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nikjetchev authored Jul 8, 2021
1 parent 1a78c5e commit 29f103a
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np

if False:#StyleGAN type convolution design
class EC(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0):
self.conv=nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels,kernel_size,stride=stride,padding=padding,bias=False)
fan_in = *[0][0].numel()
self.mult = np.sqrt(2/ fan_in)
def forward(self,x):
return self.mult*(self.conv(x) + self.bias)
EC = nn.Conv2d

#calculate negative distance matrix
#q is query, BxNxC
#k is key, BxCxN
def mdista3(q,k):
x= torch.bmm(2*q, k)
x.sub_( torch.sum(q ** 2, 2).unsqueeze(2))
x.sub_(torch.sum(k ** 2, 1).unsqueeze(1))
return x

#calculate full attention
# v is value, BxCxN
# q is query, BxNqxCq
# k is key, BxCxN
# output is BxCxNq
def batt(q ,k ,v ,euclid,onlyA=False,mask=None):
if euclid : # negative E distance
s = q.shape[2] ** 0.25
energy = mdista3 (q/s ,k/s)
energy = torch.bmm(q/np.sqrt(q.shape[2]) ,k )#BNC x BCN
attention = F.softmax(energy-energy.detach().max(), dim=-1) # Bx N x N
if mask is not None:
if onlyA:
return attention
out = torch.bmm(v, attention.permute(0, 2, 1))
return out

def batt_head(q,k,v,euclid, nhead,causal=False):
if nhead==1:
if causal:
kj = torch.arange(k.shape[2],device=k.device).view(1, -1)
return batt(q,k,v,euclid=euclid,mask=mask)
batch = k.shape[0]
Dk = k.shape[1] // nhead
Dv = v.shape[1] // nhead
q =, 2), 0)
k =, 1), 0)
v =, 1), 0)

if causal:
kj = torch.arange(k.shape[2],device=k.device).view(1, -1)
return,k,v,euclid=euclid,mask=mask).split(batch, 0), 1)

#@param A is an attention matrix, size BxqNxkN, where B is batch size, qN is count of query spatial positons, kN is count of key spatial positions
#@param aspect is size of query tensor, ratio of w=shape[2] and h=shape[3] of images -- also supports float value
#@param kappa tunes sizes of relevant keysets
def GPA_phase1(A, aspect=2, splitM=16,kappa=3):
B=A.shape[0]#batch size
N=A.shape[1]#query dimension
idx = torch.arange(N,device=A.device)#full index structure

h = int(np.sqrt(N // aspect))
idx = idx.view(1,1,int(aspect*h),h)#spatially reshaped full index structure
s= min(h,int(aspect*h))//splitM#cell size -- total of K=splitM*splitM*aspect cells ; s = sqrt(N/K)

grid = F.unfold(idx.float(),kernel_size=(s,s),stride=(s,s)).long()#1xs*s x K , where K is count of blocks, s*s*K=N
grid = grid.permute(0,2,1) ## 1 x K x N/K , values are indices of tensor
K = grid.shape[1]#count of partition cells

allk = A.permute(0,2,1).view(B,-1,int(aspect*h),h)#keys as channels, query spatial
allk = F.unfold(allk,kernel_size=(s,s),stride=(s,s))##B x (Nk*s*s) x K
allk = allk.view(B,A.shape[2],s*s,K)##so all keys for the query grids
topk = allk.mean(2).permute(0,2,1).argsort(dim=2, descending=True)[:, :, :int(kappa )]
return out

# calculate attention by using partitions of keys and queries
# @param partition dictionary
# @param queries, keys, values are size BxCxN
def GPA_phase2(queries, keys, values, partition, euclid,causal=False):
B = queries.shape[0] # batchsize
N = partition["grid"].shape[1] * partition["grid"].shape[2] # N of small spatial information of q tensor
K = partition["grid"].shape[1] # count partitions
S = int(np.sqrt(Nq / N)) # scale change, in height or width of pixels
s = partition["s"] * S # local grid cell size in large spatial tensor
Q = F.unfold(queries, kernel_size=(s, s), stride=(s, s))#b c*s*s K
except Exception as e:
print (e)
print (N,Nq,partition)
print (queries.shape,partition["size"][0] * S, partition["size"][1] * S,\
partition["size"][0] * S* partition["size"][1] * S,"ss",S,s)
raise Exception

Q=Q.view(B,Cq,s*s,K).permute(0,1,3,2)#B C K s*s
topk = up4d(partition["topk"], S,aspect=partition["aspect"],N=partition["Nk"],hsize=partition["hsize"])
#topk is size BxKx upsampled relevant keyset elements

# now move the K partitions as batches
#print ("queries",queries.shape,"Q",Q.shape,"stats",Cq,K,Nq//K)
Q = Q.view(B,Cq,K,Nq//K).permute(0,2,1,3).contiguous().view(B*K,Q.shape[1],Nq//K)

Nk = topk.shape[1] * topk.shape[2]##the keys chosen for all query partition cells, flattened partitions
topv = topk.view(B, 1, Nk).expand(B, values.shape[1], Nk)#copy same for all channels
topk = topk.view(B, 1, Nk).expand(B,queries.shape[1],Nk)
#print ("gather k sanity",keys.shape,values.shape,topk.max(),topk.min())
KEY = torch.gather(keys,dim=2,index=topk)#keys for each partition
V = torch.gather(values, dim=2, index=topv)

KEY = KEY.view(B, KEY.shape[1], K, Nk // K).permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous().view(B * K, KEY.shape[1], Nk // K)
V = V.view(B, V.shape[1], K, Nk // K).permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous().view(B * K, V.shape[1], Nk // K)
batch_att = batt(Q.permute(0, 2, 1), KEY, V, euclid=euclid)
att = batch_att.view(B,K,values.shape[1],-1).permute(0,2,3,1).view(B,-1,K)##Bx Cx N//Kx K -> B x C*N/K xK
##batch_att is in the partition indices order (unfolded)- fold to give back to square image
return F.fold(att, output_size=(partition["size"][0] * S, partition["size"][1] * S), kernel_size=(s , s ), stride=(s , s ))

# @param idx are indices of relevant keys
# @param S is ratio btw small and large tensor
# @param N is total number spatial positions in small tensor
# @param aspect ratio is aspect ratio of width and height of image tensors, e.g. aspect=2 means that tensors are size h*aspect x h = N
# @param hsize alternatively give directly pixel size horizontal, allows different aspect ratios of query and key
# @param out is concatenated in last dimension -- set of spatial indexes
def up4d(idx, S, N=None, aspect=1,hsize=None):
if hsize is None:
h = int(np.sqrt(N // aspect))
xw = S * (idx // h)
xh = S * (idx % h) # get 2 coords from idx; also multiply by S since we have larger grid
buf = []
for dw in range(S):
for dh in range(S):
buf.append((xw + dw) * S * h + xh + dh)
idx2 =,dim=-1)
return idx2 # S**2 more entries than idx

#@param c is channels of val and key
#@param c2 is channels of query
#@param m is output channels desired, can be <= c2
#@param euclid controls whether we use dot product, or euclidean vector distance for affinity matrix
#@param nhead, nheadlow are heads for attention layers
#@param outmod controls how we fuse residually attention with may features; 1 concatenates channels and used 1x1 conv, 0 adds residual directly
#@param SHIERARCHY is size of tensor, above which we use approximate and not full attention
#@param kappa is number of relevant keys
#@param splitM is square root of partitioning granularity splitM x splitM
class GPA_module(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, c,c2,m,euclid=True,nhead=1,nheadlow=1,outmod=1,SHIERARCHY = 64,kappa=2,splitM=32):
C=EC#styleGAN 2 inspired
def net(c,m):
return C(in_channels=c, out_channels=m,kernel_size=1)

self.VAL = C(in_channels=c, out_channels=m,kernel_size=1)##value effectively
self.KEY = net(c, n)
self.Q = net(c2, n)#C(in_channels=c2, out_channels=n, kernel_size=1)#query

if outmod==0:
self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1) + 0.1)
elif outmod==1:
self.concatproj=C(c2+ m,m,kernel_size=1)#,3,padding=1)
raise Exception('wrong param')


self.kappa = kappa

#wrapper for multihead GPA form
def _doAtt_head(self,Q,KEY,VAL,fac,aspect,psize,nhead):
if nhead==1:
return self._doAtt(Q,KEY,VAL,fac,aspect,psize)
batch = KEY.shape[0]
Dk = KEY.shape[1] // nhead
Dv = VAL.shape[1] // nhead
Q =, 1), 0)
KEY =, 1), 0)
VAL =, 1), 0)
return,KEY,VAL,fac,aspect,psize,chSplit=nhead).split(batch, 0), 1)

#both phases of single head GPA
#@param Q,KEY,VAL are 4d tensors, BxCxHxW
#@param d is factor with which to downsample
#@param aspect is aspect ratio of Q, use if rectangular and not square
#@param psize is W dimension of KEY tensor -- use if rectangular and not square
#@param chSplit just technical detail to tweak channel counts for mheads
def _doAtt(self,Q,KEY,VAL,d,aspect,psize,chSplit=1):
with torch.no_grad(): ##no grad w.r.t. indexing variable
Qdown=F.avg_pool2d(Q, d).view(m_batchsize, self.n//chSplit, -1).permute(0, 2, 1)
Kdown = F.avg_pool2d(KEY, d).view(m_batchsize, self.n//chSplit, -1)
A = batt(Qdown,Kdown, None, onlyA=True, euclid=self.euclid)#full attention at lower level
partition = GPA_phase1(A, aspect=aspect, kappa=self.kappa,splitM=self.splitM)
partition["hsize"] = psize # hack to allow different aspect ratio key tensors

VAL = VAL.view(m_batchsize, self.m//chSplit, -1) ##batch x m x hw
KEY = KEY.view(m_batchsize, self.n//chSplit, -1)
att = GPA_phase2(Q, KEY, VAL, partition, euclid=self.euclid)
return att

#show stats of GPA approximation, percentage of relevant key affinity in total attention keys
def err_stat(self,xKeyValue, xQuery):
#print ("errstat call",xQuery.shape)
fac = xQuery.shape[2] // self.SHIERARCHY
if fac <=1:#so full attention used here
return 1

aspect = xQuery.shape[2] / float(xQuery.shape[3])
psize = xKeyValue.shape[3] // fac

Q = self.Q(xQuery)
KEY = self.KEY(xKeyValue)

m_batchsize = Q.shape[0]

if nhead>1:
Dk = KEY.shape[1] // nhead
Q =, 1), 0)
KEY =, 1), 0)
m_batchsize*=nhead#batch size increased in this case

Qdown = F.avg_pool2d(Q, fac).view(m_batchsize, self.n // nhead, -1).permute(0, 2, 1)
Kdown = F.avg_pool2d(KEY, fac).view(m_batchsize, self.n // nhead, -1)

A = batt(Qdown, Kdown, None, onlyA=True, euclid=self.euclid)
partition = GPA_phase1(A, aspect=aspect, kappa=self.kappa,splitM=self.splitM)
partition["hsize"] = psize

_,_,out3=analyzeGPA(queries=Q.view(m_batchsize,self.n // nhead,-1), keys=KEY.view(m_batchsize,self.n // nhead,-1), A=partition, euclid=self.euclid)

print ("GPA_stat px %s affinity of relevant keys %0.4f"%(str(xQuery.shape),x.sum(1).mean()))
return x.sum(1).mean()

#@param xQuery is query tensor
#@param xKeyValue is conditioning information
def forward(self, xKeyValue, xQuery):
fac = xQuery.shape[2] // self.SHIERARCHY # make dependent on query dimensions
aspect = xQuery.shape[2] / float(xQuery.shape[3])#query image aspect ratio
m_batchsize, _, width, height = xQuery.size()

Q = self.Q(xQuery) #query 1x1 comv
KEY = self.KEY(xKeyValue) #key
VAL = self.VAL(xKeyValue) # value

if fac <=1:##if small -- directly use batt_head
VAL = VAL.view(m_batchsize, self.m, -1) #flatten #batch x m x hw
Q = Q.view(m_batchsize, self.n, -1) ##batch x n x hw
KEY = KEY.view(m_batchsize, self.n, -1)
att = batt_head(Q.permute(0,2,1),KEY,VAL,nhead=self.nheadlow,euclid=self.euclid,causal=self.causal).view(m_batchsize,-1, width, height)
att = self._doAtt_head(Q, KEY, VAL, fac, aspect,psize=xKeyValue.shape[3] // fac, nhead=self.nhead)

if self.outmod==1:
return xQuery[:, :self.m] + self.concatproj([xQuery, att], 1))
return xQuery[:, :self.m] + self.gamma * att#default is 0

#print some statistics for the GPA approximation
# input tensors of size BxCxN - queries and keys flattened to one spatial dimension
#A is dictionary with the GPA_phase1 information
def analyzeGPA(queries, keys, A, euclid):
# q is BNC, k is BCN
def att(q, k, euclid):
return batt(q, k, None, euclid=euclid, onlyA=True)

out1 = []
out2 = []
out3 = []

B = queries.shape[0] # batchsize
Nq = queries.shape[2] # grid.shape[1]*grid.shape[2]
N = A["grid"].shape[1] * A["grid"].shape[2] # N of small spatial information of q tensor
S = int(np.sqrt(Nq / N)) # scale change, in height or width of pixels
K = A["grid"].shape[1] # count parttions
s = A["s"] * S
Q = F.unfold(queries.view(B, queries.shape[1], A["size"][0] * S, A["size"][1] * S), kernel_size=(s, s),
stride=(s, s)) # b c*s*s K
Q = Q.view(B, queries.shape[1], s * s, K).permute(0, 1, 3, 2) # B C K s*s
topk = up4d(A["topk"], S, N, aspect=A["aspect"])

##sample random batch and partition and spatial index -- any element from Q
##calc full attnetion
##calc also partial attention
for b in range(B):
for k in range(K):
qe = Q[b, :, k, np.random.randint(s * s)].view(1, 1, -1) # random index inside s*s cell #or setto 0 for first index
ke_all = keys[b:b + 1, :, :]

idx = topk[b, k, :] ##all indices of partition keys
ke = keys[b:b + 1, :, idx]

a_all = att(qe, ke_all, euclid).squeeze() # size 1x1xNk -- affinity of query with all keys
a_top = att(qe, ke, euclid).squeeze() # size 1x1x (N/K) -- affinity of query just with relevant subset keys
sub = a_all[idx]
if b==0 and k==0 and False:
print ("Analyzing GPA: all keys",a_all.shape,a_top.shape,a_top.sum().item(),"qk down level",qe.shape,ke.shape,ke_all.shape,"up level",keys.shape)


return out1, out2, out3

if __name__ == "__main__":
c=128 # test with so many channel query, key, value
g2 = GPA_module(c, c, c, kappa=2).cuda()
g4 = GPA_module(c, c, c, kappa=4).cuda()

#test on a random noise tensor
embed = nn.Sequential(EC(3,c,1),nn.ReLU()).cuda()#random filters
##print statistics -- how well do the relevant keys approximate the full attention
##the larger kappa gets, the more accurate the approximation of GPA is
with torch.no_grad():
g4.err_stat(x, x)

#test on a natural image, random image from the DeepFashion dataset
from PIL import Image
im ='DFimage.png')
x = embed(x)
##test GPA approximation -- since natural images fit better assumptions A1,A2,A3 in the paper, the approximation is typically better
with torch.no_grad():
g4.err_stat(x, x)

##typical usage of the GPA module
out = g2(x, x)

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