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ymy-k committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent 245372a commit f65dc43
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Showing 49 changed files with 7,404 additions and 3 deletions.
Binary file added .asset/applications/detection.png
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Binary file added .asset/applications/spotting.png
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<a href=""><img src="<color>"></a>

This is the official repository of the paper [Hi-SAM: Marrying Segment Anything Model for Hierarchical Text Segmentation](
> [Hi-SAM: Marrying Segment Anything Model for Hierarchical Text Segmentation](
> [arXiv preprint]
This is the official repository for Hi-SAM, a unified hierarchical text segmentation model. Refer to our paper for more details.

## :sparkles: Highlight

Expand All @@ -14,21 +17,201 @@ This is the official repository of the paper [Hi-SAM: Marrying Segment Anything
- **High-Quality Text Stroke Segmentation & Stroke Labeling Assistant.** High-quality text stroke segmentation by introducing mask feature of 1024×1024 resolution with minimal modification in SAM's original mask decoder.
- **Automatic and Interactive.** Hi-SAM supports both automatic mask generation and interactive promptable mode. Given a single-point prompt, Hi-SAM provides word, text-line, and paragraph masks.

## :bulb: Overview of Hi-SAM

## :fire: News
- **[`2024/02/0x`]**: Inference and evaluation codes are released. Checkpoints are available. Some applications are provided.

## :hammer_and_wrench: Install

**Recommended**: `Linux` `Python 3.8` `Pytorch 1.10` `CUDA 11.1`

conda create --name hi_sam python=3.8 -y
conda activate hi_sam
pip install torch==1.10.0+cu111 torchvision==0.11.0+cu111 -f
git clone
cd Hi-SAM
pip install -r requirements.txt

## :pushpin: Checkpoints

You can download the following model weights and put them in `pretrained_checkpoint/`.

- **SAM-TSS (only for text stroke segmentation)**

|Model|Used Dataset|Weights|fgIOU|F-score|

|Model|Used Dataset|Weights|fgIOU|F-score|

|Model|Used Dataset|Weights|fgIOU|F-score|

- **Hi-SAM**

|Model|Used Dataset|Weights|Stroke F-score|Word F-score|Text-Line F-score|Paragraph F-score|

The results of Hi-SAM on the test set are reported here.

:star: **`Note`:** For faster downloading and saving storage, **above checkpoints do not contain the parameters in SAM's ViT image encoder**. Please follow [segment-anything]( to achieve `sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth`, `sam_vit_l_0b3195.pth`, `sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth` and put them in `pretrained_checkpoint/` for loading the frozen parameters in ViT image encoder.

## :arrow_forward: Usage

### **1. Visualization Demo**

**1.1 Text stroke segmentation (for SAM-TSS & Hi-SAM):**

python --checkpoint pretrained_checkpoint/sam_tss_l_hiertext.pth --model-type vit_l --input demo/2e0cb33320757201.jpg --output demo/

- `--checkpoint`: the model path.
- `--model-type`: the backbone type. Use `vit_b` for ViT-Base backbone, `vit_l` for ViT-Large, `vit_h` for ViT-Huge.
- `--input`: the input image path.
- `--output`: the output image path or folder.

To achieve better quality on small texts using sliding window, run the following script:

python --checkpoint pretrained_checkpoint/sam_tss_l_hiertext.pth --model-type vit_l --input demo/2e0cb33320757201.jpg --output demo/2e0cb33320757201_sliding.png --patch_mode

- `--patch_mode`: enabling sliding window inference. The default patch size is 512×512, the stride is 384 (for HierText). You can adjust the setting for better result on your data.

**1.2 Word, Text-line, and Paragraph Segmentation (for Hi-SAM)**

Run the following script for promptable segmentation on demo/img293.jpg:

python --checkpoint pretrained_checkpoint/hi_sam_l.pth --model-type vit_l --input demo/img293.jpg --output demo/ --hier_det

- `--hier_det`: enabling hierarchical segmentation. Hi-SAM predicts a word mask, a text-line mask, and a paragraph mask for each single-point prompt. See for the point position and details.

### **2. Evaluation**

Please follow [](datasets/ to prepare the datasets at first.

**2.1 Text Stroke Segmentation (for SAM-TSS & Hi-SAM)**

If you only want to evaluate the text stroke segmentation part performance, run the following script:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --checkpoint <saved_model_path> --model-type <select_vit_type> --val_datasets hiertext_test --eval

- `--nproc_per_node`: you can use multiple GPUs for faster evaluation.
- `--val_datasets`: the selected dataset for evaluation. Use `totaltext_test` for evaluation on the test set of Total-Text, `textseg_test` for the test set of TextSeg, `hiertext_test` for the test set of HierText.
- `--eval`: use evaluation mode.

If you want to evaluate the performance on HierText with sliding window inference, run the following scripts:

mkdir img_eval
python --checkpoint <saved_model_path> --model-type <select_vit_type> --input datasets/HierText/test/ --output img_eval/ --patch_mode

*Using sliding window takes a relatively long time. For faster inference, you can divide the test images into multiple folders and conduct inference for each folder with an individual GPU.*

**2.2 Hierarchical Text Segmentation (for Hi-SAM)**

For stroke level performance, please follow **section 2.1**. For word, text-line, and paragraph level performance on HierText, please follow the subsequent steps.

**Step 1:** run the following scripts to get the required jsonl file:

python --checkpoint <saved_model_path> --model-type <select_vit_type> --input datasets/HierText/test/ --total_points 1500 --batch_points 100 --eval
cd hiertext_eval
python --saved_name res_1500pts.jsonl

*For faster inference, you can divide the test or validation images into multiple folders and conduct inference for each folder with an individual GPU*.

- `--input`: the test or validation image folder of HierText.
- `--total_points`: the foreground points number per image. 1500 is the default setting.
- `--batch_points`: the points number processed by H-Decoder per batch. It can be changed according to your GPU memory condition.
- `--eval`: use evaluation mode. For each image, the prediction results will be saved as a jsonl file in folder `hiertext_eval/res_per_img/`.
- `--saved_name`: the saved jsonl file for submission on website or off-line evaluation. The jsonl files of all images will be merged into one jsonl file.

**Step 2:** if you conduct inference on the test set of HierText, please submit the final jsonl file to [the official website]( to achieve the evaluation metrics. If you conduct inference on the validation set: (1) follow [HierText repo]( to download and achieve the validation ground-truth `validation.jsonl`. Put it in `hiertext_eval/gt/`. (2) Run the following script borrowed from [HierText repo]( to get the evaluation metrics:

python --gt=gt/validation.jsonl --result=res_1500pts.jsonl --output=score.txt --mask_stride=1 --eval_lines --eval_paragraphs
cd ..

The evaluation process will take about 20 minutes. The evaluation metrics will be saved in the txt file determined by `--output`.

## :eye: Applications

### **1. Promptable Multi-granularity Text Erasing and Inpainting**

Combining Hi-SAM with [Stable-Diffusion-inpainting]( for interactive text erasing and inpainting (click a single-point for word, text-line, or paragraph erasing and inpainting). You can see [this project]( to implement the combination of Hi-SAM and Stable-Diffusion.

### **2. Text Detection**

Only word level or only text-line level text detection. Directly segment contact text instance region instead of the shrunk text kernel region.


Two demo models are provided here: [word_detection_totaltext.pth](!AimBgYV7JjTlgco6PgIiYeItOjffnA?e=qb6G0s) (trained on Total-Text, only for word detection). [line_detection_ctw1500.pth](!AimBgYV7JjTlgco5llba2msYi3eWXg?e=zKLX4n), (trained on CTW1500, only for text-line detection). Put them in `pretrained_checkpoint/`. Then, for example, run the following script for word detection:

python --checkpoint pretrained_checkpoint/word_detection_totaltext.pth --model-type vit_h --input demo/img643.jpg --output demo/ --dataset totaltext

For text-line detection:

python --checkpoint pretrained_checkpoint/line_detection_ctw1500.pth --model-type vit_h --input demo/1165.jpg --output demo/ --dataset ctw1500

### **3. Promptable Scene Text Spotting**

Combination with a single-point scene text spotter, [SPTSv2]( SPTSv2 can recognize scene texts but only predicts a single-point position for one instance. Providing the point position as prompt to Hi-SAM, the intact text mask can be achieved. Some demo figures are provided bellow, the green stars indicate the point prompts. The masks are generated by the word detection model in section **2. Text Detection**.


## :label: TODO

- [ ] Release demo.
- [ ] Release training and inference codes.
- [x] Release inference and evaluation codes.
- [x] Release model weights.
- [ ] Release training codes
- [ ] Release online demo.

## 💗 Acknowledgement

- [segment-anything](
- [HierText](, [Total-Text](, [TextSeg](

## :black_nib: Citation

If you find Hi-SAM helpful in your research, please consider giving this repository a :star: and citing:

title={Hi-SAM: Marrying Segment Anything Model for Hierarchical Text Segmentation},
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Binary file added datasets/HierText/example.gif
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49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions datasets/TextSeg/
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import copy
import math
import time

import skimage
import torch
import io
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools import mask as maskutils
from glob import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch
import sys, os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import random
import json
from PIL import Image, TarIO
import contextlib
import torch.nn.functional as F
import pyclipper
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import shutil
import skimage

os.makedirs('train_images', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('train_gt', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('val_images', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('val_gt', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('test_images', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('test_gt', exist_ok=True)

with open('split.json') as f_json:
split_info = json.load(f_json)
train_img_list = split_info['train']
val_img_list = split_info['val']
test_img_list = split_info['test']

for im_id in train_img_list:
shutil.copy(os.path.join('image', im_id+'.jpg'), os.path.join('train_images', im_id+'.jpg'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join('semantic_label', im_id + '_maskfg.png'), os.path.join('train_gt', im_id + '.png'))
for im_id in val_img_list:
shutil.copy(os.path.join('image', im_id+'.jpg'), os.path.join('val_images', im_id+'.jpg'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join('semantic_label', im_id + '_maskfg.png'), os.path.join('val_gt', im_id + '.png'))
for im_id in test_img_list:
shutil.copy(os.path.join('image', im_id+'.jpg'), os.path.join('test_images', im_id+'.jpg'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join('semantic_label', im_id + '_maskfg.png'), os.path.join('test_gt', im_id + '.png'))
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions datasets/
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
## Data Preparation

### Step1. Download

- **HierText**. Follow [the official repo of HierText]( to download the dataset images. I label and provide the text stroke segmentation ground-truths (png format, binary, 0 for background, 255 for text foreground), which can be downloaded with the following OneDrive links: [train_gt (131MB)](!AimBgYV7JjTlgcorK9fmoBp7QImvww?e=zRiNKL), [validation_gt (26MB)](!AimBgYV7JjTlgcooQOfgKDidqWvrAw?e=7NCHiC), [test_gt (25MB)](!AimBgYV7JjTlgcopZbsovlW6JVjomA?e=qw8Dht).


- **Total-Text**. Follow [the official repo of Total-Text]( to download the dataset. For text stroke segmentation, please download [the character level mask ground-truths](
- **TextSeg**. Follow [the official repo of TextSeg]( to apply for the dataset.

### Step2. Process & Organization

(1) For Total-Text, rename` groundtruth_pixel/Train/img61.JPG` to ` groundtruth_pixel/Train/img61.jpg` .

(2) For TextSeg, see ` TextSeg/` and use it to split the original data.

(3) Organize the datasets as the following structure:

|- HierText
| |- train
| |- train_gt
| |- validation
| |- validation_gt
| |- test
| └ test_gt
|- TotalText
| |- groundtruth_pixel
| |- Test
| └ Train
| └ Images
| |- Test
| └ Train
|- TextSeg
| |- train_images
| |- train_gt
| |- val_images
| |- val_gt
| |- test_images
| └ test_gt
Binary file added demo/1165.jpg
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Binary file added demo/2e0cb33320757201.jpg
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Binary file added demo/img293.jpg
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Binary file added demo/img643.jpg
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