for that concept.

'$$csmatch_start and $$csmatch_end are assigned to provide the range of words that ^match used.

^matches ()

Returns a string of indices of words that matched the most recent pattern match. The indices are in order, so you can know the range of the match or the specific word indices that were seen. Currently matches only include the words/concepts that were matched, not things like


where the word is not fully named.

^nofail ( code … script … )

The antithesis of ^fail(). It takes a code and and number of script elements, executes the script and removes all failure codes through the listed code.

This is important when calling ^respond and ^gambit from a control script. You would want a control script to pass along codes at the sentence level, but if the respond call generated a fail-rule return, you don’t want that to stop all the code of a control script responder.

The nofail codes are:

code description
RULE a rule failure within the script does not propagate outside of nofail
LOOP a loop failure or end within the script does not propagate outside of nofail
TOPIC a topic or rule failure within the script does not propagate outside of nofail
SENTENCE a topic or rule or sentence failure within the script does not propogate outside of nofail
INPUT no failure propagates outside of the script

notnull ( stream )

Execute the stream and if it returns no text value whatsoever, fail this code. The text value is not used anywhere, just tested for existence. Useful in IF conditions.

^norejoinder ()

Prevents this rule from assigning a rejoinder.

^notrace ( ... )

Suppresses normal tracing if if :trace all is on, for the duration of evaluation of the contents of the parens. It does not block explicit traces of functions or topics.

^return ( ... )

Evaluates it data and returns any output from the most recent calling outputmacro. It is nominally equivalent to:

here is some outputting

My personal coding convention is to use ^return when the function is supposed to return a value to a caller who will assign it somewhere. And not to use it if the function is directly creating output to the user or is just being executed for side effects.

You can return the contents of a variable ^return($$myvar) or the name of a factset ^return(@19) or just some literal value ^return(test). Returning a factset just returns its name. But if you have

@0 = ^myfunc()

and ^myfunc returns a factset name, you have done the equivalent of

@0 = @19

which means copy the elements of set 19 into set 0.

Note that ^return() and ^return(null) are treated the same. An empty string is returned. This is similar to assigning a variable by saying $var = null which assigns the empty string.

^addcontext ( topic label )

Sets a topic and context name for use by ^incontext.

The label doesn't have to corrrespond to any real label.

The topic can be a topic name or ~ meaning current topic.

^authorized ()

Use same authorizedIP.txt file and rules that debug commands use, to validate current user.

^clearcontext ()

Erases all context data (see ^addcontext).

^incontext ( label )

label can be a simple text label or a topicname.textlabel. The system tracks rule labels that generated output to the user or rules starting with the label CX_ whether or not the rule generates output as long as it didn't fail during output.

^inContext will return how many volleys have happened since the referenced rule (normal return) if the label has output within the 5 prior volleys and will fail if not. It's like an extension of rejoinders. Rejoinders have a 1 volley context and must be placed immediately after a rule. This has a 5 volley context and are used in normal rule patterns.

u: (^incontext(PLAYTENNIS) why) because it was fun.

External Access Functions

^environment ( variablename )

Access environment variables of the operating system. E.g.


^system ( any number of arguments )

The arguments, separated by spaces, are passed as a text string to the operating system for execution as a command. The function always succeeds, returning the return code of the call. You can transfer data back and forth via files by using ^import and ^export of facts.

^popen ( commandstring 'function )

The command string is a string to pass the os shell to execute. That will return output strings (some number of them) which will have any \r or \n changed to blanks and then the string stripped of leading and trailing blanks.

The string is then wrapped in double quotes so it looks like a standard ChatScript single argument string, and sent to the declared function, which must be an output macro or system function name, preceded by a quote.

The function can do whatever it wants. Any output it prints to the output buffer will be concatenated together to be the output from ChatScript. If you need a doublequote in the command string, use a backslash in front of each one. They will be removed prior to sending the command. E.g.,

outputmacro: ^myfunc(^arg)
^arg \n
topic: ~test( testing )
u: () popen( "dir *.* /on" '^myfunc)

output this:

Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 24CB-C5FC

Directory of C:ChatScript

06/15/2013 12:50 PM <DIR> .
06/15/2013 12:50 PM <DIR> ..
12/30/2010 02:50 PM 5 authorizedIP.txt
06/15/2013 12:19 PM 10,744 changes.txt
05/08/2013 03:29 PM <DIR> DICT
...( additional lines omitted)
49 File(s) 29,813,641 bytes
24 Dir(s) 566,354,685,952 bytes free

'Function can be null if you are not needing to look at output.

^tcpopen ( kind url data 'function )

Analogous in spirit to popen.

You name the kind of service (POST, GET), the url (not including http://) but including any subdirectory, the text string to send as data, and the quoted function in ChatScript you want to receive the answer.

The answer will be read as strings of text (newlines separate and are stripped off with carriage returns) and each string is passed in turn to your function which takes a single argument (that text).

:trace TRACE_TCP 

can be enabled to log what happens during the call.

Likely you will prefer ^jsonopen which can deal with more complex web communication scenarios and returns structured data so you don't have to write script yourself to parse the text.

'function can be null if you are not needing to look at output.

The system will set $$tcpopen_error with error information if this function fails.

When you look at a webpage you often see it's url looking like this:*&unit ="+vunit+"&dayf=7"

There are three components to it.

The host:

The service or directory: /weather/local/4f33.

The arguments: everything AFTER the ?.

The arguments are URLencoded, so spaces have been replaced by +, special characters will be converted to %xx hex numbers.

If there are multiple values, they will be separated by & and the left side of an = is the argument name and the right side is the value.

When you call ^tcpopen, normally you provide the host and service as a single argument (everything to the left of ?) and the data as another argument (everything to the right of ?).

Since ChatScript URL encodes, you don't. If you don't know the unencoded form of the data or you don't think CS will get it right, you can provide URL-encoded data yourself, in which case make your first argument either POSTU or GETU, meaning you are supplying url-encoded data so CS should not do anything to your arguments.

Below is sample code to find current conditions and temperature in san francisco if you have an api key to the service. It calls the service, gets back all the JSON formatted data from the request, and line by line passes it to ^myfunc.

This, in turn, calls a topic to hunt selectively for fragments and save them, and when all the fragments we want have been found, ^myfunc outputs a message and stops further processing by calling ^END(RULE).

Note that in this example there is no data to pass, everything is in the service named, so the data value is "".

outputmacro: ^myfunc (^value)

$$tmp = ^value
nofail(RULE respond(~tempinfo))

if ($$currentCondition AND $$currentTEMP)
    print( It is $$currentCondition. )
    print(The temperature is $$currentTemp. )

topic: ~tempinfo system repeat keep()

u: (!$$currentCondition)
   $$start = findtext($$tmp $$pattern1 0)
   $$findtext_start = findtext($$tmp ^"\"" $$start)
   $$currentCondition = extract($$tmp $$start $$findtext_start )

u: ($$currentCondition)
    $$start = findtext($$tmp $$pattern2 0)
    $$findtext_start = findtext($$tmp , $$start)
    $$currentTemp = extract($$tmp $$start $$findtext_start)

topic: ~INTRODUCTIONS repeat keep (~emogoodbye ~emohello ~emohowzit name )

t: ^keep() Ready. Type "weather" to see the data.

u: (weather)
    $$pattern1 = ^"\"weather\":\""
    $$pattern2 = ^"\"temp_f\":"
    if ( tcpopen(GET "" '^myfunc)) 
        { hi }
        { $$tcpopen_error }

There is a subtlety in the ^myfunc code in that it uses ^print to put out the result. Just writing:

if ($$currentCondition AND $$currentTEMP)
    It is $$currentCondition.
    The temperature is $$currentTemp.

will not work, because that output is being generated by the call to ^tcpopen, which is in the test part of the if, so everything it does is purely for effect of testing a condition. The generated output is dicarded.

If you moved the output generation to the { } of the if, things would be fine. E.g.,

if ( tcpopen(GET "" '^myfunc) ) 
    It is $$currentCondition.
    The temperature is $$currentTemp.
else { $$tcpopen_error }

Doing the output without using ^print is my preferred style; it is easier to see what is going on for output if it is not hidden deep inside some if test.

^export ( name from )

From must be a fact set to export. Name is the file to write them to. An optional 3rd argument append means to add to the file at the end, rather than recreate the file from scratch.

Obviously, you must first have done something like ^query to populate the fact set. Eg.

^query(direct_sv item label ? -1 ? @3)
^export(myfacts.txt @3)

If the name includes the substring "ltm", then the file will not be appendable, but will be encryptable and routes to databases if the filesystem has been overridden by Mongo, Postgres, or MySQL.

^import ( name set erase transient )

name is the file to read from. Set is where to put the read facts.

erase can be erase meaning delete the file after use or keep meaning leave the file alone.

transient can be transient meaning mark facts as temporary (to self erase at end of volley) or permanent meaning keep the facts as part of user data. Eg

^import(myfacts.txt @3).

If set is null, then facts are created but not stored into any fact-set and the subject of the first fact is returned as the answer (presumed to be a json structure).

If the name includes the substring "ltm", then the file will be decryptable and routes to databases if the filesystem has been overridden by Mongo, Postgres, or MySQL.

Debugging Function ^debug ()

As a last ditch, you can add this function call into a pattern or the output and it will call DebugCode in functionExecute.cpp so you know exactly where you are and can use a debugger to follow code thereafter if you can debug c code.

Logging Function ^log ( ... )

This allows you to print something directly to the users log file. If you want it echoed to the console as well, you can do ^log(OUTPUT_ECHO This is my message).

You can actually append to any file by putting at the front of your output the word FILE in capital letters followed by the name of the file. E.g.,

^log(FILE TMP/mylog.txt This is my log output.)

Logging appends to the file. If you want to clear it first, issue a log command like this:

^log(FILE TMP/mylog.txt NEW This is my log output)

The new tells it to initialize the file to empty.

Additionally you can optimize log file behavior. If you expect to write to a file a lot during a volley (eg during :document mode), you can leave the file open by using

^log(OPEN TMP/mylog.txt This is my log output.)

which caches the file ptr. After which you can write with OPEN or FILE equivalently. To close the file use

^log(CLOSE TMP/mylog.txt)

By default, ^log acts like output to user, converting escaped nr, and t into their actual ascii characters. The flag RESPONSE_NOCONVERTSPECIAL passed in will block this.

^memorymark ()

Reading a document consists of performing a single volley of the entire document. This can tie up a lot of memory in keeping facts, dictionary entries, user variables, etc. If you are careful in what you do, you can make the memory burden go away. ^memoryMark() notes where memory is currently at, and is best done within the document_pre topic. Then you can release memory after every sentence of the document, so it doesn't accumulate.

^memoryfree ()

This releases memory back to the last ^memorymark(). It is best done after your main control of the document bot has finished processing a sentence. E.g.,

topic: ~document_pre system repeat()

t: ^memorymark() # note start
  Log(OUTPUT_ECHO \n Begin $$document ) # instant display

topic: ~main_control system repeat () # executed each sentence of document

u: (%document)

The caveats and warnings about how this works. Whenenver you free memory, the system will clear all fact sets. It will clear all user variables set after the memory mark (leaving the ones before alone). It will then release facts, text, and dictionary nodes created after the mark.

^memorygc ()

This can function in either document mode or chat mode. It does what it can to release unused memory. It has restrictions in it does not work if you have facts with facts as fields or are in planning mode. It also discards saved sentence data, and all of your analysis data for the current sentence. It also discards all data in factsets.

JSON Functions

JSON functions and JSON are described more fully in the ChatScript JSON manual.

^jsonarrayinsert ( arrayname value )

Given the name of a json array and a value, it addsthe value to the end of the array. SAFE protects any nested JSON data from being deleted. See JSON manual.

^jsonarraydelete ( [INDEX, VALUE] arrayname value {ALL} )

This deletes a single entry from a JSON array. It does not damage the thing deleted, just its member in the array. If the first argument is INDEX, then value is a number which is the array index (0 … n-1). If the first argument is VALUE, then value is the value to find and remove as the object of the json fact.

You can delete every matching VALUE entry by adding the optional 4th argument ALL.

If there are numbered elements after this one, then those elements immediately renumber downwards so that the array indexing range is contiguous.

^jsoncreate ( type )

Type is either array or object and a json composite with no content is created and its name returned.

^jsondelete ( factid )

Deprecated in favor of ^delete.

^jsongather ( {factset} jsonid )

Takes the facts involved in the json data (as returned by ^jsonparse or ^jsonopen and stores them in the named factset. This allows you to remove their transient flags or save them in the users permanent data file.

You can omit fact-set as an argument if you are using an assignment statement:

@1 = ^jsongather(jsonid)

^Jsongather normally gathers all levels of the data recursively. You can limit how far down it goes by supplying level. Level 0 is all. Level 1 is the top level of data. Etc.

^jsonlabel ( label )

Assigns a text sequence to add to jo- and ja- items created thereafter. E.g. ^jsonlabel(x) generates jo-x1 and ja-x1. You can turn it back off again with ^jsonlabel("")

This allows you to create json namespaces which will not conflict. Eg, you may load a bunch of json during a system bootup (^csboot) under one naming and then use a different naming for user json created later and code can determine the source of the data.

^jsonreadcvs ( TAB filepath )

reads a tsv (tab delimited spreadsheet file) and returns a JSON array representing it. The lines are all objects in an array. The line is an object where non-empty fields are given as field indexes. The first field is 0. Empty fields are skipped over and their number omitted.

^jsonundecodestring ( string )

Removes all json escape markers back to normal for possible printout to a user. This translates \n to newline, \r to carriage return, \t to tab, and \" to a simple quote.

^jsonobjectinsert ( {DUPLICATE} objectname key value )

Inserts the key value pair into the object named. The key does not require quoting. Inserting a json string as value requires a quoted string. Duplicate keys are ignored unless the optional 1st argument DUPLICATE is given. SAFE protects any nested JSON data from being deleted. See JSON manual.

^jsonopen ( {UNIQUE} kind url postdata header )

This function queries a website and returns a JSON datastructure as facts. It uses the standard CURL library, so it's arguments and how to use them are generally defined by CURL documentation and the website you intend to access. See ChatScript JSON manual for details.

^jsontree ( name )

name is the value returned by ^JSONparse, ^JSONopen, or some query into such structures. It prints out a tree of elements, one per line, where depth is represented as more deeply indented. Objects are marked with { } as they are in JSON. Arrays are marked with [].

^jsonwrite ( name )

name is the name from a json fact set (returned by ^JSONparse, ^JSONopen, or some query into such structures). Result is the corresponding JSON string (as a website might emit), without any linefeeds.

^jsonparse ( {UNIQUE} string )

string is a json text string (as might be returned from a website) and this parses into facts exactly as ^jsonopen would do, just not retrieving the string from the web. It returns the name of the root node. One use for this is to pass JSON data as a quoted string within out-of-band data, and have the system parse that into facts you can use.

You can add NOFAIL before the string argument, to tell it to return null but not fail if a dereference path fails cannot be found.

^jsonparse(transient NOFAIL "{ a: $var, b: _0.e[2] }")

^jsonparse automatically converts any backslashunnnn into the corresponding utf8 character.

^jsonkind ( something )

If something is a JSON object, the function returns object. If it is a JSON array it returns array. Otherwise it fails.

^jsonpath ( string id )

string is a description of how to walk JSON. Id is the name of the node you want to start at (typically returned from ^jsonopen or ^jsonparse.

Array values are accessed using typical array notation like ja-1[3] and object fields using dotted notation like

A simple path access might look like this: [1].id which means take the root object passed as id, e.g., ja-1, get the 2nd index value (arrays are 0-based in JSON). That value is expected to be an object, so return the value corresponding to the id field of that object. In more complex situations, the value of id might itself be an object or an array, which you could continue indexing like [1].id.firstname.

^Jsonpath can also return the actual factid of the match, instead of the object of the fact. This would allow you to see the index of a found array element, or the json object/array name involved. Or you could use ^revisefact to change the specific value of that fact (not creating a new fact). Just add * after your final path, eg

^jsonpath(.name* $$obj)
^jsonpath(.name[4]* $$obj)

If you need to handle the full range of legal keys in json, you can use text string notation like this

^jsonpath(."st. helen".data $tmp)

You may omit the leading . of a path and CS will by default assume it

^jsonpath("st. helen".data $tmp)

Word Manipulation Functions

^burst ( {count once} data-source burst-character-string )

Takes the data source text and hunts within it for instances of the burst-character-string. If it is being dumped to the output stream then only the first piece is dumped.

If it is being assigned to a fact set (like @2) then a series of transient facts are created for the pieces, with the piece as the subject and ^burst ^burst as the verb and object.

If it is being assigned to a match variable, then pieces are assigned starting at that variable and moving on to successively higher ones.

If burst does not find a separator, it puts out the original value. For assignment to match variables, it also clears the next match variable so the end of the list will be a null match variable.

If burst_character is omitted, it is presumed to be BOTH _ (which joins composite words and names) and " ", which separates words.

If burst_character is the null string "", it means burst into characters.

^burst takes an optional first parameter count, which tells it to return how many items it would return if you burst, but not to do the burst.
^burst takes an optional first parameter once which says split only into the first burst and then the leftover rest.

^burst has a special burst value digitsplit which will split a number-text thing or a text-number thing into two pieces (text thing and number thing). This is good for splitting a currency thing lik USD25 or 25$.

^words ( someword )

Looks up the given word and returns all words matching it. Matching includes the lower case form of it and any number of uppercase forms of it. E.g, you might say ^words(ted) and get back facts for ted, Ted, TED.

The answers are a series of facts of the form (someword words words). In addition to case switching, the system will automatically switch words with underscores or blanks into words with changes in them to the other (since CS stores phrases with underscores). So ^words("I love you") can match phrases already in the dictionary of:
I_love you
I love you

etc. Depending on which words are actually there (for example because they are parts of a fact).

^canon ( word canonicalform )

Same as :canon during a :build from a table. Fails during normal execution not involving compiling.

^explode ( word )

Convert a word into a series of facts of its letters.

^extract ( source start end )

Return the substring with the designated offset range (exclusive of end location). Useful for data extraction using ^popen and ^tcpopen when combined with ^findtext.

In addition to absolute unsigned values, start and end can take on offsets or relative values. A signed end is a length to extract plus a direction or shift in start:

^extract($$source 5 +2) # to extract 2 characters beginning at position

^extract($$source 5 -2) # to extract 2 characters ending at position 5

A negative start is a backwards offset from end.

^extract($$source -1 +1) # from end, 1 character before and get 1 character

^extract($$source -5 -1) # from end, 5 characters before and get 1 character before. i.e. the 6th char from end.

^findtext ( source substring offset {insensitive} )

Find case sensitive substring within source+offset and return offset starting immediately after match. Useful for data extraction using ^popen and ^tcpopen when combined with ^extract. $$findtext_start is bound to the actual start of the match. $$findtext_word is bound to the word index in which the match was found where one or more blanks separate words. Indexing starts at 1 (same as sentence positional notation).

An optional fourth argument insensitive will match insensitively.

Failing to match will generate a rule failure. If the source or substring contains an _, these will be converted to blanks before execution, to allow that or the space notation to be considered equivalent (unless your source or substring is literally an underscore only).

^flags ( word )

get the 64bit systemflags of a word.

^intersectwords ( arg1 arg2 optional )

Given two "sentences", finds words in common in both of them. Output facts will go to the set assigned to, or @0 if not an assignment statement. The optional third argument, if it's canonical, it will match the canonical forms of each word.

^join ( any number of arguments )

Concatenates them all together, putting the result into the output stream. If the first argument is AUTOSPACE, it will put a single space between each of the joined arguments automatically.

^actualinputrange ( start end )

Given the starting and ending word positions of an original input (what CS had after tokenization but before adjustments), this returns the range of where the words arose in the actual input. The return is a range whose start is shifted 8 bits left and ORed with the end position.

^originalinputrange ( start end )

Given the starting and ending word positions of an actual input (what CS sees after adjustments and what you normally pattern match on), this returns the range of where the words came from in the original input. The return is a range whose start is shifted 8 bits left and ORed with the end position.

^properties ( word )

Returns the 64bit properties of a word or fail-rule if the word is not already in the dictionary.

^pos( part-of-speech word supplemental-data )

Generates a particular form of a word in any form and puts it in the output stream. If it cannot generate the request, it issues a RULE failure. Most combinations of arguments are obvious. Here are the 1st & 3rd choices. For verbs with irregular pronoun conjugation, supply 4th argument of pronoun to use.

part-of-speech word/verb/number
(+ supplement-data argument)
conjugate pos-integer
(as returned from ^partofspeech)
returns the word with that part of speech (eg conjugate go #VERB_PAST_PARTICIPLE)
raw integer 1 .. %length (returns the original word in sentence)
syllable word tells you how many syllables a word has
hex64 integer-word converts a number to 64bit hex
hex32 integer-word converts a number to 32 bit hex
ismodelnumber word return 1 if it is (mixed alpha/numeric). Fails otherwise.
isinteger word return 1 if it is all digits, fails otherwise
isfloat word return 1 if it is float, fails otherwise
isuppercase word return 1 if it begins with an uppercase letter, fails otherwise
type word returns concept, number, word, or unknown
common word returns level of commonness of the word
verb verb given verb in any form, return requested form
present_participle verb
past_participle verb
infinitive verb
past verb
present3ps verb
present verb
verb match noun returns noun form matching verb (sing./plural).
e.g. (walk match dog) -> walks
aux auxverb pronoun returns verb form matching pronoun supplied.
for do,have, be
pronoun word flip changes person form for 1st and 2nd person
adjective word more writes the adjective in its comparative form: fast -> faster
most word the superlative form. beautiful -> most beautiful
adverb word more writes comparative form: strong -> strongly
noun word proper return word as a proper noun (appropriately cased)
lowercaseexist word
uppercaseexist word
singular word or a number == 1
plural word or a number > 1
irregular word return value only for irregular nouns
determiner word noun add a determiner "a/an" if it needs one
place integer return place number of integer
capitalize word
uppercase word
lowercase word
allupper word
canonical word
integer floatnumber generate integer if float is exact integer


# get first name (in a not English language), and capitalize
u: what's your first name?
    #! giuditta
    a: ( _* )
   $_name = ^original(_0)
   Nice to meet you, ^pos(capitalize $_name)
   # if user enter giuditta, the rejoinder output: Nice to meet you, Giuditta 

^decodeInputtoken ( number )

Display the text values of tokenflag bits. You can pass it %token to see the meanings of the current sentence analysis or $cs_token to see what you have current set as token controls.

^decodepos ( pos location )

Translates into text the 64bit pos data at given location. location can be a position in the sentence (1... number of words) or a match variable found from some location in the sentence). See dictionary.h for meanings of bits. Type word will classify word as concept, word, number, or unknown.

^decodepos ( role location )

Returns the text of the role data of the given location.

^layer ( word )

When was this word entered into the dictionary. Answers are: wordnet, 0, 1, 2, user.

^partofspeech ( location )

Gets the 64-bit part-of-speech information about a word at location, resulting from parsing. Location can be a position in the sentence (1... number of words) or a match variable found from some location in the sentence). See dictionary.h for meanings of bits.

^phrase ( type matchvar )

Can be used to retrieve all of a prepositional phrase or a noun phrase. type is noun, prepositional, verbal, adjective. Optional 3rd argument canonical will return the canonical phrase rather than the original phrase. E.g.,for input:

u: (I ~verb _~directobject) $tmp = ^phrase(noun _0)

with input I love red herring $tmp is set to red herring

^role ( location )

Gets the 32-bit role information about a word at location, resulting from parsing. Location can be a position in the sentence (1... number of words) or a match variable found from some location in the sentence). See dictionary.h for meanings of bits.

^tally ( word {value} )

Only valid during current volley. You can associate a 32-bit number with a word by ^tally(test 35) and retrieve it via ^tally(test).

^rhyme ( word )

Finds a word in the dictionary which is the same except for the first letter (a cheap rhyme).

^substitute ( mode find oldtext newtext)

Outputs the result of substitution. Mode can be character or word or insensitive. In the text given by find, the system will search for oldtext and replace it with newtext, for all occurrences. This is non-recursive, so it does not also substitute within replaced text. Since find is a single argument, you pass a phrase or sentence by using underscores instead of spaces. ^substitute will convert all underscores to spaces before beginning substitution and will output the spaced results.

In character mode, the system finds oldtext as characters anywhere in newtext. In word mode it only finds it as whole words in newtext. Finding is case sensitive, unless you use the argument insensitive, which will do character mode insensitive match. You can select insensitive word match by making the first argument be a text string containing the normal 1st argument values, e.g. insensitive word

^substitute(word "I love lovely flowers" love hate) 

outputs I hate lovely flowers

^substitute(character "I love lovely flowers" love hate) 

outputs I hate hately flowers

^spell ( pattern fact-set )

Given a pattern, find words from the dictionary that meets it and create facts for them that get stored in the referenced fact set. The facts are created with subject 1, verb word, and object the found word. The pattern is a text string describing possibly the length and letter constraints.

If there is an exact length of word, it must be first in the pattern. After which the system matches the letters you provide against the start of the word up until your pattern either ends or has an asterisk or a period. A period means match any letter.

An asterisk matches any number of letters and would normally be followed by more letters. The * will swallow letters in the dictionary word until it can match the rest of your given pattern. It will keep trying as needed. Eg.

^spell(4the @1) will find them but not their
^spell(am*ic @1) will find American
^spell(a*ent @1) will find abasement
^spell(h.l.o @1) will find hello

^sexed ( word he-choice she-choice it-choice )

Given a word, depending on its sex the system outputs one of the three sex choices given. An unrecognized word uses it.

^sexed(Georgina he she it) 

would return she

^uppercase ( word )

Is the given word starting with an uppercase letter? Match variable binds usually reflect how the user entered the word. This allows you to see what case they entered it in. Returns 1 if yes and 0 otherwise.

^format( integer/float formatstring value)

This is a thin wrapper over sprintf. The first argument tells ChatScript what kind of argument you are passing (since everything is a string to ChatScript). The second argument is a string which is the format string for sprintf. The third argument is the number to convert. For floats, you will always be passing a double float so bear that in mind with your formatting. For integer, if you use a %d format, you will be using a 32-bit value. For ll formats you will be using 64-bit but it won't work well on Windows output because Windows uses their own sprintf notation.

^addproperty ( word flag1 … flagn )

given the word, the dictionary entry for it is marked with additional properties, the flags given which must match property flags or system flags in dictionarySystem.h. Typically used to mark up titles of books and things when building world data.

In particular, however, if you are adding phrases or words not in the dictionary which will be used as patterns in match, you should mark them with PATTERN_WORD. To create a dynamic concept, mark the set name as CONCEPT.

You can also add fact properties to all members of a set of facts via

^addproperty(@4 flag1 … flagn).

These flags are also predefined in dictionarysystem.h and you can use some of the predefined but meaningless ones to do what you want. These are User_flag4, User_flag3, User_flag2, User_flag1.

^define( word )

Output the definition of the word. An optional second argument is the part of speech: noun verb adjective adverb, which will limit the definition to just that part of speech. Never fails but may return null.

The second argument can also be all which means list all definitions per part of speech, not just the first. And it can be the third optional argument so you can get all meanings of a word as a noun, for example.

^hasanyproperty ( word value )

Does this word have any of these property or systemflag bits? You can have up to 5 values as arguments, e.g.,


If the word is not in the dictionary, it will infer it, allowing it to handle things like verb tenses. If you want to insure the word already exists first, you should do ^properties(dog) AND ^hasproperty(dog xxx) since property fails if the word is not found.

^hasallproperty( word value )

Does this word have all property or systemflag bits mentioned? You can have up to 5 values as arguments, e.g.,


Values should be all upper case. If the word is not in the dictionary, it will infer it, allowing it to handle things like verb tenses. If you want to insure the word already exists first, you should do

^properties(dog) AND ^hasproperty(dog xxx) 

since property fails if the word is not found.

^removeinternalflag ( word value )

Removes named internal flag from word.

Currently only value is HAS_SUBSTITUTE, which allows you to disable a word/phrase substitution. Use as word the full text of the left entry in a substitutions file. E.g.,

<constantly> maps to ~yes normally. If you do ^removeinternalflag( <constantly> HAS_SUBSTITUTE) then it will no longer do that.

This is a permanent change to the resident dictionary, which will take effect until the system is reloaded.

^removeproperty ( word value )

Remove this property bit from this word.

This effect lasts until the system is reloaded. Value should be all upper case. Value is normally a system flag value or a property value from dictionarysystem.h which does not need a hash in front of it (system will look up the name).

word can be in doublequotes. And there are two internal bits that are also allowed to be removed: CONCEPT and HAS_SUBSITUTE.

You can use HAS_SUBSTITUTE to disable some standard substitution in LIVEDATA, but you can't apply this at build time because the system won't remember. Instead call it from ^csboot during startup.

Instead call it from ^csboot during startup. For example, in LIVEDATA interjections file, there is an entry:

 <surprise ~emosurprise

But if you didn't want surpise at the start of a sentence declared the interjection ~emosurprise, you could do

 ^removeproperty("<surprise" HAS_SUBSTITUTE)

And the dictionary has some words which are composites, like iced_coffee and it will automatically convert the two words into a single token. If you wanted to stop this behavior, you could disable this composite word via

 ^removeproperty(iced_coffee NOUN)

since it is declared as a NOUN (you can see with :word iced_coffee). You can do this to nouns, adjectives, adverbs.

^walkdictionary ( 'function )

calls the named output macro from every word in the dictionary. The function should have 1 argument, the word.

^Iterator ( ? member ~concept )

An iterator is a repeatable fact query that allows you to walk through each member of a concept, either at top level or recursively. Useful in conjunction with a loop(), the function is defined in the planning manual but can be used outside of planning. You can have one iterator in progress per rule.

loop () # unload every resource on board
    $$resource = ^iterator(? member ~resources)

^wordAtIndex ( ({original, canonical} n))

^wordAtIndex retrieves the word from the current sentence at the index given, as either the original word or as a canonical word (as a match variable sees it)

^wordAtIndex ( canonical n n1) gathers a range from n thru n1.

^wordAtIndex ( original "_0") gathers a range from that which _0 represents (but uses the original data so it is not like merely saying _0, which may not have real data if you did an arbitrary assignment to it setting its position).

Multipurpose Functions

^disable ( what ? )

What can be topic or rule or inputrejoinder or outputrejoinder or save or write @set.

If topic, the next argument can be a topic name (with or without ~ or just ~ meaning the current topic). It means to disable (BLOCK) that topic.

If a rule, you erase (disable) the labeled rule (or rule tag and ~ means the current rule).

If outputrejoinder, it cancels the current output rejoinder mark, allowing a new rule to set a rejoinder.

If inputrejoinder then it cancels any pending rejoinder on input.

If save, then the user data will not be saved. It's as though this interchange didn't happen.

If ^disable(write @1) then factset @1 will not be written out into user data and is junk at the next volley (normally this is true).

You can also disable the inputrejoinder with ^setrejoinder(input) and the output rejoinder with ^setrejoinder(output).

^enable ( what ? )

What can be topic or rule or save or write @set.

If topic, thenext argument can be a topic name or the word all for all topics . Designated topics will be enabld (unBlocked).

If a rule, the label (or rule tag) will be enabled, allowing the rule to function again. If save, then it reenables saving user context if you had disabled it.

If ^enable(write @1) then factset @1 will be written out into user data and is restored at the next volley (normally this is not true).

^length ( what )

If what is a fact set like @1, length returns how many facts are in the set. If what is a word, length counts its characters. If what is a concept set, length returns a count of the top level (nonrecursive) members. If the name of a json array or object, returns how many top level elements it has.

^pick ( what )

Retrieve a random member of the concept if what is a concept. Pick is also used with factsets to pick a random fact (see FACTS MANUAL).

For a concept, if the member chosen is itself a concept, the system will recurse to pick randomly from that concept. If the argument to pick is a $var or _var, it will be evaluated and then pick will be tried on the result (but it won't recurse to try that again).

If the argument is a JSON object it randomly picks a fact whose verb/object is a key-value pair. If the argument is a JSON array, it randomly picks a fact whose verb is the index and whose object is the value. The fact id returned can be used with ^field or you can use something like $result.object to get the specific object.

^reset ( what ? )

What can be user or topic or factset.

If what is user, the system drops all history and starts the user afresh from first meeting (launching a new conversation), having erased the user topic file.

If what is a factset, the "next" pointer for walking the set is reset back to the beginning. If what is a topic, all rules are re-enabled and all last accessed values are reset to 0.


^findfact ( subject verb object )

The simplest fact find involves knowing all the components (meanings) and asking if the fact already exists. If it does, it returns the index of the fact. If it doesn't it returns FAILRULE_BIT.

^query ( kind subject verb object)

The simplest query names the kind of query and gives some or all of the field values that you want to find. Any field value can be replaced with ? which means either you don’t care or you don’t know and want to find it. The kinds of queries are programmable and are defined in LIVEDATA/queries.txt (but you need to be really advanced to add to it). The simplest query kinds are:

query kind description
direct_s find all facts with the given subject
direct_v find all facts with the given verb
direct_o find all facts with the given object
direct_sv find all facts with the given subject and verb
direct_so find all facts with the given subject and object
direct_vo find all facts with the given object and verb
direct_svo find all facts given all fields (prove that this fact exists)
Unipropogate find how subject joins into the object set

If no matching facts are found, the query function returns the RULE fail code.

?: (do you have a dog) ^query( direct_svo I own dog) Yes.

If the above query finds a fact (I own dog) then the rule says yes. If not, the rule fails during output. This query could have been put inside the pattern instead.

^query( kind subject verb object count fromset toset propagate match )

query can actually take up to 9 arguments. Default values are ?.

The count argument defaults to -1 and indicates how many answers to limit to. When you just want or expect a single one, use 1 as the value.

fromset specifies that the set of initial values should come from the designated factset.

Special values of fromset are user and system which do not name where the facts come from but specify that matching facts should only come from the named domain of facts.

toset names where to store the answers. Commonly you don't name it because you did an assignment like

@3 = ^query(...)

and if you didn't do that, toset defaults to @0 so

if (^query(direct_s you ? ?))

puts its answers in @0. It is equivalent to:

if (^query(direct_s you ? ? -1 ? @0))

You can also simultaneously query and unpack a single field from the first matching fact by naming the field on the to argument.

$$tmp = ^query(direct_sv you eat ? 1 ? @5object)

Typically you would do this if you expected only a single fact and were trying to find a specific field value. So you'd set the limit to 1. If a fact is found, it is stored in @5, and the object field is pulled off and stored onto $$tmp. If no fact is found, the query does not fail, $$tmp is merely set to null.

The final two arguments only make sense with specific query types that use those arguments.

For unipropogate, if you have these concepts;

concept: ~things (~animals ~vegetables ~minerals)
concept: ~animals (~canine ~feline)
concept: ~canine (dog)

Then ^query(unipropogate dog ? ~things 1) would return (~animals member ~things).

Note that the set to be found (~things) is not expanded. Normal queries expand any reference to a set into all of its members and expand simple words to the entire wordnet hierarchy above it. You can block this expansion behavior by putting a single quote in front. Note for the idiom '_0 which means the original form of the match variable, you have to use two quotes: ''_0.

^query(direct_svo 'bomb ''_0 '$$tmp)

unipropogate expects a set as its object argument, so it does not need to be quoted. A query can also be part of an assignment statement, in which case the destination set argument (if supplied) is ignored in favor of the left side of the assignment, and the query doesn't fail even if it finds no values. E.g.,

@2 = ^query(direct_sv I love you)

The above query will store its results (including no facts found) in @2. Queries can also be used as test conditions in patterns and if constructs. A query that finds nothing fails, so you can do:

u: ( dog ^query(direct_sv dog wants ?)) A dog wants @0object.

You can also do !^query. Or

if (^query(direct_vo ? want toy)) {@0subject wants a toy.}

^first ( fact-set )

Retrieve the first fact, e.g.

_1 = ^first(@1all)

^last ( fact-set )

Retrieve the last fact.

^pick ( fact-set )

Retrieve a random fact. Removing the fact is the default, but you can suppress it with the optional second argument KEEP, e.g., _1 = ^last(@1all) gets the last value but leaves it in the set.

You can erase the contents of a fact-set merely by assigning null into it.

@1 = null

This does not destroy the facts; merely the collection of them.

^sort ( {alpha alphabetic age} @0 … )

You can sort a fact set which has number values as a field.

^sort ( fact-set {more fact sets} )

The fact set is sorted from highest first. By default, the subject is treated as a float for sorting. You can say something like@2object to sort on the object field. You can add additional factsets after the first, which will move their contents slaved to how the first one was rearranged. Eg.

^sort(@1subject @2 @3)

will perform the sort using the subject field of @1, and then rearrange @2 and @3 in the same way (assuming they have the same counts). Instead of sorting by numeric value, can do an alpha sort or an oldest fact first sort similar to the normal sort.

^delete ( factset or factid or jsonid )

If you actually want to destroy facts, you can query them into a fact-set and then do this:

^delete(@1) And all facts in @1 will be deleted and the set erased You can also delete an individual fact who's id is sitting on some variable

^delete($$f) And you can delete a json array or object, including all of its substructure the same way.

If you pass something that is not deleteable, the system will do nothing and does not fail.

^length ( factset or ~set or jsonid or word )

If you want to know how many facts a fact-set has, you can do this:

^length(@1) - outputs the count of facts

Likewise how many top level members of a concept (not recursive). Or how many fields in a json object or elements in a json array. Or how many characters in a word. A Null value for the argument is legal, and is of length 0.

^nth ( factset count )

If you want to retrieve a particular set fact w/o erasing it, you can use

^nth(@1 5)

where the first argument is like ^first because you also specify how to interpret the answer and the second is the index you want to retrieve, eg.,

^nth(@0object 5)

An index out of bounds will fail. Factsets are always numbered 1...n, so the first element is, in fact, ^nth(@0object 1) would correspond to @0object or ^first(@0object)

Similarly you can do nth(~concept 2) to retrieve the third member of a concept (numbering starts at 0).

You can also do nth of a JSON object (returns the factid of the nth key/value pair) or JSON array (returns the factid of the nth index/value pair).


examines facts in a set and generates all fact references from it. That is, it lists all the fields that are themselves facts.

@1 = ^unpackfactref( @2)

All facts which are field values in @2 go to @1. You can limit this:

@1 = ^unpackfactref(@2object)

only lists object field facts, etc

^save ( factset boolean )

Unlike variables, which by default are saved across inputs, fact sets are by default discarded across inputs. You can force a set to be saved by saying:

^save(@9 true) # force set to save thereafter
^save(@9 false) # turn off saving thereafter

^makereal ( {set , factid} )

If you give this a factset, it will convert any transient facts in that set into permanent. If you give this a factid, it will convert all transient facts created after that id into permanent. This might allow you, for example, to call `^jsonopen and get back a transient JSON structure and after inspection you could convert it to permanent if you wanted to.

^addproperty ( set flag )

Add this flag onto all facts in named set. Typically you would be adding private marker flags of yours. If set has a field marker (like @2subject) then the property is added to all values of that field of facts of that set.

^conceptlist ( kind location )

^conceptlist(kind location {filter}) generates a list of transient facts for the designated word position in the sentence of the concepts (or topics or both) referenced by that word, based on kind being CONCEPT or TOPIC or BOTH.

Facts are (~concept ^conceptlist location) where location is the range location in the sentence (start <<8 + end).

^conceptlist( CONCEPT 3) # absolute sentence word index
^conceptlist( TOPIC _3) # whereever _3 is bound

Otherwise, if you don’t use an assignment, it stores into set 0 and fails if no facts are found. Any set already marked ^Addproperty(~setname NOCONCEPTLIST) will not be returned from ^conceptlist.

Special preexisting lists you might use the members of to exclude include: ~pos (all bits of word properties) ~sys (all bits of system properties) and ~role (all role bits from pos-tagging). Only one instance of a concept or topic will be returned as a fact.

If a concept reference covers multiple words (like an unmerged New York City), the concept is indexed at the first word. The location returned is: (start <<8) | end .

If you omit the 2nd argument (location), then it generates the set of all such in the sentence, iterating over every one but only doing the first found reference of some kind. If you use ^mark to mark a position, both the word and all triggered concepts will be reported via ^conceptlist.

But if the mark is a non-canonical word, mark does not do anything about the canonical form, and so there may be no triggered concepts as well. (Best to use a canonical word as mark).

If you add the optional 3rd argument, it will filter concepts to be only those that start with the filter characters.

@0 = ^conceptlist(CONCEPT _0  ^"~bot-")

retrieves only concepts that start with ~bot- .

^wordinconcept ( word conceptname )

Takes any casing of a word and finds which casing in the dictionary is a member of the concept. When you memorize a word, you will get how the user spelled it. Eg., Ebay, when the dictionary actually has eBay. The correct spelling of the word can be found this way as a member of a concept. And composite words using either spaces or underscores can be found as well and returns the correct notation.

^createattribute ( subject verb object flags )

This is just like ^createfact, except that it only allows one fact with this subject and verb to exist.

It will kill off any other such facts. If, for example, you had a fact (car1 cost $1500) and executed

^createattribute(car1 cost $1000)

then after this the $1500 fact would no longer exist and only the new price fact would exist.

if you have facts that reference facts that would be killed off, the createattribute call will decline to create a new fact and fail instead. Also, don't have those old facts as values of variables or factsets because those values will become erroneous. The system will not stop you, but you cannot guarantee the results after that. BE CAREFUL you don't create facts where the verb and object are intended to be constant and the subject varies. It won't work correctly.

(car space 10) – fine if 10 can vary

(10 space car) – wrong if 10 can vary

See also ^revisefact which is probably easier to use for most cases.

^createfact ( subject verb object flags )

The arguments are a stream, so flags is optional. Creates a fact of the listed data if it doesn't exist (unless flags allows duplicates). Or ^createfact($$tmp) or some other variable that evaluates to a fact stream will also create/find a fact. $$tmp might have been written previously using WriteFact.

^writefact ( F )

Given a fact index such as might be returned by first(@1fact), writes out the fact in std text notation (such as done by ^export or written into user files). (see ^createfact).

^revisefact ( factid subject verb object )

The existing non-dead user fact will have fields replaced when arguments are not null. You cannot change type of field, so a fact subject will require a factid as subject, etc.


erase all facts in this set. This is the same as ^addfactproperty(set FACTDEAD).

^field ( fact fieldname )

given a reference to a fact, pull out a named field. If the fieldname is in lower case and the field is a fact reference, you get that number. If the fieldname starts uppercase, the system gives you the printout of that fact. Eg for a fact:

$$f = createfact (I eat (he eats beer))

^field( $$f object) returns a number (the fact index) and ^field($$f Object) returns (he eats beer) as the translation of the fact into text.

Fields include: subject, verb, object, flagsv, all` (spread onto 3 match variables, raw (spread onto 3 match variables).

all just displays a human normal dictionary word, so if the value were actually plants~1 you'd get just plants whereas raw would return what was actually there plants~1.

You can also retrieve a field via $$f.subject or $$f.verb or $$f.object.

^find ( setname itemname )

given a concept set, find the ordered position of the 2nd argument within it. ^Output that index. Used, for example, to compare two poker hands.

^findmarkedfact ( subject verb mark )

given the arguments, start at subject, follow all facts having the verb, and stop if you can find a fact with the mark given.

^first ( fact-set-annotated )

Retrieve the first fact. You must qualify with what you want from it. Retrieve means the fact is removed from the set. ^first(@0subject) retrieves the subject field of the first fact. Other obvious qualifications are verb, object, fact (return the index of the fact itself), all (spread all 3 fields onto a match variable triple, raw (like all but all displays just a normal human-readable word like plant whereas raw displays what was actually there, which might have been plant~1).

^flushfacts ( factid )

kills all facts created after this one. To use effectively, you need to create an initial dead fact e.g, $$marker = ^createfact(junk marker data FACTDEAD) and then if you want to cancel sentence processing because, for example, you intend to replace this sentence with a new one (like with pronoun resolution), you can erase any facts you created while doing this sentence by doing ^flushfacts($$marker).

^gambittopics ()

finds user topics (not system topics) with gambits remaining. If you use it in a fact-set assignment statement, it stores all topics found as facts (topicname ^gambittopics topicname). You can then display them or use them as you wish E.g.

@1 = ^gambittopics()
^gambit( ^pick(@1)) # randomly issue a gambit

Otherwise, if you don’t use an assignment, it stores into set 0 and fails if no facts are found.

^intersectfacts ( from to )

Sees what facts in the from set are in common with the to set. You specify what field to intersect on by naming a field of the to set (or none). Eg.,

^intersectfacts(@0 @1object)

will find facts in set 0 whose objects match any in set 1. If you don't name a field, you have to find exact matches on the entire fact. You need to assign the result to a new fact set, which will contain all matching facts from the from set.

@2 = ^intersectfact(@0 @1object)

^keywordtopics ()

Lists topics and priority values for matching keywords in input. An optional argument if gambit, will ignore topics without available gambits. The verb used is: ^keywordtopics.

^last ( fact-set-annotated )

Retrieve the last fact – see ^first for a more complete explanation.

^length ( word )

puts the length of the word into the output stream. If word is actually a fact set reference (e.g., @2 ), it returns the count of facts in the set.

^makereal ()

Convert all user facts that are transient into non-transient facts. Probably only useful when using plans, which generate transient facts representing the state of the world and you want those planned world facts to become the current real facts.

^next ( FACT fact-set-annotated )

Allows you to walk a set w/o erasing anything. See ^first for more complete description of annotation, the distinction between next and ^first is that next does NOT remove the fact from the set, but moves on to each fact in turn. You can reset a set with


then loop thru it looking at the subject field with

loop() { _0 = next(FACT @1subject) }

^pendingtopics ()

List of currently pendings topics (interesting)

^pick ( ~concept )

Retrieve a random member of the concept. Pick is also used with factsets to pick a random fact (analogous to ^first with its more complete description).

^querytopics ( word )

Get topics of which word is a keyword and which are not system topics and which have gambits (not necessarily unused), returns as fact triples of word, "a", topicname. If used in an assignment to a set, it will not fail, but it may return 0 elements. If not used in an assignment, then it will use set @0 and will FAIL if no topics are found.

^removeproperty ( set flag )

remove this flag from all facts in named set. Typically you would be removing private marker flags of yours or making transient facts permanent.If set has a field marker (like @2subject) then the property is added to all values of that field of facts of that set.

^reset ( @1 )

reset a fact set for browsing using ^next.

^query ( kind subject verb object )

see writeup earlier.

^save ( set )

mark set to be saved with user data from here on

^sort ( set )

sort the set.. doc unfinished.

^unduplicate ( set )

remove duplicate facts from this set. The destination set will be named in an assignment statement like:

@1 = ^unduplicate(@0)

Normally this merely removes duplicate facts. If you specify a field as well, no facts having that field duplicated will be kept either. Eg

@1 = ^unduplicate(@0object)

^uniquefacts ( from to )

Sees what facts in the from set are not in common with the to set. You specify what field to intersect on by naming a field of the to set (or none). Eg.,

^uniquefacts(@0 @1object)

will find facts in set 0 whose objects do not match any in set 1. If you dont name a field, you have to find exact matches on the entire fact not in the 2nd set.

^unpackfactref ( set )

Find all facts in set which have facts as fields and then make THOSE facts be the facts of the set. The destination set will be named in an assignment statement like:

@1 = ^unpackfactref(@0)