This project is the final project of the course, "Introduction to Machine Learning", in National Tsinghua University. We modify YOLOv7 to detect the food image from the cafeteria in our campus, "Jinzhan", and also use regression model to predict the price based on the detection result from YOLOv7 model, since the price is not only based on number of each food classes but also its combination and food amount. For more detail, we encourage you to refer to Campus Cafeteria Recognition and Billing System - Based on YOLOv7 and Regression Models.pdf
Our system is built upon the YOLOv7 architecture with principal alterations aimed at enhancing its capability to handle regression models. These modifications are summarized as follows:
A new directory for regression models has been integrated into the existing model structure for dedicated regression model training. Adjustments to model/ allow for the visualization of price information directly on the images. Environment Setup To utilize our custom implementation, you may set up your environment using one of the two following methods:
Method 1: Clone Our Repository bash Copy code
git clone
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Method 2: Modify Original YOLOv7 Implementation Download the original YOLOv7 implementation from its official webpage. Replace the original with our modified version. Add the regression model folder to the corresponding location within the YOLOv7 directory structure.
The figure illustrates our confusion matrix. The values along the diagonal line exceed 0.9, indicating a confidence level of over 90% in the correctness of our predictions.
model | exact accuracy | +-5 dollars accuracy |
Regression Model | 34.3% | 86.6% |
concatenated system(Throuput) | 30.9% | 80.2% |
+-5 dollars accuracy means the accuracy with 5 NT dollars error margin.
There are two kinds of data:
It contains both raw image and .txt file of label data. There are total 52 classes, we added a python script which can reduce class number to 9. The decreased list is: ['plate', 'box', 'white rice', 'brown rice', 'purple rice', 'side dish', 'main_dish_25', 'main_dish_30', 'main_dish_40']
The Image dataset is packaged by Roboflow with Yolov7 format.
It contains ground truth price of each image. There is a column called fair price which is culculated only depends on number of each class and price of each class. The corresponding image is also recorded in the Table.
The weight is
It is in Model-> Regression.
- Train with 52 classes:
python --workers 8 --device 0 --batch-size 32 --data Jinzhan-Cafeteria-AI/dataset/image_data
/data.yaml --img 640 640
- Train with 9 classes:
- run
- modify the .yaml file
names:['plate', 'box', 'white rice', 'brown rice', 'purple rice', 'side dish', 'main_dish_25', 'main_dish_30', 'main_dish_40']
- Run
python --workers 8 --device 0 --batch-size 32 --data Jinzhan-Cafeteria-AI/dataset/image_data
/data.yaml --img 640 640
- Train with 9 classes:
- Specify a yolov7 result folder to train
# /model/regression/regression-decreased.ipynb
datafolder = DataFolderDecreased("final project.v11i.yolov7pytorch_decrease")
- Run regression-decreased.ipynb
- Done! Here's your model's coefficient and intercept
# /model/regression/regression-decreased.ipynb
# array([ 11.54031221, -19.96180313, -19.66237169, -23.35313679,
# -2.65625959, -2.91208389, 3.67859321, 1.15122184,
# 2.32304665, -2.91490648])
# 12.785702021623191
Go to file model.
python --weights --conf 0.25 --img-size 640 --source 0
To access camera
python --weights --conf 0.25 --img-size 640 --source -1
- Fill in your model's coefficient and intercept in regression-API.ipynb
# /model/regression/regression-API.ipynb
class Processor():
def __init__(self):
self.model_feature_names_in_ = np.array(['side dish', 'white rice', 'purple rice', 'brown rice', 'plate',
'box', 'main_dish_25', 'main_dish_30', 'main_dish_40',
self.model_coef_ = # Fill in
self.model_intercept_ = # Fill in
self.class_id_to_name = ['plate', 'box', 'white rice', 'brown rice', 'purple rice', 'side dish', 'main_dish_25', 'main_dish_30', 'main_dish_40']
self.name_to_money = {'side dish': 10, 'white rice': 20, 'purple rice': 20, 'brown rice': 20, 'main_dish_25': 25, 'main_dish_30': 30, 'main_dish_40': 40}
self.containers = ["box", "plate"]
self.side_dishes = ["side dish"]
- Now you can use the model to predict with a Processor instance
# /model/regression/regression-API.ipynb
processor = Processor()
# ...
y_hat = processor.predict_one(output) # output is an yolov7 result
This is open to anyone who is interested.