Archived because I moved to NixOS.
After a fresh arch installation and before running the playbook, you may follow these steps:
- Add your non-root user to sudo (wheel) group. This user also will be used as an ansible user.
- Install dependencies:
pacman -S openssh python python-pip
- Enable ssh service:
systemctl enable sshd
Add the host machine's ssh keys to the destination machine.
ssh-copy-id {{user name}}@{{ ip of the destination machine}}
{ { host_address } }:
ansible_user: { { user_name } }
Recommended for local development
poetry install
Now it is possible to run following commands with poetry run
without having to install ansible globally.
poetry run ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -K --inventory inventory.yml install.yml
This updates all the packages installed by playbook.
Such as:
- AUR packages
- pacman packages
- zsh plugins
- pipx packages
- flatpak packages
- mise plugins
- tmux plugins
- npm global plugins
- rust programming language
- nvim packages and tree sitter grammars
ansible-playbook -K --inventory inventory.yml update.yml
ansible-playbook -K --connection local --inventory localhost, update.yml
Installation playbook can be tested locally using docker.
docker build . -t dev_env
docker run --it dev_env
This doesn't include flatpak role due to limitations of docker.