microgear-esp8266-arduino is a client library that is used to connect an ESP8266 chip to the NETPIE Platform's service for developing IoT applications. For more details on the NETPIE Platform, please visit https://netpie.io .
We have tested this library and found it compatible with (but not limited to) the following hardware
- ESP8266-01, 07, 12E, 12F
- NodeMCU v1, v2, V3
- Espresso Lite v2.0
Make sure ther following ports are allowed to connect from your network.
- Non-TLS mode : 8080 and 1883 (the library uses this mode by default)
- TLS mode : 8081 and 8883 (still under testing)
- Download Arduino IDE 1.6.9 or later from https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
- After installation, open Preferences
- Enter
in the field Additional Board Manager URLs - Open Boards Manager menu Tools. Search for
and click install - In the menu Tools, there will be several ESP8266 boards. Choose the one you use.
- Download Microgear library from https://github.com/netpieio/microgear-esp8266-arduino/archive/master.zip
- Unzip and put files in the folder folder Libraries of Arduino IDE
- For more information about ESP8266 Arduino IDE, see https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
Known Issues
- TLS works fine on ESP8266 SDK 2.1.0 but has an issue with 2.2.0. However it works again with 2.3.0-rc1
Usage Example
/* NETPIE ESP8266 basic sample */
/* More information visit : https://netpie.io */
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <MicroGear.h>
const char* ssid = <WIFI_SSID>;
const char* password = <WIFI_KEY>;
#define APPID <APPID>
#define KEY <APPKEY>
#define ALIAS "esp8266"
WiFiClient client;
int timer = 0;
MicroGear microgear(client);
/* If a new message arrives, do this */
void onMsghandler(char *topic, uint8_t* msg, unsigned int msglen) {
Serial.print("Incoming message --> ");
msg[msglen] = '\0';
Serial.println((char *)msg);
void onFoundgear(char *attribute, uint8_t* msg, unsigned int msglen) {
Serial.print("Found new member --> ");
for (int i=0; i<msglen; i++)
void onLostgear(char *attribute, uint8_t* msg, unsigned int msglen) {
Serial.print("Lost member --> ");
for (int i=0; i<msglen; i++)
/* When a microgear is connected, do this */
void onConnected(char *attribute, uint8_t* msg, unsigned int msglen) {
Serial.println("Connected to NETPIE...");
/* Set the alias of this microgear ALIAS */
void setup() {
/* Add Event listeners */
/* Call onMsghandler() when new message arraives */
/* Call onFoundgear() when new gear appear */
/* Call onLostgear() when some gear goes offline */
/* Call onConnected() when NETPIE connection is established */
/* Initial WIFI, this is just a basic method to configure WIFI on ESP8266. */
/* You may want to use other method that is more complicated, but provide better user experience */
if (WiFi.begin(ssid, password)) {
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
/* Initial with KEY, SECRET and also set the ALIAS here */
/* connect to NETPIE to a specific APPID */
void loop() {
/* To check if the microgear is still connected */
if (microgear.connected()) {
/* Call this method regularly otherwise the connection may be lost */
if (timer >= 1000) {
/* Chat with the microgear named ALIAS which is myself */
timer = 0;
else timer += 100;
else {
Serial.println("connection lost, reconnect...");
if (timer >= 5000) {
timer = 0;
else timer += 100;
To initial a microgear use one of these methods :
int MicroGear::init(char key, char secret [,char* alias])**
- key - is used as a microgear identity.
- secret - comes in a pair with gearkey. The secret is used for authentication and integrity.
- alias - specifies the device alias (optional).
microgear.init("sXfqDcXHzbFXiLk", "DNonzg2ivwS8ceksykGntrfQjxbL98", "myplant");
void MicroGear::on(unsigned char event, void ( callback)(char, uint8_t*,unsigned int))**
Add a callback listener to the event.
- event - a name of the event (MESSAGE|CONNECTED|PRESENT|ABSENT).
- callback - a callback function .
int MicroGear::connect(char appid)*
Connect to NETPIE. If succeed, a CONNECTED event will be fired. The function returns the following code
- NETPIECLIENT_CONNECTED - The connection is successful.
- NETPIECLIENT_NOTCONNECTED - The connection to the broker cannot be initiated.
- NETPIECLIENT_TOKENERROR - An access token is not issued, may be because an appid, a key or a secret is invalid.
- appid - an App ID.
bool MicroGear::connected()
Check the connection status, return true if it is connected.
void MicroGear::useTLS(bool enabled)*
Switch between uncrypted and TLS mode (by default the library does not use TLS). This function must be called before the connection is made.
- enabled - set to TRUE to use TLS.
void MicroGear::setAlias(char alias)*
microgear can set its own alias, which to be used for others make a function call chat(). The alias will appear on the key management portal of netpie.io .
- alias - an alias.
bool MicroGear::chat(char target, char message)
bool MicroGear::chat(char target, int message)
bool MicroGear::chat(char target, double message)
bool MicroGear::chat(char target, double, int decimal)
bool MicroGear::chat(char target, String message)
- target - the alias of the microgear(s) that a message will be sent to.
- message - message to be sent.
- decimal - number of digits after the deimal point.
bool MicroGear::publish(char topic, char message [, bool retained])
bool MicroGear::publish(char topic, double message [, bool retained])
bool MicroGear::publish(char topic, double message, int decimal [, bool retained])
bool MicroGear::publish(char topic, int message [, bool retained])
bool MicroGear::publish(char topic, String message [, bool retained])
In the case that the microgear want to send a message to an unspecified receiver, the developer can use the function publish to the desired topic, which all the microgears that subscribe such topic will receive a message.
- topic - name of topic to be send a message to.
- message - message to be sent.
- decimal - number of digits after the deimal point.
- retained - retain a message or not, the default is false (optional))
void MicroGear::subscribe(char topic)*
microgear may be interested in some topic. The developer can use the function subscribe() to subscribe a message belong to such topic. If the topic used to retain a message, the microgear will receive a message everytime it subscribes that topic.
- topic - name of topic to be send a message to.
void MicroGear::unsubscribe(char topic)*
cancel subscription
- topic - name of topic to be send a message to.
void MicroGear::resetToken()
To send a revoke token control message to NETPIE and delete the token from cache. As a result, the microgear will need to request a new token for the next connection.
void MicroGear::loop()
This method has to be called regularly in the arduino loop() function to keep connection alive and to handle incoming messages.