EMQ X JWT Authentication Plugin
make && make tests
File: etc/plugins/emqx_auth_jwt.conf
## HMAC Hash Secret.
## Value: String
auth.jwt.secret = emqsecret
## RSA or ECDSA public key file.
## Value: File
## auth.jwt.pubkey = etc/certs/jwt_public_key.pem
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_jwt
mosquitto_pub -t 'pub' -m 'hello' -i test -u test -P eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiYm9iIiwiYWdlIjoyOX0.bIV_ZQ8D5nQi0LT8AVkpM4Pd6wmlbpR9S8nOLJAsA8o
The JWT spec supports several algorithms for cryptographic signing. This plugin currently supports:
HS256 - HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm
HS384 - HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm
HS512 - HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm
RS256 - RSA with the SHA-256 hash algorithm
RS384 - RSA with the SHA-384 hash algorithm
RS512 - RSA with the SHA-512 hash algorithm
ES256 - ECDSA using the P-256 curve
ES384 - ECDSA using the P-384 curve
ES512 - ECDSA using the P-512 curve
Apache License Version 2.0
EMQ X Team.