Releases: zardoy/minecraft-web-client
Releases · zardoy/minecraft-web-client
New Features
- Display players list on long chat button hold e7b012c
- Add interaction hint for touch-based entity targeting a27fa4c
Bug Fixes
- fix displaying of unsigned messages (still need to simplify weird mineflayer parsing) d35bf41
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New Features
- Full support for rendering blocks in inventory GUI powered by deeplsate (#292)
- display motd/players info for ws servers (still no icon sadly)
add new server 465ce35 - config-json: Only either bundle or load from remote (#291)
- Refactor mouse controls, fixing all false entity/item interaction issues (#286)
- add packets recording control to pause menu, display packets view after recording was started for in real time server packets debug, fix auto captured packets display 2414111
- allow to load client without free space on device (or no write permissions) edad57a
- add config option for pause screen links (#288)
- initial config.json is now bundled on build step, which is required for defaultSettings acd8144
- allow to specify default and locked settings in config.json acd8144
- allow to specify default app params in config.json acd8144
- rework how loading progress is reported in app on connect acd8144
- add setting to wait for chunks to load before starting rendering (which is highly recommended to enable), however not enabled by default because functionality is top priority of the client out of the box, not pleasent ux, so pls enable yourself acd8144
- add a way to ALWAYS inspect 30 packets on disconnect 334e8a5
- Replay packets server functionality! (#287)
Co-authored-by: coderabbitai[bot] <136622811+coderabbitai[bot]> 1387cb0 - add support for custom sounds and sounds.json ba6a618
- rework atlas packing so now almost any resourepack with different tile sizes can be used a268c69
- add detailed block assets parsing (blockstates + models) in F3 on right side (includes parsing errors! super useful for resourcepacks) 730cf65
Bug Fixes
- fix sentry #6092213276 DataCloneError: Cannot decode detached ArrayBuffer 998f0f0
- was not possible to click notification, make error routing more strict & obvious 2619e5d
- fix crashes on packets logging recording b0da1e4
- make replay panel minmizable b0da1e4
- fix whole pipeline of rendering custom items from rp: add them to atlas and update texture propertly. align behavior blocks vs items and gui vs hand/floor 10f1706
- seagrass and kelp are always waterlogged fa9c081
- display notification on user resourecepack enable 59cb442
- display err when sound mappings not found 2833b33
- fix hand performance because of unnecessary texture rewrites 077dc9d
- fix a lof of bugs in base transition classes and fix bug with possibly wrong item display in hand 0b2d676
- fix hardcoded sounds played when resource is requested 2f200a8
- change chat completions filtering to be not aggressive cde2392
- fix bossbar flickering 9613a0e
- fix shift desync issue, dedupe 0505b64
- fix a few server packets 334e8a5
- fix sound id mapping for some versions like 1.16.5 81a6922
- fix visual issue when loading screen disappears f0d5ad6
- display loading pregress of server resourecepacks f0d5ad6
- improve rendering of armor to closer match game and prevent z-fighting (#285)
- improve rendering of armor to closer match game and prevent z-fighting 7110b8c
- add resourcepack texture processing error catching 8e4987e
- literally fix the notification component 2ea74b2
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New Features
- now always focus chat when letter or ctrl+v is pressed (like in discord) 0bb6301
- hide completions when input is not focused 0bb6301
- add ping display view in pause menu! 612b354
- custom block models via custom channel (#277)
- option to disable ears on all skins (#275)
- rework hand! enable by default, fix bow anim (#261)
- refactor swing animation to controller
- idle animator!!!!
- implelment state switch transition
- a huge fix for UI server edit!
- adjust ui scaling so main menu elements clip less
- view bobbing, new config name, ws:
- EXTREMELY important fixes to entities rendering
- a lot of fixes, add dns resolve fallback
- improve f3 E, fix modal not found edge case
- set correctly target for old browsers, should fix ios 14 crash
- unecessary big refactor, to fix ts err
- fix isWysiwyg check
- fix entities rendering count 65af9a7
- display reconnect button in pause menu when connection seems to be lost df4dd69
- some minimap fixes (#249)
Bug Fixes
- baby mobs are not rendered smaller (#283)
- fix custom item display on 1.21.4, fix text component potential crash 3b95039
- floor and ceiling button hitboxes (#282)
Co-authored-by: Vitaly [email protected] 795f241 - maps on invisible Item Frames would have gap (#281)
- fix all known issues with chat auto scroll! 9a8451f
- improve rendering of some entites like arrow and sheep 4223800
- fix memory leak with textures when a lot of entities are loaded at the same time (eg big servers like hypixel), make entities def loader faster 4a1138f
- autoConnect parameter wouldn't do anything (#276)
- handle unsuccessful block breaking packet (eg spawn protection) 847fed5
- important: save username instantly so it doesn't reset when you reload the page if you didn't change it 0f29053
- resource pack armor textures and leather armor color bleed (#274)
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New Features
- implement full support for new mineflayer plugin! add UI customization, motion effect, JS repl console and more! cea4d7f
- add fov animation that should have added from first release 82693ac
- add history tracking of ever connected servers
- Implement server connection history tracking in localStorage
- Update server connection UI with autocomplete and history suggestions
- Refactor connection logic to use new server address parsing
- Improve touch joystick handling with more robust state management a0bf1e6
- heads render texture from properties d295100
- revamp dropped items & holding blocks/items display! now using flexible item definition resolution c5a895a
- Connections issues icon & reconnect button (#268)
- implement support for custom models tags - new minecraft feature for resourcepack for items 20830bc
- dropped blocks rendered as blocks 20830bc
- add support for new 20830bc
Bug Fixes
- big-perf: do not render entities in not loaded chunks that are far away d27f2b4
- fix critical bug with joystick when opening other ui a0bf1e6
- skins of NPCs would not get applied properly (#265)
- one of the biggest ios fixes yet: reset viewport state (scale) on unexpected vieport changes and fix possible touch camera movement misaldment 3e00dcb
- resourcepack: fix custom items textures 20830bc
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New Features
- enable bossbar by default & support for custom title texts (#259)
- Add WebSocket server support for direct connections! (no proxy url is used then) b5a16d5
- wait for resource pack install before displaying world to avoid chunks reloading 4148913
- reimplement auto version - fix bugs, +config, make faster!! (#262)
- now keyboard arrows control camera rotation 84d38ba
- item & maps in frame rendering (#243)
Co-authored-by: Vitaly Turovsky [email protected] 6ad1a4d - Add option to disable service worker during build 28552bd
- server: Add server connection validation and username validation on connect server UI with QS ad2ba0e
- ui: Improve server list UI
- Implement concurrent server status fetching with rate limiting
- Show offline status for servers that cannot be reached 14b7cb0
- ui: add back, close buttons in settings for mobile 28f0546
- Add block highlight color option to allow always it to be blue (useful!) 317b849
- sounds: Add sound variants and resource pack support! (#258)
- add in-game music support! Enable it with
options.enableMusic = true
df44233 - try to bring tab attention or focus it when you are finally joined the server 062115c
Bug Fixes
- kick screen would allow going back with lockConnect parameter (#253)
refactor qs getters in codebase
Co-authored-by: Vitaly [email protected] d4e93d4 - proxy: Improve proxy URL handling for non-standard ports 81aaaab
- regression: minecity and some other maps broke 2490fbe
- deactivate mouse buttons when window loses focus (edge case) a628f64
- disable block breaking in adventure (#252)
- title would not get rendered and rendering times be wrong (#254)
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New Features
- enhance OptionButton navigation with shift key support for reverse cycling e6ce6dc
- enable global arrows navigation in server/saves list, always focus on first server 463b9ef
- add camera shake effect when player takes damage 5694d14
- implement player skin display based on texture properties from server packets eg your custom plugin skins! 491b5d6
- add packets logger preset option and process packet data based on preset 7186b18
- ctrl or cmd + Escape now closes all modals! 77e529b
- experimental namespaces support in resource packs 61659d8
- add 1.20.4 data 30dd64a
Bug Fixes
- fix light and bubble_column blocks rendering, fix waterlogging for ocean vegetation (plants) 382a685
- fix maps display for 1.21+ 1a45381
- adjust FOV calculations for sprinting and flying to increase field of view instead of decreasing it e0be30b
- fix Y keybinding: fix URL on server, add proxy and username parameters 798eb34
- fov changing based on player state was changed incorrectly 4ce95de
- sometimes kick messages where not formatted ce8e414
- fix 1.20.3 and 1.20.4 was not playable, fix issues on these versions 2edf425
- full support for minecity, no more map loading crashes 5d480d4
- data for some versions were missing like 1.16.4 or 1.16.5 30dd64a
- regression: ip qs param was ignored 87b795b
- add local (gitignored) config that is merged into single config after the build 87b795b
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New Features
- improve main menu and sign in UIs. Add QR code so you can login to MS account on mobile 9dad509
- add modal query parameter for page load dd7c9c1
- Armor Stand and armor model support (#242)
Co-authored-by: Vitaly [email protected] cb82963 - add zoom keybinding (Key - C) db7a9b9
- initial support for websocket (direct connection) servers. mcraft-fun-mineflayer plugin 10ee4c0
Bug Fixes
- provide possible fix for rare issue when mobile control elements were going outside of the screen on ios 36747e6
- improve servers list UI for small width screens dd7c9c1
- a lot of edge case world block updates fixes & improvements. Fix all known visual incosistencies after chunk edge block updates, make them faster 064d704
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New Features
- true hand display behind the setting (#217)
- add support for 1.21.3 376c358
- support for multiple sources for
url in case if first source can't be fetched 74cb815 - add ping display on mobile & via f3, playground ui improvements 18a191a
- Text display orientation and rendering fixes (#235)
- minimap and full screen map (disabled by default) (#147)
- add query parameter to specify your custom server lists to display in UI: ?serversList c97dbbd
- custom proxy is applied in servers list ui when ?proxy is specified c97dbbd
- add a way to quickly copy server list with ctrl+c in servers list ui c97dbbd
- add gamerules support: basic data parsing, now possible to control/change them via /gamerule only these gamerules effect implemented: doDaylightCycle b881a61
Bug Fixes
- fix signs could not be rendered properly because font was not in the build b10c680
- update changed blocks quicker in the world by using a dedicated mesher thread reserved for blocks updates only a4c86d7
- finally fix issues with ray casting on small distances. which was easy to notice on blocks like buttons when very close 5902918
- replace Available Offline text with Downloaded to avoid confustion when the app is Offline 7596520
- fix race condition when state id change was received from server faster than chunk was processed by mesher: now the change will await for the chunk load first instead of ignoring it. sync common code from webgpu 3bacef1
- spectator: display cursor block in f3, hide hotbar and hunger 5783b98
- fix renderer bug cactus was exposing the world 0b8eaa4
- improve output commands formatting, especially errored ones b881a61
- better messaging from output commands (now green) b881a61
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New Features
- basic support for text_display entity (#230)
- make fullscreen button (F11) configurable in the keybinding panel 85ece5b
- auto save worlds in singleplayer every 2 seconds since crashes might happen. still possible to cancel this behavior via new setting or ?noSave=true c8c4e32
- add setting for debugging to disable signs text rendering c8c4e32
- implement experimental clipWorldBelowY setting for testing 32931ef
- allow singleplayer mode to be triggered by 'sp=1' query parameter along with
Bug Fixes
- some keybinding names were incorrectly parsed 85ece5b
- ui: better support formatted minecraft messages (handle packets in general way) 0506d9d
- preserve server selection after going back to the servers list (eg from edit modal) a0a2c62
- was not possible to remove saved MS account by clicking on the profile picture a0a2c62
- highlight active zone for interaction to avoid UI confusion a0a2c62
- save the proxy to memory immedieately after editing it in the servers list screen a0a2c62
- Error messages were not displayed after unsuccessful Microsoft auth. Fixed all error messages. d32f510
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New Features
- write published version name on prod website! 667eff4
- format disconnect messages from minecraft servers (display correctly)
(#26) - server resource packs (#215)
Co-authored-by: Mqx [email protected] 03c6a3f - turn back smooth lighting on old maps f13c4e4
- optimize slabs render performance by rendering less not visible tiles
Improve performance in Greenfield by 6% 2fbfc18
Bug Fixes
- fix display names in inventories on 1.8 2c441c3
- fix entities display on old versions like 1.8 5405987
- don't reset the world in mesher after resourece pack textures update 7d0c364
- (latest) or (offline) status text was not displayed sometimes after the page load 5791626
- don't make text move in loading screens 84b3f89
- some areas in old world were competely white 7d699f2
- fix some blocks were rendered as transparent in old versions. Speed up Greenfield renderer by 18% in tunnels. 547525d
- don't crash and conflict with g663 spyware installed 900bcb0
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