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Reacting Squirrel

Framework for creation of the React apps using Express and Sample app can be cloned from GitHub.


  • The module needs to be able to write in the app directory (config.appDir). It creates the directory where are stored the frontend maps.
  • The module needs to be able to write in the css directory (config.cssDir). It creates one app style.
  • The frontend needs the possibility to work with websockets (connection upgrade in nginx).


npm install reacting-squirrel --save


For base simple app is only required to run server (with code or cli) and create one route. If createMissingComponents option is set to true the components is not needed to be created manually. For development is recommended set dev option to true.

The server will create all necessary files and starts the webpack process. If the app is in DEV mode, watcher is also started.

Simple app

Simple app structure

project (root)
|-- app (directory for client app)
	|-- ~rs (all RS internal files)
	|-- res (resources)
		|-- text.json (text dictionary for default locale)
	|-- home.js (Home page)
|-- public (directory for static files)
|-- index.js (the index file which runs the server)
// ./index.js
import Server from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

const app = new Server();

app.registerRoute('get', '/', 'home', 'Home');


// ./app/home.js
import React from 'react';
import { Page } from 'reacting-squirrel';

export default class HomePage extends Page {
    render() {
        return (

This code will start simple app on the default port with one page which will be the home page.

App using websockets for load the user

// ./index.js
import Server from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

import UserSocket from './socket.user';

import UserStore from './user-store';

const app = new Server({
    auth: (session, next) => {
        UserStore.load(, (err, user) => {
            if (err) {

app.registerRoute('get', '/', 'home', 'Home');



// ./socket.user.js
import { SocketClass } from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

export default class User extends SocketClass {

    load(socket, data, next) {
        next(null, this.getUser());

// ./app/home.js
import React from 'react';
import { Page } from 'reacting-squirrel';

export default class HomePage extends Page {

    state = {
        user: null,

    componentDidMount() {
        this.request('user.load', (err, user) => {
            if (err) {
            this.setState({ user });
    render() {
        const { user } = this.state;
        return (
                <h2>{user ? : 'Loading...'}</h2>

This code will start simple app on the default port. After the page load the user.load event is emitted and UserSocket class is trying to load the logged user and send it back to the page.


The simple server can be started over the CLI using ./node_modules/.bin/rs-start-server and creating rsconfig.json in application root.


All components rendered by the application can be wrapped with Provider such as Context.Provider or ThemeProvider. Only thing needed is to register the provider with server method, rsconfig or plugin.


There can be issues with typings in the app directory because the IDE can't find tsconfig.json in app/~rs directory. Workaround can be simply create the tsconfig.json in app directory that extends the generated configuration.

	"extends": "./~rs/tsconfig.json"

Core functions

Routes register

The routes are registered on the server-side. The module is using express based routes registering.

import Server from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

const app = new Server();

// On the route '/' will be rendered the content component located in {config.appDir}/home with 'Home' title.
app.registerRoute('get', '/', 'home', 'Home');


Socket events register

The socket events can be directly registered. It should be used for simple socket events which don't need authorization.

import Server from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

const app = new Server();

// Frontend app can emit 'test' with some data. The event's listener emits the data back.
app.registerSocketEvent('test', (socket, data, next) => next(null, data));


Socket classes register

The socket classes can handle multiple socket events prefixed by the class name. After the registration of the socket class socket events are automatically registered to the server app.

// ./socket.user.js
import { SocketClass } from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

export default class User extends SocketClass {

	// This method can be called from the client as 'user.load'
	// The approach with 'next' callback is not recommended.
    load(socket, data, next) {
        // sends the authorized user data after the 'user.load' socket request
        next(null, socket.getSession().getUser());

	// This method can be called from the client as 'user.updateUser'
	async updateUser(socket, data) {
		await doSomeAsyncOperation();
		return socket.getSession().getUser().getUser();

// ./index.js
import Server from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

import UserSocket from './socket.user';

import UserStore from './user-store';

const app = new Server({
    auth: (session, next) => {
        UserStore.load(, (err, user) => {
            if (err) {

// Registeres the socket class


Components register

The module can register custom components which are rendered in custom DOM element in the layout.

import Server from 'reacting-squirrel/server';

const app = new Server();

// Frontend app tries to render component located at {config.appDir}/test to the DOM element with id 'test'
app.registerComponent('test', 'test');



RSConfig file can contain list of routes, list of components and the directory with the socket classes. By default the file rsconfig.json is searched in the process.cwd() directory. If the file doesn't exist nothing happens. The path to the file can by changed with config.rsConfig option.

The schema for the file is located in [pathToModule]/schemas/rsconfig.schema.json.

// rsconfig.json
	"$schema": "./node_modules/reacting-squirrel/schemas/rsconfig.schema.json",
    "routes": [
            "route": "/",
            "component": "home",
            "title": "Home",
            "requiredAuth": false,
            "method": "GET"
    "components": [
            "id": "test",
            "component": "test"
	"socketClassDir": "./dist/network/socket",
	"errorPage": "error-page"

Additional app config can be also be defined in the rsconfig.

ENV vars

Values in rsconfig that have $env:[value]|[defaultValue] prefix are replaced with process.env[value] in the server start.
If the env var is not in the process the default value is used (if specified).


In the startup process, the res directory is created in app directory. In that directory is created default text file text.json. The content of the text file is used as default dictionary using texting-squirrel module.

Accessing text from the component

All components have getText method to access the text from the dictionary.

import { Component } from 'reacting-squirrel';

export default class CustomComponent extends Component {

    render() {
        return <h1>{this.getText('title')}</h1>;

Using Text component

The module contains a text component to handle dictionary directly from the JSX code.

import { Component, Text } from 'reacting-squirrel';

export default class CustomComponent extends Component {

    render() {
        return <Text dictionaryKey="title" tag="h1" />

Using texts on the server side (experimental)

The instance of the server has a property Text which is just texting-squirrel module with registered directories.
Server option locale defines supported locales and dictionary text files are created (if not exist) and registered in the server startup.

Page titles

If the page title starts with the : the key (without the first character) is searched in the locale dictionary.


The dictionaries can be registered for different languages. The accepted languages should be set with the locale.accepted option on the server and dictionaries will be created in the res directory. The default language is taken from the browser (the dictionary must exist).

Changing the locale

The locale can be changed on the client side using Application.setLocale method and it's handled on the server side (still experimental) with cookie rs~locale.
NOTE: In case of setting locale to the default dictionary it has to be the default keyword instead of the value.

Socket communication

The module is using as a default communication protocol. The payload is chunked (default 10kB per chunk) and sent to the server.

Uploading files

File upload can be diffucult over websocket. Without chunks big files disconnects the socket because of the pingTimeout. The file is sent to the server in chunks and converted to buffer on the server side.

const file = 'get somehow a File instance';
Socket.emit('file.upload', undefined, { file }, (progress) => console.log(progress));


The server limits the message size. If the size is bigger than allowed limit, the socket is disconnected. The module has 100MB cap for the message size.

Error handling


Route errors are handled in error middleware and sent to error.handler from app config. If no handler is defined error page is rendered.


Webpack watcher

In DEV mode all code error is checked with webpack watcher. All errors (if any) are logged in stdout and sent to client with webpack.stats event.


All components are wrapped in ErrorHandler that can be also overridden in app config with componentErrorHandler.


The application has logging methods (log[Error|Warning|Info]) that emits log event. All client logging must be done manually.

Application.addListener('log', ({ severity, component, message, args }) => {
	if (severity === 'error' && !component) {
		// Log the error in logging service



Decorators are designed for the the SocketClass methods.


Data returned in the method are broadcasted to the client side.


Before the method execution is checked the logged user in the session. If it's not the error is thrown.


The method is not registered as socket method and cannot be called from the client side.



The response is casted to defined types using runtime-type module.


The plugins can be registered with Server.registerPlugin method. The plugin should extent Plugin class in the module. Plugin can:

  • Inject script to the entry file.
  • Add socket events.
  • Add socket classes.
  • Register route callbacks.
  • Register before execution functions.
  • Register scripts.
  • Register styles.
  • Register styles to merge.
  • Add middleware.
  • Register pages.
  • Register components.


The pages can be register using getPages method. The path to the component can be absolute so it must not be in the app directory.


The components can be register using getComponents method. The path to the component can be also absolute.


Checkout the documentation here.



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