Scientist (biochemistry) turned Software Engineer
I used to read genetic code, but now I'd rather read computer code
const jin = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
languages: [Javascript, Typescript, Python, C#, Lua],
front-end-exp: [React, React Native, HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind],
back-end-exp: [Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Firebase, Firestore, RESTful API],
testing-and-deployment-exp: [Jest, Mocha, Chai, K6,, AWS],
fun-facts: [
bassist: "I'm a bass-guitar rockstar",
game-dev: "I make videogames as a hobby",
nickname: "My buddies call me Fox",
I love building meaningful relationships with people so if you're curious about me I would also love to meet you!